Tabachnikova, Olga ORCID: 0000-0003-2622-6713
Skaz, stilizatiia, lokalnyi tekst v kontekste russkoi smekhovoi kultury: ot Leskovskogo “Levshi” do Andreia Platonova ["Skaz", stylization and local text in the context of Russian laughter culture: from Leskov's "The Lefty" to Andrei Platonov].
Vostok-Zapad: Prostranstvo lokalnogo teksta v literature i folklore [East-West: a space of local text in literature and folklore].
Volgograd State Social and Pedagogical University (VSPU), Volgograd, Russia, pp. 28-34.
ISBN 978-5-9935-0391-2
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The article discusses the tragicomic in Russian literary tradition as rooted in the Russian laughter culture, and inscribes Nikolai Leskov’s famous work ‘The Lefty’ and Andrei Platonov’s novels about early Soviet years into the framework of this tradition, thus exemplifying its continuity.
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