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Issues of Expertise: Professionals Views of a Breastfeeding Peer Support Service.
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Children, parents and the state.
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Go for It! Supporting people with learning disabilities and / or Autistic Spectrum Disorders in Employment.
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Developments in Qualitative Research: The Contribution of Complexity Science.
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Cox, Pat ORCID: 0000-0003-2565-4564
Exploring Learnings in Evaluation: The Contribution of Complexity Science.
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Blogging: a new medium, or a new form of an old one?
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Disentangling the Social and Economic Dimensions of Agricultural Behaviour: What Role for Institutions and Social Capital?
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The Use of Lab Color Model for Sharpening and Optimization of Digital Images of Hematoxylin & Eosin Stained Microscopical Materials.
In: International Symposium on Health Informatics and Bioinformatics / HIBIT, 2005, Belek-ANTALYA.
Kuru, Kaya ORCID: 0000-0002-4279-4166, Gul, Husamettin, Gursel, Guney, Arda, Kemal and Mumcuoglu, Erkan
Analysis of Resources in Healthcare by Computer Simulation Studies in Healthcare: An Outpatient Clinic Study.
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Ridley, Julie ORCID: 0000-0002-0879-308X
Clubhouses in Scotland: Some Findings from Research.
In: 7th Annual Michigan State Clubhouse Conference, Michigan, USA.
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Employment Support for People with Developmental Disabilities and Autistic Spectrum Disorders in Scotland.
In: Employment Support for People with Developmental Disabilities and Austistic Spectrum Disorders in Scotland, 2005, Projects for Community Inclusion and the Institute for Children, Youth and Families, Michigan State University, USA.
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Enhancing the Healing Environment.
In: Fifth International Postgraduate Research Conference in the Built and Human Environment, Lowry Centre, Salford.
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Review: Dark Tourism - Cashing in on Tragedy?
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Westwood, Joanne Louise ORCID: 0000-0002-7560-1391
The UK Policy towards child trafficking - historical perspectives.
In: Children and Youth in Emerging and Transforming Societies Conference, June - July 2005, University of Oslo, Norway.
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Modelling, Developing and Implementing Sub-Sea Power-Line Communications Networks.
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Axford, Nick, Berry, Vashti Louise, Little, Michael and Morpeth, Louise (2005) Forty Years of Research, Policy and Practice in Children's Services: a Festschrift for Roger. Wiley, Chichester. ISBN ISBN-10: 0470012196 | ISBN-13: 978-0470012192
Bilson, Andrew, ed. (2005) Evidence Based Practice in Social Work. Whiting & Birch, London. ISBN 978186177047 9
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Bracken, P and Thomas, P (2005) Postpsychiatry: Mental Health in a postmodern world. Oxford University Press (OUP). ISBN 978-0198526094
Carling, C. ORCID: 0000-0002-7456-3493, Williams, A.M., and Reilly, T.
Handbook of soccer match analysis.
Routledge, Abingdon.
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Pilgrim, David (2005) Key Concepts in Mental Health. SAGE, London. ISBN 978-1412907774
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Smith, Hazel Anne (2005) Hungry for Peace: International Security, Humanitarian Assistance and Social Change in North Korea. United States Institute of Peace (USIF), Washington DC. ISBN 1929223587
Steele, A and Temple, Bogusia (2005) Engaging People from the Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) community as research facilitators: A good practice guide. University of Salford. ISBN 090289689X, 9780902896895
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Thomas, Nigel ORCID: 0000-0002-5310-9144
Social Work with Young People in Care: Looking after children in theory and practice.
Palgrave Macmillan.
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Thomas, P and Bracken, P. (2005) Postpsychiatry: Mental health in a postmodern world. Oxford University Press (OUP). ISBN 978-0198526094
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Webster, W (2005) Englishness and Empire, 1939-1965. Oxford University Press (OUP). ISBN 0-19-925860-0
Zou, Keyuan ORCID: 0000-0002-2868-4948
China's Marine Legal System and the Law of the Sea.
ISBN 90-04-14423-4
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Law of the Sea in East Asia: Issues and Prospects.
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See and be seen: A quality of presence. An investigation of authentic movement in creative process and performance.
Masters thesis, Manchester Metropolitan Unviersity.
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Davis, Dennis Tyrone (2005) Fire Service - Management and Command of Major Incidents. Masters thesis, University of Central Lancashire.
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Fleming, Elizabeth Ann (2005) Exploring the influence of culture on diabetes self-management: perspectives of Gujarati Muslim men. Doctoral thesis, University of Central Lancashire.
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Hickey, Stephen (2005) Fracturing Histories: Understanding the writing of Narratives in a Visual Culture through Don DeLillo's Fiction. Masters thesis, University of Central Lancashire.
Hurst, Howard Thomas (2005) The Power Output Characteristics of Downhill Mountain Biking. Doctoral thesis, University of Central Lancashire.
Hussain, Nazir (2005) Perceptions and experiences of distress among older Pakistanis in Bradford. Doctoral thesis, University of Central Lancashire.
Ireland, Joyce Valerie (2005) Education of poor girls in north west England c1780 to 1860: A study of Warrington and Cheshire. Masters thesis, University of Central Lancashire.
Mahay, Sukhbinder Kumar (2005) The effects of ageing and streptozotocin (STZ) - induced diabetes mellitus on the rodent parotid gland. Doctoral thesis, University of Central Lancashire.
Marsden, James Anthony (2005) Experimental and numerical studies of whirling fires. Doctoral thesis, University of Central Lancashire.
Marsh, Michael Stewart (2005) The Structure and Dynamic nature of the Solar Atmosphere. Doctoral thesis, University of Central Lancashire.
Moses, Aida (2005) The relationship between autobiographical memory an executive functions in older adults. Doctoral thesis, University of Central Lancashire.
Ng, Jack Hoyd-Gigg (2005) Production of nano-templated surfaces for quartz crystal microbalance. Masters thesis, University of Central Lancashire.
Nicol, Anthony (2005) Speech-enabled application development for young children. Doctoral thesis, University of Central Lancashire.
O'Connell, Rachel (2005) Paedophile activity on the internet. Doctoral thesis, University of Central Lancashire.
Papageorgiou, Andreas (2005) Transverse polarization structure of parsec-scale radio jets. Doctoral thesis, University of Central Lancashire.
Parekh, Nina Navita (2005) Towards a multi-view model of quality in primary health care: User involvement in the North West region of England. Doctoral thesis, University of Central Lancashire.
Parsons, Abigail (2005) Alternative realities: the absence of men and the quest for autonomy in female Hobo narratives. Masters thesis, University of Central Lancashire.
Patel, Rekha (2005) Cellular Mechanism of Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency in Diabetes Mellitus. Doctoral thesis, University of Central Lancashire.
Prior, James (2005) Developing acoustic emission technology for knee joint assessment. Masters thesis, University of Central Lancashire.
Read, Janet C. (2005) Handwriting recognition technology, children, and the writing process. Doctoral thesis, University of Central Lancashire.
Sabri, Sufyan Mustafa (2005) Socioeconomic factors and hypertension in Al-Ain, UAE. Doctoral thesis, University of Central Lancashire.
Sachs, Anna Magda (2005) 'Following the Line': An ethnographic study of the influence of routine baby weighing on breastfeeding women in a town in the Northwest of England. Doctoral thesis, University of Central Lancashire.
Scanlon, Thomas Joseph (2005) Work and non-work stress among solicitors: Modelling the work-home interface. Doctoral thesis, University of Central Lancashire.
Shen, Jian Kun (2005) Registration of images containing rigid structures using deformable models and its medical application. Doctoral thesis, University of Central Lancashire.
Skyrme, Sarah Louise (2005) Version and subversion: Control versus reinscription and reappropriation in the postmodern landscape. Masters thesis, University of Central Lancashire.
Swan, Ruth (2005) Investigation into the membrane interaction of E.coli Pencillin binding protein 4. Doctoral thesis, University of Central Lancashire.
Swannack, Frank Ian (2005) Representations of Queen Elizabeth I in Edmund Spenser's Pastoral Poetry. Masters thesis, University of Central Lancashire.
Vopsariou, Marian (2005) A critical and comparative analysis of legal provisions regulating privacy aspects of genetic testing within the U.K. Masters thesis, University of Central Lancashire.
Wiessala, Eugen Georg (2005) The politics of re-orientation and responsibility: European Union foreign policy and human rights promotion in Asian countries. Doctoral thesis, University of Central Lancashire.
Willan, Victoria Jane ORCID: 0000-0002-0023-7679
A 'person-situation' interactive account of acquaintance rape.
Doctoral thesis, University of Central Lancashire.
Wilson, Lyndsey Ann (2005) Acts of interpretation: An exploration of the role 'played' or 'performed' by the audience in the process of viewing as it affects the production of meaning and interpretation. Masters thesis, University of Central Lancashire.
Wilson, Pauline (2005) Children's Nurses' Perceptions of Continuous Professional Development. Masters thesis, University of Central Lancashire.
Wolstenholme, Rosalind (2005) An evaluation of analytical techniques, including Raman Spectroscopy, for use in forensic document examination. Doctoral thesis, University of Central Lancashire.
Wright, Stuart (2005) The political ideology of Subhas Chandra Bose: A reappraisal. Masters thesis, University of Central Lancashire.
Zhang, Guobin (2005) Performance of reduced-scale Vortex amplifiers used to control glovebox dust. Doctoral thesis, University of Central Lancashire.
Casey, B, Bryn, Jones and Mike, Brogan (2005) CityBrand: design led initiatives for the public realm. UNSPECIFIED.
Dykes, Fiona Clare ORCID: 0000-0002-2728-7967
Francis, Brian, Humphreys, Leslie ORCID: 0000-0002-3756-4710 and Harman, Juliet
Predicting Reconviction Rates in Northern Ireland.
Northern Ireland Office.
Rahnejat, Homer ORCID: 0000-0003-2257-7102
Editorial: Commemorating Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity.
Robertshaw, S (2005) Director 'Kensington Vision' Interactive Television project - Online community Web Portal. UNSPECIFIED.
Stanley, Nicky ORCID: 0000-0002-7644-1625
Editorial: Developing Structures and Training for New Partnerships in Child Protection.
Stanley, Nicky ORCID: 0000-0002-7644-1625
Editorial: Identifying Sources of Expertise.
Stanley, Nicky ORCID: 0000-0002-7644-1625 and Gough, David
Editorial: Being Aware of What we are Doing.