The complexation of protons, aluminium and calcium by aquatic humic substances: A model incorporating binding-site heterogeneity and macroionic effects

Tipping, E., Backes, C.A. and Hurley, Margaret Anne orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-2502-432X (1988) The complexation of protons, aluminium and calcium by aquatic humic substances: A model incorporating binding-site heterogeneity and macroionic effects. Water Research, 22 (5). pp. 597-611. ISSN 0043-1354

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A model is presented that describes the competitive binding of protons and metal ions (Al3+, AlOH2+, Ca2+) by humic substances (HS) in the pH range 3–6 and at different ionic strengths, and allows the net humic charge to be calculated. The HS are treated in terms of two types of carboxyl group, together with other more weakly-acidic groups, and the influence of humic (macroionic) charge is taken into account. Eight parameters are involved: total humic acidity, which can be measured directly, content of COOH groups, 4 intrinsic equilibrium constants (2 for H+ binding, 2 for metal binding), and 2 parameters accounting for charge effects at different ionic strengths. The model was applied to 4 aquatic humic samples, parameters being estimated from acid-base titration data. The equilibrium contents did not vary greatly among the humic samples, which is consistent with the idea that the functional groups in each sample are chemically the same. The effect of humic charge on complexation varies considerably among the samples. The model was reasonably successful at predicting humic-bound Al in laboratory-prepared solutions and field samples. Calculations based on the model suggest that, (1) Ca2+ does not compete significantly with Al for binding to HS under natural acid conditions, and (2) that there is a direct relationship between humic solubility and net humic charge.

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