Items where Author is "Artamonova, Elena"

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Artamonova, Elena orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-2221-1955 and Barshai, Rudolf (2024) RUDOLF BARSHAI — INTERPRETER OF SYMPHONIC WORKS IN EPISTOLARY LEGACY. FOR THE 100th ANNIVERSARY OF HIS BIRTH [РУДОЛЬФ БАРШАЙ — ИНТЕРПРЕТАТОР-СИМФОНИСТ В ЭПИСТОЛЯРНОМ НАСЛЕДИИ. К СТОЛЕТИЮ СО ДНЯ РОЖДЕНИЯ]. DIVISI OR NON-DIVISI. Bulletin of the Saratov Conservatory. Questions of Art Studies, 24 (2). pp. 54-61. ISSN 2618-9461

Artamonova, Elena orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-2221-1955 (2023) Rudolf Barshai: Symphonic Concert Programmes During the Soviet Period. Archival Findings. To the 100th Anniversary of His Birth. Arts Education and Science, 4 (37). pp. 208-216. ISSN 2410-6348

Artamonova, Elena orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-2221-1955 (2023) Rudolf Barshai: The Path of a Violist and His Viola Arrangements. Journal of the American Viola Society (JAVS), 39 (Summer). pp. 11-19. ISSN 0898-5987

Artamonova, Elena orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-2221-1955 (2022) Vladimir Rebikov and His Music in Great Britain (based on English publications) / Владимир Иванович Ребиков и его музыка в Великобритании. По материалам англоязычной прессы. Arts Education and Science, 2022/1 ((30)). pp. 88-100. ISSN 2410-6348

Artamonova, Elena orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-2221-1955 (2020) From Russia to the UK and Back: Musical Discoveries from WWII and the Thaw. Journal of the American Viola Society, 36 (2). pp. 13-20. ISSN 0898-5987

Artamonova, Elena orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-2221-1955 (2020) Мартин Аутрам — о «Наксос-квартетах» Питера Максвелла Дейвиса [[Interview with Martin Outram—On Naxos Quartets by Peter Maxwell Davis]. Journal Music Academy (770). pp. 92-97. ISSN 0869-4516

Artamonova, Elena orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-2221-1955 (2020) ИЗ РОССИИ В ВЕЛИКОБРИТАНИЮ И ОБРАТНО ЧЕРЕЗ ЛА-МАНШ: МУЗЫКАЛЬНЫЕ ОТКРЫТИЯ ПЕРИОДА ВТОРОЙ МИРОВОЙ ВОЙНЫ И «ОТТЕПЕЛИ» (по следам архивных находок и зарубежных публикаций) [FROM RUSSIA TO THE UK AND BACK ACROSS THE ENGLISH CHANNEL: MUSICAL DISCOVERIES FROM WWII AND THE THAW (recent archival findings and publications)]. Journal for Art, Education and Science . pp. 78-84. ISSN 2410-6348

Artamonova, Elena orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-2221-1955 (2017) Grigori Frid and the Viola: In Conversation with the Composer. Journal of the American Viola Society, 33 (1). pp. 27-35. ISSN 0898-5987

Artamonova, Elena orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-2221-1955 (2015) Grigori Frid: Complete music for the Viola and Piano. Sergei Vasilenko: Complete music for the Viola and Piano . pp. 2-10.

Artamonova, Elena orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-2221-1955 (2015) Композитор Сергей Василенко и его вклад в русскую музыкальную культуру. ХУДОЖЕСТВЕННОЕ ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ И НАУКА . pp. 96-103.

Artamonova, Elena orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-2221-1955 (2015) Vadim Borisovsky and His Viola Arrangements: Recent Discoveries in Russian Archives and Libraries, Part II. Journal of the American Viola Society, 31 (1). pp. 19-30. ISSN 0898-5987

Artamonova, Elena orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-2221-1955 (2014) Alexander Grechaninov and the Viola. Alexander Grechaninov: Complete Music for Viola and Piano . pp. 2-10.

Artamonova, Elena orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-2221-1955 (2014) Sergei Vasilenko: Complete music for the Viola and Piano. Sergei Vasilenko: Complete music for the Viola and Piano . pp. 2-10.

Artamonova, Elena orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-2221-1955 (2014) Vadim Borisovsky and His Viola Arrangements: Recent Discoveries in Russian Archives and Libraries, Part I. Journal of the American Viola Society, 30 (2). pp. 27-36. ISSN 0898-5987

Artamonova, Elena orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-2221-1955 (2012) Unknown Sergey Vasilenko and his Viola compositions. Journal of American Viola Society, 28 (1). pp. 33-47. ISSN 0898-5987

Book Section

Artamonova, Elena orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-2221-1955 (2024) Theatre and Poetry in Works by Alexander Vustin and Grigori Frid for viola and string trio. Songs for Voices and Orchestra by Alexander Vustin. [Театр и поэзия в сочинениях Григория Фрида и Александра Вустина для альта и струнного трио. «Песни для голосов и оркестра» А.Вустина]. In: Problems of Creative Activities. To the 90th Anniversary of Alfred Schnittke. Saratov State Conversatory named after Leonid Sobinov, Saratov, Russia, pp. 153-170. ISBN 978-5-94841-680-9

Artamonova, Elena orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-2221-1955 (2024) Opera of Vladimir Rebikov 'Yolka'. Its Reception in Great Britain. [Опера Владимира Ребикова «Ёлка». Рецепция «Ёлки» в Великобритании (по материалам русской и англоязычной прессы)]. In: Feodor Dostoevsky: In the Dialogue of Cultures. View from the Twenty-First Century. Institute for Art Studies, Moscow, Russia, pp. 165-185. ISBN 978-5-98287-220-3

Artamonova, Elena orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-2221-1955 (2023) Silver Age vs Avant-garde in Music of the 1920s [СЕРЕБРЯНЫЙ ВЕК VS МУЗЫКАЛЬНЫЙ АВАНГАРД 1920-Х]. In: Problems of Creative Activities. To the 150th Anniversary of Rachmaninov. Saratov State Conversatory named after Leonid Sobinov, Saratov, Russia, pp. 207-219. ISBN 978-5-94841-634-2

Artamonova, Elena orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-2221-1955 (2023) Rudolf Borisovich Barshai and His Multifaceted Artistic Legacy. Discoveries in Archives [Rudolf Borisovich Barshai i ego mnogogrannoe tvorchestvo. Otkrytiia v rossiskikh i zarubezhnykh arkhivakh]. In: Syd'by i muzyka kompozitorov russkoi immigratsii [Destiny and Music of Composers of Russian Immigration]. Fond of Legacy of Russian Immigration . Saratov State Conservatory named after Leonid Sobinov, Saratov, pp. 133-143. ISBN 978-5-94841-630-4

Artamonova, Elena orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-2221-1955 (2023) Silver Age Aesthetics versus New Conceptions of Soviet Time in Music: Continuity or Discontinuity with the Past. In: A Culture of Discontinuity? Russian Cultural Debates in Historical Perspective. Cultural History and Literary Imagination, 34 . Peter Lang, Oxford, United Kingdom, pp. 299-316. ISBN 978- 1- 78997- 937- 4

Artamonova, Elena orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-2221-1955 (2023) Unfinished Sonata for Viola and Piano by Mikhail Glinka. Manuscripts of Glinka and performance edition of Vadim Borisovsky. In: Искусствознание, наука, опыт, просвещение (Art knowledge, science, experience and enlightenment). State Institute of Art Studies (SIAS), Moscow, Russia, pp. 248-257. ISBN 978-5-98287-204-3

Artamonova, Elena orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-2221-1955 (2020) Диалог культур: наследие Александра Ивашкина (по страницам архивных материалов и публикаций) [Dialogue of Cultures: The Legacy of Alexander Ivashkin (Based on Archival Materials and Publications)]. In: Russian-British intercultural dialogue: Russian Music in Britain – British Music in Russia. // Российско-британский культурный диалог: русская музыка в Великобритании – британская музыка в России. International Academic Conference 10–11 October 2019 (Moscow, Russia) 6–7 November 2019 (Preston, UK) . State Institute of Art Studies (SIAS), Moscow, pp. 154-167. ISBN ISBN 978-5-98287-165-7

Artamonova, Elena orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-2221-1955 (2020) “Sergei Vasilenko and Old Believers.”. In: Orthodoxy, Music, Politics and Art in Russia and Eastern Europe. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 59-70. ISBN 978-86-80639-57-4

Artamonova, Elena orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-2221-1955 (2019) “Grigori Frid in Conversation with Arts,”. In: Collection of Articles: Art Studies, Science, Experience. State Institute of Art Studies (SIAS), Moscow, pp. 86-94. ISBN 978-5-98287-150-3

Artamonova, Elena orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-2221-1955 (2017) Between the Lands. Alexander Ivashkin: Ambassador for Contemporary Music. In: Between the Lands: From Poland to Russia via Belarus and Ukraine: a journey through cinema, history, literature, memory and music. University College London (UCL), Olsztyn, pp. 259-270. ISBN 978-83-61605-07-2

Artamonova, Elena orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-2221-1955 (2015) Танеевская школа: Сергей Никифорович Василенко – незаслуженно забытый композитор. In: Памяти Сергея Ивановича Танеева 1915–2015. Сборник статей к 100-летию со дня смерти. Science Library, Moscow, pp. 71-87. ISBN 978-5-906660-78-7

Conference or Workshop Item

Artamonova, Elena orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-2221-1955 (2019) Multifaceted Creativity: Legacy of Alexander Ivashkin Based on Archival Materials and Publications. In: 3rd International Conference on Art Studies: Science, Experience, Education (ICASSEE 2019), 4th-5th October 2019, Moscow.

Artamonova, Elena orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-2221-1955 (2018) The Golovanov Case in 1928, Poputchiki Recent Archival Findings. In: The 2nd International Conference on Art Studies: Science, Experience, Education (ICASSEE 2018), 05-06 October, 2018, Moscow, Russia.

Artamonova, Elena orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-2221-1955 (2018) Неизвестные страницы русской музыкальной культуры: к истории создания Гимна СССР. Архивные находки. In: ИСКУССТВОЗНАНИЕ: наука, опыт, просвещение, 9-11 November 2017, State Institute for Art Studies: Moscow.

Artamonova, Elena orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-2221-1955 (2017) Orchestration of the National Anthem of the USSR. Recent Discoveries in Russian Archives. In: The 2017 International Conference on Art Studies: Science, Experience, Education (ICASSEE 2017), 09-11 November, 2017, Moscow, Russia.


Artamonova, Elena orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-2221-1955, Lukina, G.U. and Tabachnikova, Olga orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-2622-6713 (2020) Russian-British Cultural Dialogue: Russian music in the UK - British music in Russia: a collection based on materials from the International Scientific and Practical Conference. October 10-11 (Moscow, GII), November 6-7 (UK, Uclan) 2019. State Institute of Art Studies (SIAS), Moscow. ISBN 978-5-98287-165-7

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