Laulhe-Shaelou, Stephanie ORCID: 0000-0002-3221-5116 and Razmetaeva, Yulia
Challenges to Fundamental Human Rights in the age of Artificial Intelligence Systems: shaping the digital legal order while upholding Rule of Law principles and European values.
ERA Forum, 24
pp. 564-584.
ISSN 1612-3093
Laulhe-Shaelou, Stephanie ORCID: 0000-0002-3221-5116 and Razmetaeva, Yulia
Challenges to Fundamental Human Rights in the age of Artificial Intelligence Systems: Shaping the digital legal order while upholding Rule of Law principles and European values.
Working Paper.
Centre for the Rule of Law and European Values (CRoLEV), Larnaca, Cyprus.