Chronaki, Georgia ORCID: 0000-0001-5146-2510, Benikos, Nicholas, Soltesz, Fruzsina and Sonuga-Barke, Edmund
The reinforcing value of delay escape in attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder: An electrophysiological study.
NeuroImage: Clinical, 23
p. 101917.
Chronaki, Georgia ORCID: 0000-0001-5146-2510, Soltesz, Fruzsina, Benikos, Nicholas and Sonuga-Barke, Edmund J S
An electrophysiological investigation of reinforcement effects in attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder: Dissociating cue sensitivity from down-stream effects on target engagement and performance.
Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 28
pp. 12-20.
ISSN 1878-9307