Allah, Sherif Baath, Mangieri, Enrico, Fedacko, Jan, Lohana, Petras, Elmaha, Mohammed, Elsaady, Amena, Abdelrahman, Madian, Singh, Jaipaul ORCID: 0000-0002-3200-3949, Khorshid, Mohamed et al
New Insight in the Assessment of Left Ventricular Function in Paradoxical Low Flow Aortic Stenosis Patients with Normal Left
Ventricular Ejection Fraction: A Mini-Review.
World Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery, 10
pp. 264-270.
ISSN 2164-3202
Allah, Sherif Baath, Elkilany, Galaleldin Nagib, Lohana, Petras, Elmahal, Mohammed, Singh, Jaipaul ORCID: 0000-0002-3200-3949, Khorshid, Mohamed, Singh, Ram B and Mangieri, Enrico
New Insight in the Assessment of Left Ventricular Function in Paradoxical Low Flow Aortic Stenosis Patients with Normal Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction: A Mini Review.
World Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery, 10
pp. 264-270.
ISSN 2164-3202