Felson, DT, Redmond, AC, Chapman, Graham ORCID: 0000-0003-3983-6641, Smith, TO, Hamilton, D, Jones, RK, Holt, CA, Callaghan, MJ, Mason, DJ et al
Recommendations for the conduct of efficacy trials of treatment devices for osteoarthritis: A report from a working group of the arthritis research UK osteoarthritis and crystal diseases clinical studies group.
Rheumatology, 55
pp. 320-326.
ISSN 1462-0324
Bayliss, A, Healy, F, Whittle, A, Germany, M, Griffiths, Seren ORCID: 0000-0001-5168-9897, Hamilton, D, Hingam, T, Meadows, J, Shand, G et al
The Greater Thames estuary.
Gathering Time: dating the Early Neolithic enclosures of Southern Britain and Ireland.
Oxbow Books, Oxford, pp. 348-346.
ISBN 9781842174258