Junior Rechabite Statistics

Independent Order of Rechabites, The (1907) Junior Rechabite Statistics. [Image]

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This table of Junior Rechabite members from 1907 shows a more than sixfold increase, in just over twenty years, a testament to the rapid expansion of the movement.

Juvenile Statistical Table. – 1.

Showing the Membership at Beginning of each Year, the Number Admitted and the Number that Left during the Year, with the number in good standing at the End of each Year.

Members at Beginning of Year Members admitted Members who left Members at End of Year
Year By clearance By initiation Total By clearance By arrears By transfer By death
1885 24,731 430 5,468 30,629 413 2,608 753 35 26,820
1886 26,820 483 4,652 31,955 489 3,265 850 53 27,298
1887 27,298 535 9,393 37,226 520 3,741 965 50 31,950
1888 31,950 644 9,074 41,668 590 4,099 1,365 69 35,545
1889 35,545 721 11,142 47,408 684 4,337 1,608 85 40,694
1890 40,694 864 14,122 55,680 792 5,311 1,687 95 47,795
1891 47,795 993 14,275 63,063 920 6,192 1,702 116 54,133
1892 54,133 1,101 16,756 71,990 1,080 6,949 2,153 141 61,667
1893 61,667 1,320 14,543 77,530 1,241 7,885 2,427 173 65,804
1894 65,804 1,479 18,141 85,424 1,436 8,885 2,632 179 72,292
1895 72,292 1,621 16,803 90,716 1,570 9,644 2,826 184 76,492
1896 76,492 1,862 18,569 96,923 1,750 10,373 2,923 199 81,678
1897 81,678 1,972 16,352 100,002 1,938 11,076 3,421 201 83,366
1898 83,366 2,048 21,589 107,003 2,010 13,441 3,901 221 87,430
1899 87,430 2,100 24,222 113,752 2,212 13,889 3,674 275 93,692
1900 93,692 2,239 26,061 121,992 2,214 14,338 4,253 291 100,896
1901 100,896 2,314 27,496 130,706 2,341 16,396 4,652 319 106,998
1902 106,998 2,471 30,903 140,372 2,471 15,365 4,958 339 117,239
1903 117,239 2,514 38,442 158,195 2,365 20,048 5,185 382 130,215
1904 130,215 2,551 43,450 176,216 2,358 27,510 4,812 495 141,041
1905 141,041 1,716 47,923 190,680 2,316 27,895 5,490 534 154,445
1906 154,445 1,790 50,770 207,005 2,272 29,253 6,608 626 168,246
1907 168,246 2,071 52,577 222,894 2,386 32,890 7,101 688 179,829
Total 24,731 35,839 532,723 593,293 36,368 295,400 75,946 5,750 179,829

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