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Image Credit Header image: Artwork by Professor Lubaina Himid, CBE. Photo: @Denise Swanson

Depositing your eTheses on CLoK


If you are completing a research degree at UCLAN you will need to deposit an electronic copy with the UCLAN Research Repository – CLOK. You will be required to provide an electronic copy in pdf. format.

There are three parts to the Repository record for each thesis deposited:

Thesis Submission Form
The information from the Thesis Submission Form will be used to describe the thesis when it is uploaded to the Research Repository. It will be visible to anyone searching the repository and also used by The British Library, Google and other search engines to discover your thesis. Therefore, to ensure your work is correctly cited and referenced this information needs to be complete and accurate.
The Thesis Submission Form also contains details of the licence under which the University is storing and making available the thesis on the Research Repository. It is important that you read and understand this information as submission of the form infers acceptance and it is the students responsibility to ensure that any statement or claim made is accurate and truthful.
The eThesis
The pdf of your thesis should be an exact representation of the printed copy. The easiest way to create the pdf file it is to use the 'Save As PDF' function in Microsoft Office Applications. If you have any problems please call the LIS Customer Support team on 01772 895355 or see www.uclan.ac.uk/lis/ and click 'Help'.
Your thesis will be made available by the Research Repository on an Open Access Archive basis. It will also be visible for other scholars to read freely over the web unless there is a reason that it should be hidden either permanently or for a specific length of time. Reasons for embargoes or moratoria include:


There is a field on the form where embargoes, which have already been approved by the Research Degrees Board as part of your Examination Arrangements, can be communicated. All embargoes should be put in place no later than the point when examination arrangements are approved.
Any approved embargoes will have been indicated on the communication sent to you confirming your Examination Arrangements. If you are unsure whether your thesis has an embargo, please speak to your Director of Studies in the first instance.


On completion of their award each student will email the following documents to the Academic Registry (PGRAdmin@uclan.ac.uk):

Upon receipt of the above, the Academic Registry will:

After deposit the Research Repository Staff will:

For further information about the procedures and the implications for your research degree please contact the PGRAdmin team in Academic Registry at PGRAdmin@uclan.ac.uk or Telephone 01772 891828 or the Research Repository Staff at clok@uclan.ac.uk, we are happy to help.