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Gibbs, George James (1930) Cloud changes. [Image] (Unpublished)
Gibbs, George James (1930) ? Date. [Image] (Unpublished)
Gibbs, George James (1930) George J Gibbs with the Thomas Cooke 8 inch Refractor Telescope at Jeremiah horrocks Observatory, Moor Park, Preston. [Image] (Unpublished)
Gibbs, George James (1930) March 193? [Image] (Unpublished)
Gibbs, George James (1930) [Pastel sketch: Sky and cloud]. [Image] (Unpublished)
Gibbs, George James (1930) R.W.S. 133lbs. D Elephant "Not". [Image] (Unpublished)
Lancashire Daily Post, . (1930) Death of Superintendant and Secretary Mr. F.E. Chadwick [SSM21_1930]. Lancashire Daily Post.
Lancashire Daily Post, . (1930) A Record Crowd of 1,500 Provided with Breakfast [SSM21_1930]. Lancashire Daily Post.
Preston Guardian, . (1930) A Christmas Appeal for a Deserving Cause [SSM21_1930]. Preston Guardian.
Shepherd Street Mission, SSM (1930) Annual Report 1930 [SSM19]. Other. UNSPECIFIED.
Shepherd Street Mission, SSM (1930) Group of children [SSM22_21]. [Image] (Unpublished)
Shepherd Street Mission, SSM (1930) Minutes 1930-1936 [SSM7]. Other. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)