St. Peter's, Greenwich concert programme

Reading Temperance Association, . (1887) St. Peter's, Greenwich concert programme. [Image]

[thumbnail of temp entertainments concert programme 001.tif]
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Concerts were popular entertainments, featuring, as this 1887 programme shows, ‘elocutionary entertainment’ as well as musical items. The handwritten note adds that this was an anniversary concert for a Reading Temperance Association.

St. Peter's, Greenwich
Easter Monday, April 11, 1887.
A Fac-simile Concert
(Vocal, instrumental & Elocutionary),
will be given by
Mr. Samuel Sims, and some of the Artistes associated with him at the Saturday Free Entertainments,
St. Peter's Hall, Bridge Street.

Part 1.
Solo, Pianoforte..."Irish Diamonds,"...W. Pape
Miss Annie Williams, G.S.M.
Song..."Stranded,"...H.T. Stark
Mr. Henry Prenton.
Song..."Two Marionettes,"... Edith Cooke
Madame A. H. Watkins.
Song... "The Roll of the Drum,"...O. Barri
Mr. Charles Tofts.
Song..."The Miller and the Maid,"...Marzials
Miss Annie Lang Sims.
Solo, Violin..."Chanson du Nord,"...Polonski
Mr. Louis H. Robbins.
Recital..."Mrs Caudle's Lecture," ...Douglas Jerrold
Mrs. Ellis Cameron.
New Song..."Ha'pence and Blows,"...Behrend
Mr. Henry Prenton.
Song..."Wishes and Fishes,"...Roeckel
Madame A. H. Watkins.
Humorous Song..."Selected,"...M.S.
Mr Charles Lowson.

Part II.
Solo, Pianoforte..."Balmoral,"...Jules de Savrai
Miss Annie Williams, G.S.M.
Song..."the Skippers of St. Ives,"...Roeckel
Mr. Henry Prenton.
Song..."Turning the Tables,"... Caldicott
Madame A. H. Watkins.
Recital..."High art, - Music,"...Adeler
Mr. George Butt.
Song..."The Donkey Cart,"...Bonheur
Miss Annie Lang Sims.
Solo, Violin..."bolero,"...S. E. Ger,am
Mr. Louis H. Robbins.
Song..."The Old Brigade,"...O. Barri
Mr. Charles Tofts.

Collection.-Melody by the audience - and Chairman's Address.

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