Poetry Beyond Text: Vision, Text and Cognition

Clarke, Pete, Sheppard, Robert, Roberts, Andrew and Modeen, Mary (2011) Poetry Beyond Text: Vision, Text and Cognition. [Show/Exhibition]

[thumbnail of Contextual information and documentation]
PDF (Contextual information and documentation) - Presentation

Official URL: http://www.poetrybeyondtext.org


Poetry Beyond Text: Vision, Text and Cognition is a multi-disciplinary research project funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council and based at the Universities of Dundee and Kent. The project uses methods from literary criticism, aesthetics, experimental psychology, fine art and creative practice to study how readers respond to hybrid works which combine the textual with the visual, including digital poetry, concrete and visual poetry, artists' books, text film and poetry combined with photography.
In a culture marked by rapidly diversifying forms of visual and textual presentation, the interaction of textual and graphic forms is crucial to the development of critical, creative and scientific thought. There is much relevant research taking place within humanities, art practice and psychology, but only a small body of work links all these disciplines.

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