Multi-physics modelling approach in all terrain vehicle longitudinal dynamics

Sharaf, A-HM, Mavros, G, Rahnejat, Homer orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-2257-7102 and King, P (2007) Multi-physics modelling approach in all terrain vehicle longitudinal dynamics. In: ASME 2006 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, November 5–10, 2006, Chicago, Illinois, USA.

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This paper presents a detailed 4×4 off-road vehicle modelling method, based on a multi-physics approach. A full drivetrain system including all aspects of rotational inertial dynamics, friction, damping and stiffness properties is integrated with a fourteen-degrees-of-freedom vehicle model including body dynamics, kinematics, suspension and wheel dynamics as well as the terramechanical phenomena between tyres and soft soils. The interaction between all these modules is implemented in the MATLAB/SIMULINK/SimDriveline environment. The concepts of modularity, flexibility, and user-friendliness were emphasized during model development. The model is developed in order to provide design engineers with the capability to investigate effects of component selection and to develop control systems and automatic optimization processes for off-road 4×4 vehicles. While the modelling approach can be used for a wide variety of operating conditions, the present work focuses on the analysis of the contribution of different aspects on the off-road traction of 4×4 vehicles.

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