3. Research‎ > ‎

3 - Wise

YouTube Video

Video 10: Wise - extreme voice training (p.60 in Phd report)

YouTube Video

Video 11: Wise - crescendo-descrendo (p.62 in Phd report)

YouTube Video

Video 12: Wise - practical enthusiam (p. 62 in Phd report)

YouTube Video

Video 13: Wise - Introduction to 'Alba-emoting' (p.64 in Phd report)

YouTube Video

Video 14: Wise - Introduction to 'Alba-emoting' (p.64 in Phd report)

YouTube Video

Video 15: Wise - conscious schizophrenia (p.65 in Phd report)

YouTube Video

Video 16: Wise - petit cris (p.66 in Phd report)
