Adeloye, Adeloye, Sowunmi, Olaperi, Jacobs, Wura, David, Rotimi, Adeosun, Adeyemi, Amuta, Ann, Misra, Sanjay, Gadanya, Muktar, Auta, Asa ORCID: 0000-0001-6515-5802 et al
Estimating the incidence of breast cancer in Africa: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Journal of Global Health, 8
ISSN 2047-2978
Adeloye, Davies, Auta, Asa ORCID: 0000-0001-6515-5802, Dos Santos, Jhonathan and Harhay, Michael
Epidemiology of childhood hematologic cancers in Africa: A systematic review of the evidence.
In: AACR Annual Meeting 2018, April 14-18, 2018, Chicago, IL.