Beesley, Ian and McMillan, Ian (2016) Bruised Air by Ian Beesley & Ian McMillan [publication for the Bradford Institute of health research on the effects of environmental pollution on health]. Bradford Institute for Health Research (BIHR), Bradford.
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Geo-medical landscapes
In 1966 the Russian epidemiologist Pavlovsky developed the theory
of landscape epidemiology, which involves the identification of geographical areas where disease is transmitted.
He proposed that one could use the landscape to identify the spatial and temporal distribution of a disease by looking at the key factors such as temperature, elevation, rainfall, development and activity.
Since 1966 aerospace technologies have proved to be invaluable in the development of the understanding of the earth’s landscape and its connections to the spread of disease. NASA has initiated these technologies into the areas of forestry, agriculture, geology and public health.
The Bradford Institute for Health Research’s Born in Bradford project is investigating how our total environment shapes our health and well-being. It is measuring how air pollution, ultraviolet radiation, noise, green space and pollutants in our diet affect our early life development.
These photographs of pollutants found on waste ground in Bradford, reference landscape epidemiology, bio-medical scans and satellite photos of the earth.
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