Kostov, Phillip ORCID: 0000-0002-4899-3908 and Le Gallo, Julie
What role for human capital in the growth process: new evidence from endogenous latent factor panel quantile regressions.
Scottish Journal Of Political Economy, 65
pp. 501-527.
ISSN 0036-9292
Kostov, Philip ORCID: 0000-0002-4899-3908 and Le Gallo, Julie
Convergence: A Story of Quantiles and Spillovers.
Kyklos: International Review Of Social Sciences, 68
pp. 552-576.
ISSN 0023-5962
Chasco, Coro and Le Gallo, Julie (2012) The Impact of Objective and Subjective Measures of Air Quality and Noise on House Prices: A Multilevel Approach for Downtown Madrid. Economic Geography, - (-). n/a-n/a. ISSN 00130095
Gaigne, Carl, Le Gallo, Julie, Larue, Solène and Schmitt, Bertrand (2012) Does Regulation of Manure Land Application Work Against Agglomeration Economies? Theory and Evidence from the French Hog Sector. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 94 (1). pp. 116-132. ISSN 0002-9092
Le Gallo, Julie and Fingleton, Bernard (2012) Measurement errors in a spatial context. Regional Science and Urban Economics, 42 (1-2). pp. 114-125. ISSN 01660462
Chakir, Raja and Le Gallo, Julie (2012) Predicting land use allocation in France: A spatial panel data analysis. Ecological Economics, - (-). ISSN 09218009
Le Gallo, Julie and Kamarianakis, Yiannis (2011) The Evolution of Regional Productivity Disparities in the European Union from 1975 to 2002: A Combination of Shift–Share and Spatial Econometrics. Regional Studies, 45 (1). pp. 123-139. ISSN 0034-3404