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British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink : 17 Accidents in 4 1/2 hours. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink : 9d. A day. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink : Abstainers have the best of it [1]. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink : Abstainers have the best of it [2]. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink : Alcohol Going from the Medicine Chest. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink : Alcohol has a Great Many Uses. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink : Alcohol: a Foe. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink : But all in Vain for me they Watch. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink : Compilation of set. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink : Counting One Year's Drink Money. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink : Do you Share this Wish. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink : Drink and Children! [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink : Drink and Veneral Disease. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink : Drink-Dealer's Death Rate. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink : Drunkards, Read This. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink : Edison was asked …. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink : Fight the drink. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink : Food for Thought. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink : George Cruikshank's 'The worship of Bacchus'. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink : George Cruikshank's Sliding Scale. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink : Great Bluff This Stuff. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink : Guiness is Good for You. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink : He's Twice the Man on Beer…. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink : Here lies a Brave Soldier. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink : If you must have a Bottle. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink : In Case of Fainting. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink : No Spare Parts. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink : Non-Alcoholic Communion Wines. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink : Our Pledge. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink : Personal Liberty. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink : Pledge. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink : Put your Money into your Own House. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink : Sacrifice. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink : Sing a Song of Sorrow. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink : Sing a Song of Thankfulness. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink : Sir Wilfred Grenfell. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink : The Brewers want to Make Beer Drinkers. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink : The Crown of Creation. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink : The Glorious First. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink : The Great Acceptance. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink : The Heart of the Empire. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink : The Struggle of the School, Library and the Church. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink : The Thief in Your Church. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink : The child is the Key to the Future. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink : There are More Men Killed …. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink : There is more Nutrient. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink : Torchbearers. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink : Torchbearers. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink : Towards Success. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink : Typewriting Experiments. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink : Wanted! 100,000 boys. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink : Warn Young Men Against the First Glass. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink : Western Fever Hospital Fulham. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink : What We do With Alcohol. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink : When Alcohol is Taken. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink : When the Door is Opened. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink : Which Path will you Take. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink : Which do you prefer? [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink : Whosoever. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink : With the Rising Generation. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink : [Bulldog rejecting beer]. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink : [Girl with a bottle - Liverpool]. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink : [Girl with a bottle]. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink : [Toddler]. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink Individuals Views and Miscellaneous : "Sociable Animals". [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink Individuals Views and Miscellaneous : 'A Street Arab'. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink Individuals Views and Miscellaneous : 1832-1932. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink Individuals Views and Miscellaneous : A Great Chief's Plea. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink Individuals Views and Miscellaneous : A Happy Fireside Group. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink Individuals Views and Miscellaneous : Abstainers have the best of it [4]. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink Individuals Views and Miscellaneous : Admiral Lord Charles Beresford. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink Individuals Views and Miscellaneous : Agfa. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink Individuals Views and Miscellaneous : Alcohol the wrecker (Torchbearer). [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink Individuals Views and Miscellaneous : An Important Question for Men. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink Individuals Views and Miscellaneous : Attention. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink Individuals Views and Miscellaneous : Basel [Postmarks]. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink Individuals Views and Miscellaneous : C.C. B of H. St Albans, Ready to Start for Treat July 17/13. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink Individuals Views and Miscellaneous : Capt. Scott. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink Individuals Views and Miscellaneous : Captain Amundsen. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink Individuals Views and Miscellaneous : Charity. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink Individuals Views and Miscellaneous : Cockpit. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink Individuals Views and Miscellaneous : Compilation of set. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink Individuals Views and Miscellaneous : Crusader …. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink Individuals Views and Miscellaneous : Don Bradman. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink Individuals Views and Miscellaneous : Don Bradman [2]. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink Individuals Views and Miscellaneous : Dr. Metchnikoff at Work. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink Individuals Views and Miscellaneous : Drink Steals the Children's Food. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink Individuals Views and Miscellaneous : Drink steals the Children's Clothes. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink Individuals Views and Miscellaneous : Drinking leads to Neglect of Duty. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink Individuals Views and Miscellaneous : Elephant [Torchbearers]. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink Individuals Views and Miscellaneous : Fish Animal Man. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink Individuals Views and Miscellaneous : General William Booth. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink Individuals Views and Miscellaneous : God's Gift. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink Individuals Views and Miscellaneous : Goodnight. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink Individuals Views and Miscellaneous : H.M. King George VI. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink Individuals Views and Miscellaneous : Helen Wills Moody. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink Individuals Views and Miscellaneous : Herbert Sutcliffe. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink Individuals Views and Miscellaneous : His First Offence. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink Individuals Views and Miscellaneous : How Drink leads to Immorality. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink Individuals Views and Miscellaneous : In this Generation. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink Individuals Views and Miscellaneous : J.B. Hobbs. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink Individuals Views and Miscellaneous : John Barleycorn 21. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink Individuals Views and Miscellaneous : London Temperance Hospital. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink Individuals Views and Miscellaneous : Lord Baden Powell. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink Individuals Views and Miscellaneous : Lord Justice Grantham. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink Individuals Views and Miscellaneous : Make Safe Paths for their Feet. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink Individuals Views and Miscellaneous : Man Ideals Reason Conscience. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink Individuals Views and Miscellaneous : Mickey the Mouse. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink Individuals Views and Miscellaneous : Mr Carnegie. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink Individuals Views and Miscellaneous : Not Me! [2]. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink Individuals Views and Miscellaneous : Now, Sonny, you keep that Pledge. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink Individuals Views and Miscellaneous : Our Dream. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink Individuals Views and Miscellaneous : Out to Win. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink Individuals Views and Miscellaneous : Preaching the Gospel with a Cup of Milk. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink Individuals Views and Miscellaneous : Rechabite expectancy of Life. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink Individuals Views and Miscellaneous : Rechabites. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink Individuals Views and Miscellaneous : Sing a Song of Sixpence. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink Individuals Views and Miscellaneous : Sir Robert Parr. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink Individuals Views and Miscellaneous : Sister of Lord Kitchener. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink Individuals Views and Miscellaneous : Sleep. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink Individuals Views and Miscellaneous : Slum Life. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink Individuals Views and Miscellaneous : Stephen King-Hall. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink Individuals Views and Miscellaneous : Surrender. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink Individuals Views and Miscellaneous : Suzanne Lenglen. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink Individuals Views and Miscellaneous : Temperance Entertainment. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink Individuals Views and Miscellaneous : The Babies' Verdict…. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink Individuals Views and Miscellaneous : The Band of Hope Prayer. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink Individuals Views and Miscellaneous : The Centre of Control. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink Individuals Views and Miscellaneous : The Child's Birthrights. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink Individuals Views and Miscellaneous : The Drink Raider. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink Individuals Views and Miscellaneous : The Gateway to beautiful Things. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink Individuals Views and Miscellaneous : The Wreckers. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink Individuals Views and Miscellaneous : There is a Little Public House. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink Individuals Views and Miscellaneous : Tom Mix is an Abstainer. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink Individuals Views and Miscellaneous : Wanted 100,000 Boys [2]. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink Individuals Views and Miscellaneous : Where There's Drink There's Danger. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink Individuals Views and Miscellaneous : Worse than Submarines. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink Individuals Views and Miscellaneous : [Death Bed Scene]. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink Individuals Views and Miscellaneous : [interior scene with man and a woman]. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Anti Drink Individuals Views and Miscellaneous : von Helmholtz. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Cassell's Children's Book of Knowledge : [A Crocodile Having its Teeth Cleaned by Birds]. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Cassell's Children's Book of Knowledge : Compilation of set. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Cassell's Children's Book of Knowledge : Fearless Seekers of the Unknown. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Cassell's Children's Book of Knowledge : Filtering Water for a Great City. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Cassell's Children's Book of Knowledge : Some Critical Moments in A Cricket Game. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Cassell's Children's Book of Knowledge : Some Strange Types of Water Craft. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Cassell's Children's Book of Knowledge : Telegraphing Through the Ages. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Cassell's Children's Book of Knowledge : The Coming of the Swallows. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Cassell's Children's Book of Knowledge : The Control Station of Your Body. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Cassell's Children's Book of Knowledge : The Discoverer of the Circulation of Blood. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Cassell's Children's Book of Knowledge : Where Conflict Raged When Knights Were Bold. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Cassell's Children's Book of Knowledge : With Twenty Baskets on His Head. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Cassell's Children's Book of Knowledge : [Horses Pulling a Plough]. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Cassell's Children's Book of Knowledge : [Tree dwelling, New Guinea]. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Cats : "Are you there?". [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Cats : "Its nothing, only the end of a curtain lecture". [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Cats : "One summer's day". [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Cats : "Playtime". [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Cats : "The Babes in the wood". [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Cats : "… Flowerland". [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Cats : A Cat's Tea party. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Cats : A Mother of Two. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Cats : Breakfast for two please. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Cats : Cat studies. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Cats : Cat studies Partners. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Cats : Cats at school. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Cats : Compilation of set. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Cats : Over the Garden Wall. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Cats : The Queen's Hall cat gets very excited on a Wagner night. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Cats : The Young recruit. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Cats : The lady scorcher. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Cats : The serenade. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Cats : What has happened? [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Cats : When Granny's away the cat will play. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Cats : Where's the canary. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Cats : [cats with bowl]. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Children : A pipe for London's water. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Children : In the days of childhood. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Children : "Catch it, Baby". [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Children : A hard job to pull up. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Children : Bathing Doggie. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Children : Boys under a basket. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Children : Child praying. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Children : Child with an apple by Jean- Baptiste Greuze. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Children : Children : A bitter cry. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Children : Children : Bubbles / A Child's World by John Everett Millais. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Children : Children under an umbrella. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Children : Compilation of set. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Children : Goat sledge. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Children : Going for a Cooler. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Children : Good night. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Children : Lad and Lassie by Edwin Landseer. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Children : Life of David. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Children : Mottoes : Good night. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Children : Puck and the fairies by Richard Dadd. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Children : Rosie helping her mother. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Children : Silence. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Children : St Bernard's dog. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Children : Street Life. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Children : Tandem. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Children : That’s funny! [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Children : The Rights of the Child. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Children : The Rights of the Child. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Children : Turn again Whittington by J.Sant. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Children : Very funny!! [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Children : Very, very funny!!! [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Children : ["Street Arab"]. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Children : [Boy toasting bread]. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Children : [boy painting with his foot]. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Children : [child with hoop]. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Children : [children on see-saw]. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Children : [children with sand castle and dog]. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Children : [girl painting with her mouth]. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) The Children's Encyclopedia : A Cat Ringing a Doorbell. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) The Children's Encyclopedia : A Police Dog that Searches for Poachers. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) The Children's Encyclopedia : A Scene in the Land Below the Sea. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) The Children's Encyclopedia : A dog that can add up Numbers. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) The Children's Encyclopedia : A dog that fetches the paper for its Master Every Morning. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) The Children's Encyclopedia : Edison's Gifts to the Human Race. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) The Children's Encyclopedia : Encyclopedia : Compilation of set. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) The Children's Encyclopedia : Little Brother Ishi - the Man from the Stone Age Stands Amazed at the Wonder of the Modern World. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) The Children's Encyclopedia : Sight test (?) with children. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) The Children's Encyclopedia : Street Scene with Man. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) The Children's Encyclopedia : The Elephant takes its Revenge. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) The Children's Encyclopedia : The Homes of Man in all Ages. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) The Children's Encyclopedia : The Wonderful Steps of Water Which Great Ships Will Climb. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) The Children's Encyclopedia : [Tightrope Walking a Woman in a Whelbarrow]. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Conduct of Meetings : Compilation of set. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Conduct of Meetings : God Save the King. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Conduct of Meetings : Good Evening Friends. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Conduct of Meetings : In Everything Give Thanks. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Conduct of Meetings : Let us Pray. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Conduct of Meetings : Opening Service for Temperance Meetings. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Conduct of Meetings : The Lord's Prayer. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Drink/Driving : Abstainers have the Best of it [3]. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Drink/Driving : Alcohol is for Engine Power. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Drink/Driving : Any Day May be Doomsday. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Drink/Driving : Be Sure Your Sense of Caution. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Drink/Driving : Compilation of set. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Drink/Driving : How Quickly Can You Pull Up? [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Drink/Driving : Mainly for Motorists. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Drink/Driving : Safety Demands. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Drink/Driving : There is Safety in Abstinence. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Drink/Driving : Two Motorists. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) First World War : A battery of British 60 pounders shelling the Germans. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) First World War : Belgians defending their Homes. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) First World War : Compilation of set. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) First World War : Is it worth while? [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) First World War : King, Queen and Lord Kitchener. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) First World War : Procession with Soldiers. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) First World War : Result of a mine exploding inside a German trench. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) First World War : Soldier Procession. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) First World War : Soldiers with Horses. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) First World War : The European War / "The Bull- dog breed" Guarding the Flag. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) First World War : The Last Gunner at Morin. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) First World War : The late Nurse Cavell. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) First World War : [Nurses and Soldiers]. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) First World War : [a Nurse and Soldiers]. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) The Four Steps From Dog to Boy : Compilation of set. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) The Four Steps From Dog to Boy : I am : I ought : I can : I will : What? Why? When? Mens sana in corpore sano. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) The Four Steps From Dog to Boy : I am : I ought : I can : I will. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) The Four Steps From Dog to Boy : I am : I ought : I can. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) The Four Steps From Dog to Boy : I am : I ought. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) The Four Steps From Dog to Boy : I am. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) The Four Steps From Dog to Boy : Title slide. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Healthy Alphabet : A is for Air. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Healthy Alphabet : A is for Air. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Healthy Alphabet : ABC Title Slide. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Healthy Alphabet : B is for Bathing. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Healthy Alphabet : Compilation of set. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Healthy Alphabet : E is for Eyes. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Healthy Alphabet : F is for Fingernails. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Healthy Alphabet : G is for Grain. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Healthy Alphabet : I is for Inches. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Healthy Alphabet : K means to Kill. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Healthy Alphabet : L is for Liquor. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Healthy Alphabet : Q is a Question. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Healthy Alphabet : R is for Rising. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Healthy Alphabet : V is for Vegetables. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Healthy Alphabet : X is for X-ercise. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Healthy Alphabet : Z is the Zone. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) History of Cocoa Rowntree & Co. Ltd : Compilation of set. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) History of Cocoa Rowntree & Co. Ltd : 'Coolies' Dancing Cocoa. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) History of Cocoa Rowntree & Co. Ltd : 'Coolies' Sorting Cocoa. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) History of Cocoa Rowntree & Co. Ltd : A Heap of Cocoa Pods. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) History of Cocoa Rowntree & Co. Ltd : Analysis of Cocoa. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) History of Cocoa Rowntree & Co. Ltd : Breaking Cocoa. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) History of Cocoa Rowntree & Co. Ltd : Cocoa Blossom. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) History of Cocoa Rowntree & Co. Ltd : Cocoa Drying Sheds. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) History of Cocoa Rowntree & Co. Ltd : Cocoa Pods. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) History of Cocoa Rowntree & Co. Ltd : Cocoa Tree. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) History of Cocoa Rowntree & Co. Ltd : Cocoa and Shade Trees. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) History of Cocoa Rowntree & Co. Ltd : Drying Cocoa. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) History of Cocoa Rowntree & Co. Ltd : Fermenting Box. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) History of Cocoa Rowntree & Co. Ltd : Fermenting Houses. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) History of Cocoa Rowntree & Co. Ltd : Gathering Cocoa. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) History of Cocoa Rowntree & Co. Ltd : House on the Estate. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) History of Cocoa Rowntree & Co. Ltd : Path Through Plantation. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) History of Cocoa Rowntree & Co. Ltd : The End. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) History of Cocoa Rowntree & Co. Ltd : Title Slide. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) History of Cocoa Rowntree & Co. Ltd : View of an Estate. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) History of Cocoa Rowntree & Co. Ltd : Women Dancing Cocoa. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Hymns : Dare to be a Daniel : Compilation of set. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Hymns : Dare to be a Daniel : Hold the gospel banner high. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Hymns : Dare to be a Daniel : Many giants. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Hymns : Dare to be a Daniel : Many mighty men are lost. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Hymns : Dare to be a Daniel : Standing by a purpose true. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Hymns: Eternal Father Strong to save [for those in peril…] : Compilation of set. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Hymns: Eternal Father Strong to save [for those in peril…] : O Sacred Spirit. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Hymns: Eternal Father Strong to save [for those in peril…] : O Saviour Whose Almighty Word. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Hymns: Eternal Father Strong to save [for those in peril…] : O Trinity of Love and Power. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Hymns: Eternal Father Strong to save [for those in peril…] : Whose arm. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Hymns: I think when I read : And that I might have seen His kind look. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Hymns: I think when I read : Compilation of set. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Hymns: I think when I read : How He called little children. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Hymns: I think when I read : In that beautiful place. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Hymns: I think when I read : That story of Old. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Hymns: I think when I read : Yet still to find His footstool in prayer. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Hymns: Lead kindly light. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Hymns: Lead kindly light : Compilation of set. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Hymns: Lead kindly light : I was not ever thus. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Hymns: Lead kindly light : So long Thy power. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Hymns: Work for the Night : Compilation of set. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Hymns: Work for the Night : Under the sunset skies. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Hymns: Work for the Night : Work through the morning hours. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Hymns: Work for the Night : Work through the sunny noon. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Hymns: Work for the Night : Work till the last beam fadeth. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Hymns: Work for the Night : Work when the day grows brighter. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Hymns: count your blessing : Are you ever burden'd with a load of care? [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Hymns: count your blessing : Compilation of set. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Hymns: count your blessing : Name them one by one. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Hymns: count your blessing : So amid the conflict. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Hymns: count your blessing : When upon life's billows. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Hymns: count your blessing : When you look at others. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Miscellaneous : A Passive Resister. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Miscellaneous : Compilation of set. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Miscellaneous : Made in Birmingham 7D. Each. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Miscellaneous : The Holy Spirit. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Miscellaneous : [Old man and dog]. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Pithy Points Plainly Put : A. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Pithy Points Plainly Put : B. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Pithy Points Plainly Put : C. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Pithy Points Plainly Put : Compilation of set. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Pithy Points Plainly Put : D. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Pithy Points Plainly Put : E. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Pithy Points Plainly Put : F. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Pithy Points Plainly Put : G. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Pithy Points Plainly Put : H. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Pithy Points Plainly Put : I. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Pithy Points Plainly Put : J. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Pithy Points Plainly Put : K. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Pithy Points Plainly Put : L. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Pithy Points Plainly Put : M. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Pithy Points Plainly Put : N. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Pithy Points Plainly Put : O. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Pithy Points Plainly Put : P. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Pithy Points Plainly Put : Q. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Pithy Points Plainly Put : R. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Pithy Points Plainly Put : S. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Pithy Points Plainly Put : T. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Pithy Points Plainly Put : U. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Pithy Points Plainly Put : V. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Pithy Points Plainly Put : W. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Pithy Points Plainly Put : X. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Pithy Points Plainly Put : Y. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Pithy Points Plainly Put : Z. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Speaking Pictures : Alcohol Reduces Vitality. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Speaking Pictures : Alcohol Reduces Warmth. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Speaking Pictures : Alcohol and the Senses. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Speaking Pictures : Beware of the Drink. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Speaking Pictures : Compilation of set. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Speaking Pictures : Drink is the Greatest. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Speaking Pictures : Drinking Leads to Neglect of Duty. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Speaking Pictures : Flesh Forming Food. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Speaking Pictures : I Give No Alcohol. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Speaking Pictures : Pledge Promotes. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Speaking Pictures : Temperance Promotes. [Image]

British National Temperance League (1932) Speaking Pictures : The First Man/The First Woman. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) Speaking Pictures : When A Young Life Starts Out. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) What'll win?" [Bill Cowell 1996] : A Bare- faced Evasion. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) What'll win?" [Bill Cowell 1996] : Compilation of set. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) What'll win?" [Bill Cowell 1996] : Cricket Competition. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) What'll win?" [Bill Cowell 1996] : How Women are Betting. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) What'll win?" [Bill Cowell 1996] : On the Way to the Town Moor. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) What'll win?" [Bill Cowell 1996] : Racecourse Loafer. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) What'll win?" [Bill Cowell 1996] : The Betting at Castle Irwell at Manchester. [Image]

British National Temperance League (2017) What'll win?" [Bill Cowell 1996] : [crowd with man on platform and binoculars]. [Image]

This list was generated on Sat Mar 8 21:41:25 2025 UTC.