Patient‐centred digital biomarkers for allergic respiratory diseases and asthma: the ARIA‐EAACI approach

Bousquet, Jean, Shamji, Mohamed H., Anto, Josep M., Schünemann, Holger J., Canonica, G. Walter, Jutel, Marek, Del Giacco, Stefano, Zuberbier, Torsten, Pfaar, Oliver et al (2023) Patient‐centred digital biomarkers for allergic respiratory diseases and asthma: the ARIA‐EAACI approach. Allergy . ISSN 0105-4538

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Biomarkers for the diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of patients with rhinitis and/or asthma are urgently needed. Although some biologic biomarkers exist in specialist care for asthma, they cannot be largely used in primary care. There are no validated biomarkers in rhinitis or allergen immunotherapy (AIT) that can be used in clinical practice. The digital transformation of health and health care (including mHealth) places the patient at the centre of the health system and is likely to optimise the practice of allergy. ARIA (Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma) and EAACI (European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology) developed a Task Force aimed at proposing patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) as digital biomarkers that can be easily used for different purposes in rhinitis and asthma. It first defined control digital biomarkers that should make a bridge between clinical practice, randomised controlled trials, observational real-life studies and allergen challenges. Using the MASK-air app as a model, a daily electronic combined symptom-medication score for allergic diseases (CSMS) or for asthma (e-DASTHMA), combined with a monthly control questionnaire, were embedded in a strategy similar to the diabetes approach for disease control. To mimic real-life, it secondly proposed quality-of-life digital biomarkers including daily EQ-5D visual analogue scales and the bi-weekly RhinAsthma Patient Perspective (RAAP). The potential implications for the management of allergic respiratory diseases were proposed.

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