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Double Edged Sword: Power and person-centred counselling.
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Narratives of Social Enterprise: From Biography to Practice and Policy critique.
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Peace at Home - Safety and Parental Contact Arrangements For Children In The Context of Domestic Violence.
Children's needs, rights and welfare : developing strategies for the 'whole child' in the 21st century.
Thomson/Dunmore Press, New Zealand.
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The Age of the Inquiry.
Routledge, London.
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ISSN 0360-1315
Zeshan, Ulrike ORCID: 0000-0002-8438-3701
Hand, Head and Face – Negative Constructions in Sign Languages.
Linguistic Typology, 8
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Zeshan, Ulrike ORCID: 0000-0002-8438-3701
Indo-Pakistani Sign Language.
Encyclopedia of Linguistics.
Routledge, New York.
ISBN 1579584500
Zeshan, Ulrike ORCID: 0000-0002-8438-3701
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