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Westaway, Jonathan orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-4479-3490 and Harrison, Richard (1996) “The Surey Demoniack”: Defining Protestantism in 1690s Lancashire. In: Unity and Diversity in the Church. Studies in Church History, 32 . Blackwell, Oxford, UK/Cambridge, Mass. USA, pp. 263-282. ISBN 978-0631198925

Westaway, Jonathan orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-4479-3490 (2009) The German Community in Manchester, Middle-Class Culture and the Development of Mountaineering in Britain, c. 1850-1914. The English Historical Review, CXXIV (508). pp. 571-604. ISSN 0013-8266

Westaway, Jonathan orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-4479-3490 (2013) The Origins and Development of Mountaineering and Rock Climbing Tourism in the Lake District, c.1800-1914. In: The making of a cultural landscape: the English Lake District as tourist destination, 1750-2010. Heritage, Culture and Identity . Ashgate Publishing, London. ISBN 978-1-4094-2368-3

Rice, Alan orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-2215-4727 (2010) Creating Memorials, Building Identities: The Politics of Memory in the Black Atlantic. Liverpool Studies in International Slavery, 3 . Liverpool University Press, Liverpool, UK. ISBN 9781846314711

Rice, Alan orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-2215-4727, Poulter, Emma, Suandi, Suandi and Johnson, Kevin Dalton Trade and Empire: Remembering Slavery, An Exhibition at the Whitworth Art Gallery. [Show/Exhibition]

Rice, Alan orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-2215-4727 (2011) Ghostly and Vernacular Presences in the Black Atlantic. In: Transatlantic Literary Studies, 1680-1830: An Introduction. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, pp. 154-168. ISBN 978-1107001572

Rice, Alan orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-2215-4727, Poulter, Emma, Suandi, Suandi and Johnson, Kevin Dalton Trade and Empire: Remembering Slavery, An Exhibition at the Whitworth Art Gallery, June 2007 - April 2008. [Show/Exhibition]

Westaway, Jonathan orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-4479-3490 (2013) “Men who can last”: Mountaineering Endurance, the Lake District Fell Records and the Campaign for Everest, 1919-1924. Sport in History, - (-). ISSN 1746-0263

Westaway, Jonathan orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-4479-3490 (2013) Mountains of Memory, Landscapes of Loss: Scafell Pike and Great Gable as War Memorials, 1919-1924. Landscapes, 14 (2). pp. 174-193. ISSN 1466-2035

Rice, Alan orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-2215-4727 and Cardux, Johanna C (2012) Confronting the ghostly legacies of slavery. Atlantic Studies: Literary, Historical and Cultural Perspectives, 9 (3). pp. 245-272. ISSN 1478-8810

Rice, Alan orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-2215-4727 (2013) Viewing Inside the Invisible: African Atlantic visual arts in the 1990s. Slavery & Abolition, 34 (2). pp. 308-324. ISSN 0144-039X

Westaway, Jonathan orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-4479-3490 (2014) That Undisclosed World: Eric Shipton’s Mountains of Tartary (1950). Studies in Travel Writing, 18 (4). pp. 357-373. ISSN 1364-5145

Westaway, Jonathan orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-4479-3490 (2015) Book Review: Pearlann Reichwein, Climber’s Paradise: Making Canada’s Mountain Parks, 1906 -1974, Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 2014. 402 pages. ISBN 9780888646743. Paperback £37.50. The International Journal of the History of Sport, 32 (11-12). pp. 1515-1517. ISSN 0952-3367

Hoermann, Raphael orcid iconORCID: 0000-0001-6156-8431 (2015) ‘A Very Hell of Horrors’? The Haitian Revolution and the Early Transatlantic Haitian Gothic. Slavery & Abolition: A journal of slave and post-slave studies, 37 (1). pp. 183-205. ISSN 0144-039X

Rice, Alan orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-2215-4727 (2016) Henry Box Brown; African Atlantic Artists and Radical Interventions. In: Visualising Slavery: Art Across the African Diaspora. Liverpool Studies in International Slavery . Liverpool University Press, Liverpool. ISBN 9781781384299

Hoermann, Raphael orcid iconORCID: 0000-0001-6156-8431 (2016) Figures of Terror: The Haitian Revolution and the Zombie. Atlantic Studies: Literary, Historical and Cultural Perspectives . pp. 152-173. ISSN 1478-8810

Rice, Alan orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-2215-4727 (2017) Transatlantic portrayals of Frederick Douglas and his liberating sojourn in music and visual arts 1845-2015. In: Pictures and Power: Imaging and imagining Fredrick Douglass 1818-2018. Liverpool Studies in International Slavery (12). Liverpool University Press, Liverpool, pp. 167-188. ISBN 9781786940575

Hoermann, Raphael orcid iconORCID: 0000-0001-6156-8431 (2017) Figures of terror: The “zombie” and the Haitian Revolution. Atlantic Studies: Literary, Historical and Cultural Perspectives, 14 (2). pp. 152-173. ISSN 1478-8810

Alsford, Niki Joseph paul orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1939-4313 (2015) A Barbarian’s House by the River Tamsui: One House and the History of its Many Occupants. Journal of Family History, 40 (2). pp. 153-171. ISSN 0363-1990

Alsford, Niki Joseph Paul orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1939-4313 (2015) Chronicling Formosa: Setting the Foundations for the Presbyterian Mission, 1865–1876. Shung Ye Museum of Formosan Aborigines, Taipei. ISBN 978-986-88055-9-0

Alsford, Niki Joseph paul orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1939-4313 (2011) The Witnessed Account of British Resident John Dodd at Tamsui. SMC Publishing Inc., Taipei. ISBN 978-957-638-720-3

Alsford, Niki Joseph paul orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1939-4313 (2012) Tea of Taiwan: Contemporary Adaptation. In: Taiwan Since Martial Law. National Taiwan University Press (NTU Press), Taipei, pp. 263-297. ISBN 9789868805507

Alsford, Niki Joseph paul orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1939-4313 and Talbot, Michael (2013) More than a helping hand: The Practice and Rhetoric of Chinese Foreign and Economic Policy in Algeria and the Wider Region. Strategic Vision for Taiwan Security, 2 (8). pp. 12-18. ISSN 2227-3646

Alsford, Niki Joseph Paul orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1939-4313 (2016) Standing on the Shoulders of Giants: Taiwan and the Great Academic Farewell. The Ketagalan Project .

Alsford, Niki Joseph paul orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1939-4313 (2014) An Island of Fellowship, Adventures and a Cave with Barbarian Words. EATS News (3). pp. 8-10.

Alsford, Niki Joseph paul orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1939-4313 (2016) “The Formosan Documents”: Archives of Taiwan Indigenous Peoples from SOAS Collections. SOAS Archives .

Alsford, Niki Joseph paul orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1939-4313 (2014) Why Archives Matter? The English Presbyterian Mission collection at SOAS. SOAS Archives .

Rice, Alan orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-2215-4727 (2016) Old Print Media, Radical Ideas, and Vernacular Performance in the Life and Work of Robert Wedderburn and Henry Box Brown. In: Performing Ethnicity, Performing Gender: Transcultural Perspectives. Routledge, pp. 23-34. ISBN Hbk: 978-1-138-68268-9;

Alsford, Niki Joseph paul orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1939-4313 (2016) Dissecting the Western overreaction to Trump’s Taiwanese phone call. The Conversation .

Rice, Alan orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-2215-4727 (2016) Guerrilla Memorialistation in the Wake of Slavery’s Legacy: African Atlantic Art in the 1990s. In: Diasporas, Cultures of Mobilities, 'Race' 3; African Americans and Black Diaspora. PoCoPages Collection, 3 . Presses Universitaires de la Méditerranée (PULM), Montpellier, pp. 231-255. ISBN 978-2-36781-220-5

Lim, Sojin orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1395-7672 (2014) Compliance with International Norms: Implementing OECD DAC Principles in South Korea. Globalizations, 11 (6). pp. 859-874. ISSN 1474-7731

Taekyoon, Kim and Sojin, Lim orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1395-7672 (2017) Forging 'Soft' Accountability in Unlikely Settings: A Conceptual Analysis of Mutual Accountability in the Context of South-South Cooperation. Global Governance, 23 (2). pp. 183-203. ISSN 1075-2846

Lim, Sojin orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1395-7672 (2013) Can There Be An East Asian Donor Model? A Comparative Study of South Korea, China and Japan. Journal of International Development Cooperation . pp. 120-137.

Lim, Sojin orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1395-7672 (2013) Donor Behaviour Change in Implementing the Paris Declaration and its Implication for the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation: A Comparative Study of Sweden and China in Tanzania. The Korean Journal of Area Studies, 31 (2).

Lim, Sojin orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1395-7672 (2017) 원조형태에따른원조동기와국익연계패턴분석: 한국, 일본, 독일, 프랑스 사례를 중심으로 [A Pattern of the Nexus Between Aid Motivations and National by Aid Type: a Comparative Study of South Korea, Japan, Germany and France]. 국가전략 [National Strategy], 23 (1). pp. 87-106.

Lim, Sojin orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1395-7672 (2016) 2030 지속가능한 개발시대의 경제개발을 위한 인프라의 역할 [The Role of Infrastructure for Economic Development in the 2030 Sustainable Development Era]. 한국의 개발협력 [Journal of Korea Development Cooperation], 2016 (2). pp. 41-72.

Lim, Sojin orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1395-7672 (2015) AIIB 설립과 중국의 대외원조 전략의 한국 개발협력에 대한 시사점 [AIIB and China's Foreign Aid Policy]. 한국의 개발협력 [Journal of Korea Development Cooperation], 2015 (4). pp. 29-58. ISSN 2384-129X

Lim, Sojin orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1395-7672 (2014) 개발효과성 이론으로 본 신흥경제국의 남남협력 참여: BRICS, IBSA, BASIC의 남남협력과 개발효과성에 대한 소고 [Emerging Economies and the Development Effectiveness Paradigm: A Comparative Analysis of BRICS, IBSA and BASIC in South-South Cooperation]. 국제지역연구 [Journal of International and Area Studies], 23 (2). pp. 33-58. ISSN 1226-7317

Westaway, Jonathan orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-4479-3490 (2021) “A banner with a strange device”: Longfellow’s Excelsior, Alpine idealism and the transcendent in European mountaineering [“Une Bannière a l’étrange devise”: Le Poème Excelsior de Longfellow, idéalism alpin et transcendence en alpinism']. In: Gravir les Alpes du XIXe siècle à nos jours. Pratiques, émotions, imaginaires. Presses Universitaires de Rennes (PUR), Rennes, France, pp. 29-38. ISBN 9782753580275

Lim, Sojin orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1395-7672 and Jeon, Soomin (2014) 효과적 개도국 역량개발을 위한 유럽식 트위닝 이론의 캄보디아 내 적정기술에 대한 적용가능성 [Development Effectiveness and Capacity Development in Developing Countries: Can European Twinning Method Be Applied to the Appropriate Technology Process? A Case Study in Cambodia]. 유럽연구 [The Journal of Contemporary European Studies], 32 (1). pp. 81-107.

Lim, Sojin orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1395-7672 (2013) 동유럽과 동아시아 공여국의 원조정책 비교에 대한 소고 [Determinants of Development Aid Policy: A Comparative Study between Eastern European Donors and East Asian Donors]. East Europe and Balkan Studies, 37 . pp. 339-369.

Alsford, Niki Joseph paul orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1939-4313 (2017) Transitions to Modernity in Taiwan: The spirit of 1895 and the cession of Formosa to Japan. Routledge Research on Taiwan Series . Routledge, London. ISBN 978-1-138-24207-4

Rice, Alan orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-2215-4727 (2017) Vagrant Presences: Lost Children, the Black Atlantic, and Northern Britain. ZAA - Zeitschrift fuer Anglistik und Amerikanistik A Quarterly of Language, Literature and Culture . ISSN 2196-4726

Alsford, Niki Joseph paul orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1939-4313 and Fuehrer, Bernhard (2017) Carstairs Douglas (1830-1877) and his Chinese-English Dictionary of the Vernacular or Spoken Language of Amoy (1873). Journal of Translation Studies, 1 (1). pp. 137-182. ISSN 1027-7978

Alsford, Niki Joseph paul orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1939-4313 (2017) Review of the Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Taiwan. Taiwan Sentinel .

Rice, Alan orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-2215-4727 (2017) The repeating body: slavery’s visual resonance in the contemporary [Book Review]. Slavery & Abolition, 38 (3). pp. 671-672. ISSN 0144-039X

Rice, Alan orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-2215-4727 (2015) Dramatising the black Atlantic: Live action projects in classrooms. In: Teaching Transatlanticism: Resources for Teaching Nineteenth-Century Anglo-American Print Culture. University of Edinburgh, pp. 82-92. ISBN 978-0748694457

Westaway, Jonathan orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-4479-3490 (2017) Eric Shipton's Secret History. The Alpine Journal 2017, 121 . pp. 215-229. ISSN 0956930964

Momesso, Lara orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-4042-9384 and Sun, Mine-Ping (2010) Chinese spouses' empowerment through community communication: a case study of the Chinese Association of Relief and Ensuing Service. Chinese Journal of Communication, 3 (2). pp. 185-201. ISSN 1754-4750

Momesso, Lara orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-4042-9384 (2015) Between official and concealed: reconsidering the status of mainland spouses in contemporary Taiwan. In: Immigration Societies - Taiwan and Beyond. Vienna Taiwan Studies Series, 1 . LIT Verlag, Vienna, Austria. ISBN 978-3-643-90618-2

Momesso, Lara orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-4042-9384 (2016) From someone, to no-one, to a new- one: a subjective view of Taiwan’s immigration policies in the context of multiculturalism. Berliner China-Hefte - Chinese History and Society .

Momesso, Lara orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-4042-9384 (2015) Change and permanence in contemporary Chinese families: A case study of marriages across the Taiwan Strait. In: Migration – Geschlecht – Lebenswege. LIT Verlag. ISBN 978-3-643-13139-3

Momesso, Lara orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-4042-9384 (2016) Migrare per matrimonio tra le due Cine: dinamiche di esclusione ed inclusione sociale [Migrating for marriage across the Taiwan Strait: dynamics of social inclusion and exclusion]. In: Cina Report. Politica, Societa' e Cultura di una Cina in Ascesa. L'Amministrazione Xi Jinping al Suo Primo mandato. Carocci Editore. ISBN 9788843079476

Momesso, Lara orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-4042-9384 and Cheng, Isabelle (2017) A team player pursuing its own dreams: rights-claim campaign of Chinese migrant spouses in the migrant movement before and after 2008. In: Taiwan’s Social Movements under Ma Ying-jeou. From the Wild Strawberries to the Sunflowers. Routledge Research on Taiwan Series . Routledge, pp. 219-235. ISBN 9781138675674

Momesso, Lara orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-4042-9384 (2016) Marriage Migration and State Interests: Reflections from the Experiences of Marriage Migrants from the People’s Republic of China in Taiwan. Asiatische Studien - Études Asiatiques, 70 (3). pp. 903-920. ISSN 0004-4717

Cheng, Isabelle and Momesso, Lara orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-4042-9384 (2017) Look, the World is Watching How We Treat Migrants! The Making of the Anti-Trafficking Legislation during the Ma Administration. Journal of Current Chinese Affairs, 46 (1). pp. 61-99. ISSN 1868-4874

Momesso, Lara orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-4042-9384 (2017) I limiti e le opportunità della democrazia taiwanese. Orizzonte Cina .

Momesso, Lara orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-4042-9384 and Lee, Chun-yi (2017) Transnational mobility, strong states, and contested sovereignty: Learning from the ChinaTaiwan context. Asian and Pacific Migration Journal, 26 (4). pp. 459-479. ISSN 0117-1968

Momesso, Lara orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-4042-9384 and Cheng, Isabelle (2017) Migrants, Family and the State: Be/coming Taiwanese in a Transnational World. Asian and Pacific Migration Journal, 26 (4). pp. 405-412. ISSN 0117-1968

Lim, Sojin orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1395-7672 and Jung, Sanghee (2017) Development Cooperation Decentralization by Local Government: A Comparative Study of Aid Policy in the United Kingdom and Germany [국제개발협력의 지방분권화에 대한 소고 : 영국과 독일의 원조정책 비교연구]. The Journal of Contemporary European Studies [ 유럽연구], 35 (4). pp. 35-64.

Hoermann, Raphael orcid iconORCID: 0000-0001-6156-8431 (2017) Black Jacobins: Towards a Genealogy of a Transatlantic Trope. In: Transatlantic Revolutionary Cultures, 1789-1861. The Atlantic World, 36 . Brill, Leiden, pp. 19-49. ISBN 9789004349537

Alsford, Niki Joseph paul orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1939-4313 (2018) The Kaohsiung Incident in Taiwan and Memoirs of a Foreign Big Beard, written by J. Bruce Jacobs [Book Review]. International Journal of Taiwan Studies, 1 (1). pp. 238-240. ISSN 2468-8797

Rice, Alan orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-2215-4727 (2017) Of Plastic Ducks and Cockle Pickers: African Atlantic Artists and Critiques of Bonded Labour across Chronologies. In: Migrating the Black Body: The African Diaspora and Visual Culture. University of Washington Press (UWP), Seattle and London, pp. 253-265. ISBN 978-0-295-99957-9

Alsford, Niki Joseph paul orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1939-4313 (2018) We believe in life before death: the Christian aid movement in Taiwan, 1970-78. Journal of Historical Archaeology and Anthropological Sciences, 3 (2). pp. 219-227. ISSN 2573-2897

Alsford, Niki Joseph paul orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1939-4313 (2017) Buried Treasurers: Taiwan Indigenous Peoples’ Archives Held at the School of Oriental & African Studies, the University of London. Council of Indigenous Peoples, Taipei. ISBN 9789860530919

Alsford, Niki Joseph paul orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1939-4313 (2017) Torn Between Two Worlds: Rev. Shoki Coe, Domesticity, and the Taiwanese Self-Determination Movement. In The Shaping of Christianity in China. In: Shaping Christianity in Greater China. 1517 Media, Oxford, pp. 233-250. ISBN 9781532644474

Alsford, Niki Joseph paul orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1939-4313 (2018) Trump-Kim deal: why the two Koreas will probably never become one country again. The Conversation .

Westaway, Jonathan orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-4479-3490 (2018) Thinking Like a Mountain: The Life and Career of E. O. Shebbeare. The Alpine Journal, 122 .

Alsford, Niki Joseph paul orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1939-4313 and Hu, Chia-yu (2018) Local Aesthetics with Foreign Perceptions: The Formosan Collection Housed at the British Museum『他者視角下的地方美感』─ 大英博物館臺灣藏品圖錄出版與倫敦展示計畫草案. National Taiwan University Press (NTU Press), Taiwan. ISBN 9789863502869

Cheng, Isabelle, Momesso, Lara orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-4042-9384 and Fell, Dafydd (2019) Asset or Liability: Transnational Links and Political Participation of Foreign-Born Citizens in Taiwan. International Migration, 57 (4). pp. 202-217. ISSN 0020-7985

Hartmann, Rudi, Lennon, John, Reynolds, Daniel P., Rice, Alan orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-2215-4727, Rosenbaum, Adam T. and Stone, Philip orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-9632-1364 (2018) The history of dark tourism. Journal of Tourism History, 10 (3). pp. 269-295. ISSN 1755-182X

Zemanek, Adina Simona orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-7960-8646 (2018) Nation Branding in Contemporary Taiwan. A Grasroots Perspective. Culture, Theory and Critique, 59 (2). pp. 119-138. ISSN 1473-5784

Zemanek, Adina Simona orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-7960-8646 (2015) Familiar Spaces: (National) Home in Contemporary Taiwanese Tourist Souvenirs. In: The 12th Annual Conference of the European Association for Taiwan Studies “(In)Visible Taiwan”, 8-10 April 2015, Jagiellonian University in Krakow. (Unpublished)

Zemanek, Adina Simona orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-7960-8646 (2016) Daughters of the Motherland and (Wo)men of the World. Global Mobility in Shishang (Trends/Cosmopolitan), 1993-2008. Archiv Orientální / Journal of African and Asian Studies, 84 (2). pp. 317-347. ISSN 0044 8699

Zemanek, Adina Simona orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-7960-8646 (2016) Gender, Power and the Gaze in the Taiwanese TV series Falling (2013). In: International Conference on Intersectional Perspectives on Migration, Displacement and Human Rights, 27-31 October 2016, Chang Jung Christian University, Tainan. (Unpublished)

Zemanek, Adina Simona orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-7960-8646 (2016) On Powerlessness, the Taike, the Trite and the Mundane: Monga and Non-Élite Taiwaneseness. In: The 13th Annual Conference of the European Association of Taiwan Studies “Power and the Powerless”, 30th March - 1 April 2016, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague. (Unpublished)

Zemanek, Adina Simona orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-7960-8646 (2016) Travel, The Gaze, and Narratives about Taiwan in Postcards and Graphic Novels. In: “Taiwan imagined under the global gaze: The interplay of ‘inside’ and ‘outside’ perspectives in the formation of the idea of Taiwan”, September 2016, Centre of Taiwan Studies, SOAS, University of London. (Unpublished)

Zemanek, Adina Simona orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-7960-8646 (2017) Familiar Spaces: (National) Home in Contemporary Taiwanese Tourist Souvenirs. China Perspectives, 2 . pp. 7-17. ISSN 1011-2006

Zemanek, Adina Simona orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-7960-8646 (2015) Individual Memories, National History and Identity – Taiwanese Graphic Memoirs as lieux de mémoire. In: The North American Taiwan Studies Association 2015 Annual Conference “Motion and the Motionless: (Dis-/Re-) Connecting Taiwan to the World”, 11-13 June 2015, Harvard University. (Unpublished)

Zemanek, Adina Simona orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-7960-8646 (2015) Taiwan's “Difficult Heritage”: Native Taiwanese and National Identity in Wu Nianzhen's A Borrowed Life. In: “Niewygodne dziedzictwo kulturowe? Dziedzictwo kulturowe mniejszości narodowych, etnicznych i religijnych w przestrzeni publicznej. Mity, ideologie, de(re)konstrukcje” (Inconvenient Cultural Heritage? Cultural Heritages of National, Ethnic and Religious M, 27-29 May 2015, Jagiellonian University in Krakow. (Unpublished)

Zemanek, Adina Simona orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-7960-8646 (2015) „W tamtej odległej krainie...”: mniejszości etniczne w chińskich magazynach o modzie. In: W krainie metarefleksji. Księga poświęcona Profesorowi Czesławowi Robotyckiemu (In the Realm of Metareflection. In Memory of Professor Czesław Robotycki). Anthropos . Jagiellonian University Press, Krakow, pp. 619-634. ISBN 978-83-233-3782-9

Zemanek, Adina Simona orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-7960-8646 (2014) Cultural Closeness and Remoteness in Chinese Fashion Magazines. In: Media in China, China in the Media. Processes, Strategies, Images, Identities. Chińskie drogi . Jagiellonian University Press, Krakow, pp. 93-107. ISBN 978-83-233-3621-1

Zemanek, Adina Simona orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-7960-8646 (2018) Print, Profit and Perception: Ideas, Information and Knowledge in Chinese Societies, 1895-1949. International Journal of Taiwan Studies, 1 (2). pp. 404-406. ISSN 2468-8797

Zemanek, Adina Simona orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-7960-8646 (2014) Seks w chińskim mieście: Hao xiang hao xiang tan lian'ai – kopia czy utwór lokalny? In: Współczesne Chiny w kontekście stosunków międzynarodowych (Contemporary China in the Context of International Relations). Chińskie drogi . Jagiellonian University Press, Krakow, pp. 371-388. ISBN 978-83-233-3624-2

Zemanek, Adina Simona orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-7960-8646 (2013) Chińszczyzna po polsku. Praktyczna gramatyka języka chińskiego, tom 1 (Chinese in Plain Polish. Practical Grammar of the Chinese Language, vol. 1). Nowela, Poznan. ISBN 978-83-62008-34-6

Zemanek, Adina Simona orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-7960-8646 (2013) Chińszczyzna po polsku. Praktyczna gramatyka języka chińskiego, tom 2 (Chinese in Plain Polish. Practical Grammar of the Chinese Language, vol. 2). Nowela, Poznan. ISBN 978-83-62008-36-0

Zemanek, Adina Simona orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-7960-8646 (2013) Córki Chin i obywatelki świata. Obraz kobiety w chińskich czasopismach o modzie (Daughters of China and Citizens of the World. Women's Image in Chinese Fashion Magazines). Księgarnia Akademicka, Krakow. ISBN 9788376382302

Zemanek, Adina Simona orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-7960-8646 (2010) Shishang (Trends/Cosmopolitan) and the Nationalistic Project. In: China. Past and Present. New Polish Papers in Chinese Studies. University of Warsaw Press, Warsaw, pp. 149-157. ISBN 9788323507789

Zemanek, Adina Simona orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-7960-8646 (2017) Taiwaneseness revisited: Lasting themes and new trends in contemporary popular culture. East Asian Journal of Popular Culture, 3 (2). pp. 139-152. ISSN 2051-7084

Zemanek, Adina Simona orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-7960-8646 (2004) Cmentarze wirtualne - przemiany chińskich tradycji pogrzebowych. Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe, issue 1, 1 (1). pp. 85-92. ISSN 1733-2680

Zemanek, Adina Simona orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-7960-8646 (2016) De-Cold War, Globalization and the “China Factor” - Taiwan Studies in Poland. In: Taiwan Research in Eastern Europe and 2016 Annual Meeting of the Lim Pen-Yuan Cultural and Educational Foundation, 23 September 2016, Institute of Taiwan History, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan. (Unpublished)

Bernier, Celeste-Marie, Durkin, Hannah, Himid, Lubaina and Rice, Alan orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-2215-4727 (2019) Inside the invisible: Memorialising Slavery and Freedom in the Life and Works of Lubaina Himid (1985-2018). Liverpool University Press, Liverpool. ISBN 978-1-789-62085-6

Lim, Sojin orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1395-7672 and Jung, Sanghee (2018) Twinning Method in Development Cooperation: A Case Study of EU-Peru and its implications for Korean Local Governments. The Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 36 (4). pp. 145-169.

Zemanek, Adina Simona orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-7960-8646 (2019) Getting to Know Taiwan: Borrowed Gaze, Direct Involvement and Everyday Life. In: Positioning Taiwan in a Global Context: Being and Becoming. Routledge Research on Taiwan Series, 1 . Routledge, London and New York. ISBN 9780367077129

Zemanek, Adina Simona orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-7960-8646 (2020) National history and generational memory – Taiwanese comic books as lieux de mémoire. Positions: Asia Critique, 28 (2). pp. 389-420. ISSN 1067-9847

Chang, Ti-Han orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1324-2992 (2018) The Role of the Ecological Other in Contesting Postcolonial Identity Politics: An Interdisciplinary Study of the Postcolonial Eco-literature of J.M. Coetzee and Wu Ming-yi. Doctoral thesis, Université Lyon 3 Jean Moulin.

Westaway, Jonathan orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-4479-3490 (2018) Mountain of Destiny: Kanchenjunga 1929. [Show/Exhibition]

Momesso, Lara orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-4042-9384 and Lee, Chun-yi (2019) Nation, Migration, Identity: Learning from the Cross-Strait Context. International Migration, 57 (4). pp. 218-231. ISSN 0020-7985

Chang, Ti-Han orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1324-2992 (2016) Excluding the Included: des Hommes Étrangers in Taiwan and France via Theories of Giorgio Agamben. In: Identity, Belonging and Human Rights. Brill, pp. 91-104. ISBN 978-1-84888-457-1

Chang, Ti-Han orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1324-2992 (2020) Book Review of Kuyu zhidi 苦雨之地 [The Land of Little Rain] by Wu Ming-yi. Brill.

Westaway, Jonathan orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-4479-3490 (2019) The Pyrenees in the modern era: reinventions of a landscape, 1775–2012 [Book Review]. Journal of Tourism History, 11 (1). pp. 95-98. ISSN 1755-1838

Zemanek, Adina Simona orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-7960-8646 (2016) Local Comics Look at Taiwan. Taipei Times .

Momesso, Lara orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-4042-9384 (2019) One language, two systems: On conducting ethnographic research across the Taiwan Strait. In: Learning and Using Languages in Ethnographic Research. Researching Multilingually . Multilingual Matters. ISBN 9781788925907

Lim, Sojin orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1395-7672 (2019) Determinants of Aid Modalities: A Case of South Korea on Triangular Cooperation and its Implication towards North Korea. North Korean Review, 15 (1). ISSN 1551-2789

Alsford, Niki Joseph paul orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1939-4313 (2019) Negotiating North Korea: Current Directions in the Emergence of North Korean Studies. NORTH KOREAN REVIEW, 15 (1).

Cheng, Isabelle and Momesso, Lara orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-4042-9384 (2019) Rethinking Transnationalism in the Global World: Contested State, Society, Border, and the People in between. International Migration, 57 (4). pp. 197-201. ISSN 0020-7985

Zani, Beatrice and Momesso, Lara orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-4042-9384 (2019) How the Subaltern Feels? A Dialogue on Emotions, Fieldwork and Subalternity. Taiwan Insight .

Alsford, Niki Joseph paul orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1939-4313 (2019) J. Bruce Jacobs and Peter Kang (eds.) (2018) Changing Taiwanese Identities. Oxford: Routledge. 132 pages, £105 (hb), isbn: 978-1138636781. [Book Review]. International Journal of Taiwan Studies, 2 (1). pp. 177-179. ISSN 2468-8797

Hamann, Mareike orcid iconORCID: 0000-0001-5180-3266 and Ebi, Martina (2014) Zur Vorsubstantivischen Verwendung von Ideophonen im Japanischen: Attributivsätze vs. Nominaladjektive (The prenominal usage of ideophones in Japanese: attributive clauses vs. nominal adjectives). Schriften der Gesellschaft für Japanforschung, 1 . pp. 9-22. ISSN 2363-8656

Alsford, Niki Joseph paul orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1939-4313 (2019) The City within the City: A Glimpse of Elite Formation in Deptford, London and Dadaocheng, Taipei. Journal of Urban History, 47 (1). ISSN 0096-1442

Lim, Sojin orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1395-7672 and Jung, Sang-Hee (2019) Network Governance and UN Sustainable Development Goals: A Case Study of Gyeongsangbukdo Province and Daegu Metropolitan City in South Korea. IKSU Working Paper, 2019 (2).

Lim, Sojin orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1395-7672 (2019) North Korea and the United Nations: Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the Context of Fragile States. IKSU Working Paper Series, 2019 (1).

Lim, Sojin orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1395-7672 and Alsford, Niki Joseph paul orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1939-4313 (2019) Whose Olympics: Pyeongchang or Pyongyang? A Roundtable Discussion on North Korea’s Gesture Politics. IKSU Working Paper Series, 2018 (1).

Momesso, Lara orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-4042-9384 (2019) Breast Cancer Meanings [Book Review]. newbooks.asia .

Momesso, Lara orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-4042-9384 (2019) What is the role of new residents in Taiwan's next elections? Taiwan Insight .

Chang, Ti-Han orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1324-2992 (2022) Representing Postcolonial Water Environments in Contemporary Taiwanese Literature. In: Empire and Environment: Confronting Ecological Ruination in Asia, the Pacific, and the Americas. University of Michigan Press, pp. 207-227. ISBN 9780472054930

Hoermann, Raphael orcid iconORCID: 0000-0001-6156-8431 (2020) Fermentation will be universal’: Intersections of Race and Class in Wedderburn’s Black Atlantic Discourse of Transatlantic Revolution. In: Britain's Black Past. Liverpool University Press, Liverpool, pp. 295-314. ISBN 978-1-789-62160-0

Lim, Sojin orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1395-7672 (2019) North Korea: what latest defection tells us about hopes for peace on peninsula. The Conversation .

Lim, Sojin orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1395-7672 (2019) North Korea-US summit: what its failure means for the peninsula’s future. The Conversation .

Zemanek, Adina Simona orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-7960-8646 (2019) Gender, Power and the Gaze in the Taiwanese TV Series Falling (2013). Berliner China-Hefte / Chinese History and Society, 51 . pp. 85-104. ISSN 1860-2290

Rice, Alan orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-2215-4727 (2020) Ghostly Presences, Servants and Runaways: Lancaster's Emerging Black Histories and their Memorialization 1687–1865. In: Britain's Black Past. Liverpool University Press Series . Oxford University Press (OUP). ISBN 9781789621600

Alsford, Niki Joseph paul orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1939-4313 (2020) THE 1935 HSINCHU-TAICHUNG EARTHQUAKE: Natural Disasters as Public History. Public History Review, 27 . pp. 25-47.

Chang, Ti-Han orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1324-2992 (2020) Shaping Taiwan's History through Non-human Agents: Wu Ming-yi and His Postcolonial Ecological Writings. European Journal of East Asian Studies, 19 (1). pp. 74-97. ISSN 1568-0584

Momesso, Lara orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-4042-9384 (2020) From bargaining to alliance with patriarchy: the role of Taiwanese husbands in marriage migrants' civic organisations in Taiwan. Asia Pacific Viewpoint, 61 (3). pp. 466-477. ISSN 1360-7456

Alsford, Niki Joseph paul orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1939-4313 (2019) (2018) Changing Taiwanese Identities, edited by J. Bruce Jacobs and Peter Kang. Brill.

Momesso, Lara orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-4042-9384 (2020) From bargaining to alliance with patriarchy: The role of Taiwanese husbands in marriage migrants’ civic organisations in Taiwan. Asia Pacific Viewpoint . ISSN 1360-7456

Momesso, Lara orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-4042-9384, Zemanek, Adina Simona orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-7960-8646 and Chang, Ti-Han orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1324-2992 (2020) NEPCAP Policy Briefs - Special Issue - The Role of Social Media in Shaping (Un)Democratic Processes. University of Central Lancashire (UCLan).

Momesso, Lara orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-4042-9384 (2020) Chinese Marriage Migrants in Beijing’s Cross-Strait Diplomacy. European Journal of East Asian Studies, 19 (1). pp. 161-184. ISSN 1568-0584

Chang, Ti-han orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1324-2992 (2020) Five must-read novels on the environment and climate crisis. The Conversation .

Lim, Sojin orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1395-7672 and Jung, Sang-Hee (2020) Local government and network governance in the era of UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Gyeongsangbukdo Province and Daegu Metropolitan City in South Korea. México y la Cuenca del Pacífic, 9 (27). ISSN 2007-5308

Lim, Sojin orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1395-7672 (2021) Two Nation States in the Korean Peninsula. In: Handbook of Asian States. LIT Verlag. ISBN 978-3-643-91100-1

Chang, Ti-Han orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1324-2992 (2020) Eco-terrorisme ou éco-héroïsme? Analyse littéraire de "The Rice Bomber" de Cho Li basée sur l'autobiographie de Yang Ju-men. Atlantide (10). pp. 141-156. ISSN 2276-3457

Zemanek, Adina Simona orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-7960-8646 (2020) Travel, Cultural Hybridity and Transnational Connections in Taiwanese Graphic Narratives. European Journal of East Asian Studies, 19 (1). pp. 98-123. ISSN 1568-0584

Alsford, Niki Joseph paul orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1939-4313 (2020) Finding the Threads in Taiwan History and Historiography. European Journal of East Asian Studies, 19 . pp. 13-47. ISSN 1568-0584

Momesso, Lara orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-4042-9384 and Alsford, Niki Joseph paul orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1939-4313 (2020) Negotiating Legacies: Opposing, Interrupting, Re-creating—Taiwan’s ongoing Experience. European Journal of East Asian Studies, 19 (1). pp. 5-11. ISSN 1568-0584

Westaway, Jonathan orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-4479-3490 (2020) Lithanamnesis: Isolation, memory and longing in mountaineering narratives by POWs in World War Two. Literary Geographies, 6 (2). pp. 235-238. ISSN 2397-1797

Momesso, Lara orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-4042-9384 and Cheng, Isabelle (2020) The migration–family nexus in East Asia: Chinese family and the invisible within. Asia Pacific Viewpoint, 61 (3). pp. 401-405. ISSN 1360-7456

Rice, Alan orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-2215-4727 (2020) Jade Montserrat’s Fugitive Traces and Earth-Splattered Bodies: Making African Atlantic Homespace in Alien Environments Then and Now (1758–2018). Kalfou: A Journal of Comparative and Relational Ethnic Studies, 7 (1). pp. 75-87. ISSN 2151-4712

Westaway, Jonathan orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-4479-3490 (2020) The Inuit discovery of Europe? The Orkney Finnmen, preternatural objects and the re-enchantment of early-modern science. Atlantic Studies: Global Currents . ISSN 1478-8810

Hoermann, Raphael orcid iconORCID: 0000-0001-6156-8431 (2020) Making ‘The Black Jacobins’: C. L. R. James and the Drama of History. By Rachel Douglas [Book Review]. Oxford University Press (OUP).

Hoermann, Raphael orcid iconORCID: 0000-0001-6156-8431 (2021) Grégory Pierrot, The Black Avenger in Atlantic Culture. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 2019. viii + 263 pp. (Paper US$ 32.95). Brill.

Westaway, Jonathan orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-4479-3490 (2020) The Orkney Finnmen Legends: From Early Modern Science to Modern Myth. The Public Domain Review .

Rice, Alan orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-2215-4727 (2020) Nele Sawallisch, fugitive borders: black Canadian cross-border literature at mid nineteenth century. Taylor and Francis.

Lim, Sojin orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1395-7672 (2021) The Paradox of Unsustainability in UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): The North Korean Case in the Context of Accountability and the Fragile States under Sanctions. Journal of Peace and Unification, 11 (1). pp. 55-78. ISSN 2233-9671

Fell, Dafydd and Lim, Sojin orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1395-7672 (2021) East Asian Area Studies Teaching Programmes in the United Kingdom: A Comparative Case Study of Korean Studies at the University of Central Lancashire and Taiwan Studies at SOAS, University of London. In: Assessing the Landscape of Taiwan and Korean Studies in Comparison. Brill. ISBN 978-90-04-46131-4

Jacobs, Bruce, Alsford, Niki Joseph paul orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1939-4313 and Lim, Sojin orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1395-7672 (2021) Assessing the Landscape of Taiwan and Korean Studies in Comparison. Brill Series in Taiwan Studies, 1 . Brill. ISBN 978-90-04-46131-4

Lim, Sojin orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1395-7672 (2021) The Evolution Story of South Korea from a Fragile State to an International Actor. In: Routledge Handbook of Contemporary South Korea. Routledge. ISBN 9780367458201

Lim, Sojin orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1395-7672 and Alsford, Niki Joseph paul orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1939-4313 (2021) Routledge Handbook of Contemporary South Korea. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). ISBN 9780367458201

Zani, Beatrice and Momesso, Lara orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-4042-9384 (2021) Can the subaltern feel? An ethnography of migration, subalternity, and emotion. Emotion Space and Society, 39 (100786). ISSN 1755-4586

Sojin, Lim orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1395-7672 (2021) North Korea food shortage: Kim Jong-un’s COVID-19 policy could lead to mass starvation. The Conversation .

Lim, Sojin orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1395-7672 and Jung, Sang-Hee (2022) International Cooperation and Development: Post-Covid-19 International Development Cooperation in Latin America [국제협력과 개발 : 코로나19이후 중남미 국제개발협력의 새로운 이슈와 전망] (in Korean). Other. Hanul, Seoul, South Korea.

Alsford, Niki Joseph paul orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1939-4313 and Visočnik, Nataša (2021) Tzu-Chi and the ‘Moonies’: New Religious Movements in Taiwan and South Korea. In: Assessing the Landscape of Taiwan and Korean Studies in Comparison. Brill, Leiden. ISBN 978-90-04-46131-4

Alsford, Niki Joseph paul orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1939-4313 (2021) Population Movements and the Construction of Modern Tradition within Contemporary Taiwan Indigenous Society. In: Taiwan's Contemporary Indigenous Peoples. Routledge. ISBN 9780367553579

Lim, Sojin orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1395-7672 (2021) North Korea: the rise and rise of ‘first sister’ Kim Yo-jong. The Conversation .

Lim, Sojin orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1395-7672 (2022) South Korean Popular Culture in the Global Context: Beyond the Fandom. Routledge. ISBN 9781032233710

Boadella-Prunell, Queralt orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-2956-1250, Swash, Sam and Lim, Sojin orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1395-7672 (2022) Struggle on Demand: Shaping Contemporary North Korea's Public Sphere through Memory Politics. Journal of Peace and Unification, 12 (1). pp. 5-27. ISSN 2233-9671

Alsford, Niki Joseph paul orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1939-4313 (2022) Book Review: Seaways and Gatekeepers: Trade and State in the Eastern Archipelagos of Southeast Asia, c.1600–c.1906 by Heather Sutherland. SAGE.

Momesso, Lara orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-4042-9384 (2022) Book review: Global Taiwanese: Asian Skilled Labour Migrants in a Changing World. SAGE.

Haas, Astrid orcid iconORCID: 0000-0001-8628-8129 (2021) “This Long Disease, My Life": Bodies of Contagion in Larry Kramer’s The Normal Heart and The Destiny of Me. In: Embodying Contagion: The Viropolitics of Horror and Desire in Contemporary Discourse. University of Wales, Cardiff, pp. 199-217. ISBN 978-1-78683-690-8

Momesso, Lara orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-4042-9384 (2022) “I Vote so I am”: Marriage Migrants’ Political Participation in Taiwan. Journal of Current Chinese Affairs . p. 186810262210798. ISSN 1868-1026

Lim, Sojin orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1395-7672 (2022) Sustainable Development from the Unsustainable Climate: Sustainable Development Goals and the Pacific Small Island Developing States. In: Pacific Voices and Climate Change. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978-3-030-98460-1

Chang, Ti-Han orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1324-2992 and Collie, Lyn (2022) New Zealand’s Political Responses to Climate Change and Migration in the Pacific: A Perspective from the South. In: Pacific Voices and Climate Change. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 61-87. ISBN 978-3-030-98459-5

Alsford, Niki Joseph paul orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1939-4313 (2022) Pacific Voices and Climate Change. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978-3-030-98459-5

Alsford, Niki Joseph paul orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1939-4313 (2022) Book Review: The Namban Trade: Merchants and Missionaries in 16th and 17th Century Japan by Mihoko Oka. SAGE.

Alsford, Niki Joseph paul orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1939-4313 (2022) Britain’s Second Embassy to China: Lord Amherst’s ‘Special Mission’ to the Jiaqing Emperor in 1816 [Book Review]. Informa.

Saxon, Theresa orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-2129-2570 (2021) Performing Il/legibility Staging Miscegenation in Oroonoko and Inkle and Yarico on the late Eighteenth-Century Stage. In: American Cultures as Transnational Performance. Routledge, London, pp. 38-52. ISBN 9781003048947

Merrill, Lisa and Saxon, Theresa orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-2129-2570 (2022) Black Americans in Russia: Ira Aldridge and Paul Robeson. In: Revolutionary lives of the Red and Black Atlantic since 1917. Racism, Resistance and Social Change, II . Manchester University Press (MUP), Manchester. ISBN 9781526144782

Zemanek, Adina Simona orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-7960-8646 and Momesso, Lara orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-4042-9384 (2023) Multiculturalism through a Lens: Migrants' Voice in Taiwanese Documentaries. Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, 24 (3). pp. 413-430. ISSN 1464-9373

Momesso, Lara orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-4042-9384 and Alsford, Niki Joseph paul orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1939-4313 (2022) Taiwan Studies and post-1992 institutions in the UK. In: The Many faces of Taiwan's Cultural Diplomacy. LIT Verlag. ISBN 978-3-643-91227-5

Alsford, Niki Joseph paul orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1939-4313 (2022) Stan Activism: Is K-Pop the New Punk? In: South Korean Popular Culture in the Global Context: Beyond the Fandom. Routledge, London, pp. 25-39.

Alsford, Niki Joseph paul orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1939-4313 (2022) Robert Eskildsen, Transforming Empire in Japan and East Asia: The Taiwan Expedition and the Birth of Japanese Imperialism (Book Review). Brill, New Zealand.

Lim, Sojin orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1395-7672 (2023) Politics, International Relations and Diplomacy on the Korean Peninsula. Routledge, London. ISBN 978-1-032-49192-9, 978-1-032-49193-6, 978-1-003-39256-9

Lim, Sojin orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1395-7672 (2023) International Aid and Sustainable Development in North Korea: A Country Left Behind with Cloaked Society. Manual. Routledge.

Momesso, Lara orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-4042-9384, Alsford, Niki Joseph paul orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1939-4313, Chang, Ti-Han orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1324-2992, Lopes De souza, Moises orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1459-9520 and Zemanek, Adina Simona orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-7960-8646 (2022) The Northern Institute of Taiwan Studies at the University of Central Lancashire: Expanding the Boundaries of Taiwan Studies. International Journal of Taiwan Studies . pp. 1-9. ISSN 24688797

Momesso, Lara orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-4042-9384, Cox, Patricia orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-2565-4564, Blunt, Caroline, Abuhajar, Suhir, Atassi, Samara, Gaafer, Runda, Gahalla, Reem, Hasan, Ahlam and Issa, Mohammad (2022) Community-Based Research Capacity Building Project: Online Training in Research Knowledge and Skills. UNSPECIFIED.

Momesso, Lara orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-4042-9384 (2023) Brenda SA Yeoh, Kellynn Wee and Theodora Lam, Migrant Workers in Singapore. Lives and Labour in a Transient Migration Regime, Singapore: World Scientific, 2022; 440 pp, IBSN: 9789811255021 (Book Review). SAGE.

Lim, Sojin orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1395-7672, Boadella-Prunell, Queralt orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-2956-1250 and Robertson, Lauren Eloise orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-0006-6539 (2023) Compliance with Global Norms: A Case of North Korea and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. In: Comprehensive Peacebuilding on the Korean Peninsula. Development Cooperation and Non-Traditional Security in the Asia-Pacific . Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore, pp. 43-62. ISBN 978-981-19-9035-9

Rice, Alan orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-2215-4727 (2023) A portrait: Dodshon Foster (1730-1793), a British Slave Trader. MANIFEST.

Momesso, Lara orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-4042-9384 and Ivanova, Polina (2024) Refugees and asylum seekers in East Asia: Perspectives from Japan and Taiwan. Palgrave Macmillan Studies on Human Rights in Asia . Springer. ISBN 978-981-97-2867-1

Rice, Alan orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-2215-4727, Hepworth, Jack orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-7756-8185 and Webster, Jennifer Marie Bridgett orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-6971-1455 (2022) England is my home: Windrush lives in Lancashire. University of Central Lancashire (UCLan), Preston.

Rice, Alan orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-2215-4727 (2023) Voices of Preston’s Windrush generation – when I first arrived, I said: ‘Really? I thought there were no slums in this place!’. The Conversation .

Sillis, Andrea, Machova, Drahoslava, Rice, Alan orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-2215-4727 and Roberts, Kirsty Millicent theresa (2023) The Manchester Literary & Philosophical Society and the Transatlantic Slave Trade, 1780-1865: An insight into key historical members benefitting from transatlantic slavery. Project Report. Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society, Manchester.

Featherstone, David, Hogsbjerg, Christian and Rice, Alan orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-2215-4727 (2022) Introduction: A galaxy of stars to steer by. In: Revolutionary lives of the Red and Black Atlantic since 1917. Racism, Resistance and Social Change . Manchester University Press (MUP). ISBN 978-1-5261-4480-5

Rice, Alan orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-2215-4727 (2021) Invisibility, Fugitivity and Hypervisibility: Exploring Black Atlantic Lives in the North with Jade Montserrat. In: Jade Montserrat: A Reimagining of Relations. Institute of International Visual Arts (INIVA).

Rice, Alan orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-2215-4727 (2024) Black Lives Matter then and now: Lancaster Black History Group and the politics of memory in the wake of new activism. In: Breaking the Dead Silence: Engaging with the Legacies of Empire and Slave-Ownership in Bath and Bristol’s Memoryscapes. Liverpool University Press, pp. 343-365. ISBN 9781802075885

Lim, Sojin orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1395-7672 (2023) North Korea: fears of a new famine after three years of COVID isolation and harsh repression. The Conversation .

Rice, Alan orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-2215-4727 and Webster, Jennifer Marie bridgett orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-6971-1455 (2023) Facing the Past: Black Lancastrians. Judges' Lodgings Museum, Lancaster.

Rice, Alan orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-2215-4727 (2023) Guerrilla Memorialisation in the Historic Judges’ Lodgings: Lela Harris’s Portraits and the Imaging of New Black Histories. In: Facing the Past: Black Lancastrians. Judges' Lodgings Museum, Lancaster, pp. 10-21.

Chang, Ti-Han orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1324-2992 (2023) Climate Refugees or Future Migrant Labour Force: a Decolonial critique of Matthieu Rytz’s Anote’s Ark (2018) and Climate Displacement discourse in the Pacific. International Journal of Asia Pacific Studies, 19 (2). pp. 1-30. ISSN 1823-6243

Westaway, Jonathan orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-4479-3490 (2024) Everest and the Frontiers of Empire. In: Everest 24 – New Views on the 1924 Mount Everest Expedition. UniPress Books, London. ISBN 9781588347824

Westaway, Jonathan orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-4479-3490 (2024) Chapter 25: Mountains. In: The Routledge Handbook of Literary Geographies. Routledge, London. ISBN 9780367564339

Zemanek, Adina Simona orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-7960-8646 (2024) Taiyupian as Vernacular Modernism: Material Culture, Home Spaces and Taiwan as a Home. In: Taiwanese-Language Cinema: Rediscovered and Reconsidered. Edinburgh University Press (EUP). ISBN 9781399527880

Koutsoukis, Alexandros orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1533-9245 (2023) Thucydides and Social Processes: Beyond Tragedy. In: The Palgrave Handbook of International Political Theory. International Political Theory, I . Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 47-68. ISBN 978-3-031-36110-4

De Souza, Moises orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1459-9520, Karalekas, Dean and Coutaz, Gregory (2022) Asian Territorial and Maritime Disputes: A Critical Introduction. E-IR Publications Ltd, Bristol, UK. ISBN 978-1-910814-63-5

Hoermann, Raphael orcid iconORCID: 0000-0001-6156-8431 (2024) Chapter 10 “I have undertaken this vengeance”: Echoes of Race and Spectres of Slave Revolt in Frankenstein". In: Creolizing Frankenstein. Creolizing the Canon . Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham. ISBN 978-1-5381-7653-5

Artamonova, Elena orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-2221-1955 (2023) Rudolf Barshai: Symphonic Concert Programmes During the Soviet Period. Archival Findings. To the 100th Anniversary of His Birth. Arts Education and Science, 4 (37). pp. 208-216. ISSN 2410-6348

Artamonova, Elena orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-2221-1955 (2023) Rudolf Borisovich Barshai and His Multifaceted Artistic Legacy. Discoveries in Archives [Rudolf Borisovich Barshai i ego mnogogrannoe tvorchestvo. Otkrytiia v rossiskikh i zarubezhnykh arkhivakh]. In: Syd'by i muzyka kompozitorov russkoi immigratsii [Destiny and Music of Composers of Russian Immigration]. Fond of Legacy of Russian Immigration . Saratov State Conservatory named after Leonid Sobinov, Saratov, pp. 133-143. ISBN 978-5-94841-630-4

Artamonova, Elena orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-2221-1955 (2023) Silver Age Aesthetics versus New Conceptions of Soviet Time in Music: Continuity or Discontinuity with the Past. In: A Culture of Discontinuity? Russian Cultural Debates in Historical Perspective. Cultural History and Literary Imagination, 34 . Peter Lang, Oxford, United Kingdom, pp. 299-316. ISBN 978- 1- 78997- 937- 4

Featherstone, David, Høgsbjerg, Christian and Rice, Alan orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-2215-4727 (2022) Revolutionary lives of the Red and Black Atlantic since 1917. Manchester University Press (MUP). ISBN 978-1-5261-7674-5

Olga, Michael, Rice, Alan orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-2215-4727, Martan, Ludmila, Antoniou, Katerina orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-2685-1500, Webster, Jennifer Marie bridgett orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-6971-1455, , , , et al (2025) Writing Borders and Other Barriers in the Era of Climate Crisis: Communities of Engagement. Bloomsbury Publishing, London. ISBN 9781350499195 (In Press)

Lim, Sojin orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1395-7672 (2023) North Korea: electoral reform prompts speculation that Kim Jong-un is grooming his daughter to succeed him. The Conversation .

Lim, Sojin orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1395-7672 (2024) North Korea ramps up military rhetoric as Kim gives up on reunification with South. The Conversation .

Alsford, Niki Joseph paul orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1939-4313 (2024) Taiwan Lives: A Social and Political History. Other. University of Washington Press (UWP), Seattle, Washington.

White, C and Jarvis, Kathryn orcid iconORCID: 0000-0001-5963-7346 (2024) Men’s experiences of the transition to fatherhood during the first postnatal year: A qualitative systematic review. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 87 (11). pp. 661-672. ISSN 0308-0226

Alsford, Niki Joseph paul orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1939-4313 (2024) Amis Indigeneity in Taiwan. Anthropology Today, 40 (3). p. 22. ISSN 0268-540X

Westaway, Jonathan orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-4479-3490, Hansen, Peter and Gilchrist, Paul (2024) Other Everests: One mountain, many worlds. Manchester University Press (MUP), Manchester. ISBN 978-1-5261-7916-6

Lim, Sojin orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1395-7672 (2024) South Korea’s Challenges and Opportunities in the Indo-Pacific Economic Security. IAI Papers, 24 (21). ISSN 2610-9603

Momesso, Lara orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-4042-9384 and Ivanova, Polina (2024) Refugee Protection in Japan and Taiwan: Common Challenges and Ways Forward for Human Security. Palgrave Macmillan Studies on Human Rights in Asia (PMSHRA) . Springer.

Stefanescu, Raluca Ecaterina orcid iconORCID: 0009-0004-7047-7784 (2023) Rooms: Modelling the Quotidian and Revealing the Enchanted of Berlin's Immigrant Spaces. Scroope: Cambridge Architecture Journal, 32 (2). pp. 87-96. ISSN 0966-1026

Stefanescu, Raluca Ecaterina orcid iconORCID: 0009-0004-7047-7784 (2024) Rooms: Modeling Migrancy in the Context of Berlin. In: Are You A Model?: On an Architectural Medium of Spatial Exploration. JOVIS, pp. 73-76. ISBN 9783986120726

Alsford, Niki Joseph paul orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1939-4313 (2024) Book Review: Japan’s Ocean Borderlands: Nature and Sovereignty by Paul Kreitman. SAGE.

Hansen, Peter H., Gilchrist, Paul and Westaway, Jonathan orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-4479-3490 (2024) Introduction. In: Other Everests: One mountain, many worlds. Manchester University Press (MUP), Manchester, pp. 1-24. ISBN 978-1-5261-7916-6

Lim, Sojin orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1395-7672 (2024) International Aid and South Korea: Experience from Recipient to Donor. Routledge, London. ISBN 9781003497035

Boadella-Prunell, Queralt orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-2956-1250 and Robertson, Lauren Eloise orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-0006-6539 (2024) Altruism or Ulterior Motives? South Korean Aid towards North Korea's Sustainable Development. In: International Aid and South Korea: Experience from Recipient to Donor. Routledge, London, pp. 107-133. ISBN 9781003497035

Tasis Moratinos, Eduardo, Chang, Ti-Han orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1324-2992 and Moreno Giménez, Alicia (2025) A Transdisciplinary Study of Global Mobilities: Identities on the Move. Springer. ISBN 978-3-031-74538-6

Moratinos, Eduardo Tasis, Chang, Ti-Han orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1324-2992 and Giménez, Alícia Moreno (2025) Introduction. In: A Transdisciplinary Study of Global Mobilities. Springer, pp. 1-14. ISBN 978-3-031-74538-6

Barone, Stefano orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-0437-9452 (2025) South-Italian Youth in North-West England: Constructing the “Good Migrant” alongside the “Good Adult”? In: A Transdisciplinary Study of Global Mobilities. Springer, pp. 43-69. ISBN 978-3-031-74538-6

Willson, Nicole Louise orcid iconORCID: 0000-0001-5935-9075 (2024) The Fight for Haiti: The Power of Social Movements and the Struggle Against Corruption and Impunity in Haiti. Ayibopost .

Artamonova, Elena orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-2221-1955 (2024) Opera of Vladimir Rebikov 'Yolka'. Its Reception in Great Britain. [Опера Владимира Ребикова «Ёлка». Рецепция «Ёлки» в Великобритании (по материалам русской и англоязычной прессы)]. In: Feodor Dostoevsky: In the Dialogue of Cultures. View from the Twenty-First Century. Institute for Art Studies, Moscow, Russia, pp. 165-185. ISBN 978-5-98287-220-3

Artamonova, Elena orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-2221-1955 (2024) Theatre and Poetry in Works by Alexander Vustin and Grigori Frid for viola and string trio. Songs for Voices and Orchestra by Alexander Vustin. [Театр и поэзия в сочинениях Григория Фрида и Александра Вустина для альта и струнного трио. «Песни для голосов и оркестра» А.Вустина]. In: Problems of Creative Activities. To the 90th Anniversary of Alfred Schnittke. Saratov State Conversatory named after Leonid Sobinov, Saratov, Russia, pp. 153-170. ISBN 978-5-94841-680-9

Artamonova, Elena orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-2221-1955 and Barshai, Rudolf (2024) RUDOLF BARSHAI — INTERPRETER OF SYMPHONIC WORKS IN EPISTOLARY LEGACY. FOR THE 100th ANNIVERSARY OF HIS BIRTH [РУДОЛЬФ БАРШАЙ — ИНТЕРПРЕТАТОР-СИМФОНИСТ В ЭПИСТОЛЯРНОМ НАСЛЕДИИ. К СТОЛЕТИЮ СО ДНЯ РОЖДЕНИЯ]. DIVISI OR NON-DIVISI. Bulletin of the Saratov Conservatory. Questions of Art Studies, 24 (2). pp. 54-61. ISSN 2618-9461

Artamonova, Elena orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-2221-1955 (2023) Silver Age vs Avant-garde in Music of the 1920s [СЕРЕБРЯНЫЙ ВЕК VS МУЗЫКАЛЬНЫЙ АВАНГАРД 1920-Х]. In: Problems of Creative Activities. To the 150th Anniversary of Rachmaninov. Saratov State Conversatory named after Leonid Sobinov, Saratov, Russia, pp. 207-219. ISBN 978-5-94841-634-2

Rice, Alan orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-2215-4727 and Webster, Jenny orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-6971-1455 (2025) Fighting Jim Crow in Lancashire: Remembering the Battle of Bamber Bridge 1943-2023. Institute of Black Atlantic Research, University of Central Lancashire. (In Press)

Rice, Alan orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-2215-4727 (2025) MANIFEST Resources Book: Compilation of historical articles on the transatlantic trade of enslaved people. Les Anneaux de la Mémoire. ISBN 978-2-913921-08-5

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