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Yang, Zhuo, Crothers, Michael, Ricardo, Nágila M. P. S., Chaibundit, Chiraphon, Taboada, Pablo, Mosquera, Victor, Kelarakis, Antonis, Havredaki, Vassiliki, Martini, Luigi et al (2003) Micellization and Gelation of Triblock Copolymers of Ethylene Oxide and Styrene Oxide in Aqueous Solution. Langmuir, 19 (3). pp. 943-950. ISSN 0743-7463
Kelarakis, Antonis, Yang, Zhuo, Pousia, Evangelia, Nixon, S. Keith, Price, Colin, Booth, Colin, Hamley, Ian W., Castelletto, Valeria and Fundin, Johan (2001) Association Properties of Diblock Copolymers of Propylene Oxide and Ethylene Oxide in Aqueous Solution. The Effect of P and E Block Lengths. Langmuir, 17 (26). pp. 8085-8091. ISSN 0743-7463
Mingvanish, Withawat, Kelarakis, Antonios ORCID: 0000-0002-8112-5176, Mai, Shao-Min, Daniel, Christophe, Yang, Zhuo, Havredaki, Vasiliki, Hamley, Ian W., Ryan, Anthony J. and Booth, Colin
Rheology and structures of aqueous gels of diblock(oxyethylene/oxybutylene) copolymer E22B7.
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 104
pp. 9788-9794.
ISSN 1520-6106