Outline Lesson from R.W. Sindall

Band of Hope Chronicle, . (1892) Outline Lesson from R.W. Sindall. [Image]

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This typical outline lesson shows the intensive support which the volunteers who ran the Band of Hope (known as conductors) were given – the whole lesson, with suggestions for presentation and blackboard work, is given. Lessons like these appeared monthly in magazines such as The Band of Hope Chronicle, here from 1892.

The Band of Hope Chronicle.

Band of Hope Addresses – Series III.
Blackboard Series.
By R. W. Sindall.

Method of Treatment. The Ellipsis.

The subject of the address having been decided upon, a verse of a hymn or song suitable to the subject should be selected, the verse being written on the blackboard with certain leading words omitted, and a blank space left for filling in as the address proceeds. The words omitted are called ellipses, and thus this method is called the elliptical method of teaching. Unless combined with plenty of questions, it is of little value. Some of the ellipses can be used as the points in the address.

A very attractive way of using this method is illustrated in the subjoined address. The subject having been chosen, verses were specially written in such a way that the initial letters formed an acrostic of the subject of the address.

It has been found impossible to include much instructive matter in the appended address, as it has been written more with a view to explain the best way of giving this type of lesson than to give material for the address itself, which can readily be supplied by the speaker. Unless attractively used and judiciously handled so as to avoid too much mere guessing, this method is not of much value in exercising the reasoning powers of the children. Mere guessing is to be deprecated.

B rave temperance soldiers all are we,
A rmed against drink so mightily ;
N ever to yield, but the foe keep at bay,
D etermined each one to win the day.
H urrah! Hurrah! Our cause we’ll win,
O btaining victory over sin ;
P ledge now yourselves to join our band,
E ngland’s foe drive from the land.

We are going this evening to see if we can make up a simple rhyme about our [here the speaker puts on the board the words Our Band of Hope, as arranged in the diagram ; or the actual name of the society may be substituted for the word “our,” e.g., Union Street.] What? Band of Hope. Yes. Now I will give you my share of the rhyme, and after that I shall expect your help in finishing it. [Here the speaker places on the board the rhyme, omitting all italicised words, which may be afterwards written down.]

We are reminded by the first verse of a [pointing to word, BAND] what? Band. Yes, we are all banded together to fight against drink. I want to-night to teach you to fight against the false ideas about drink. You will hear people say that strong drink is a food. A true food will make our bodies grow because it contains matter which (1st) goes to make flesh and muscle, (2nd) goes to supply warmth to the body, (3rd) goes to strengthen the bones of the body. If strong drink will do this, then it is food ; if not, it cannot be good for our health. [Enlarge on this.] Now as we have been talking about fighting and about drink, perhaps you can fill in the first two words. [Explain the meter of the verse. This is often a clue to the word.] What shall I write? Temperance? Yes, that is the first ; and the next? Soldiers. Now read it. Brave temperance soldiers all. Well, what word? Are we.

If soldiers are to be of any use they must be provided with weapons ; that is, must be – look! [Point to the 2nd line, the letter A.] What? Armed. Yes, quite right, I see you are really doing your share of the verse. To arm you I must tell you further about the false ideas which I referred to before. Now strong drink does not contain anything which will build up flesh and muscle, nor does it warm our bodies, for it has been proved to make the body cold, and contains very little which will form bone, and the little there is, being mixed with alcohol, is rendered almost useless. [Enlarge on this.] Now I want my 2nd line filled in, and then we can learn more about the drink presently. [Point to the words.] Read. Armed against -drink. I see somebody knows the word I want before I can talk about it. The last word must rhyme with we, and must contain three syllables. It means powerful. We want to be armed so that no one will defeat us. Mightily. Yes, quite right. [If no one can supply the word, the speaker should do so.] Our third line is very easy. Read it! Never to-yield. Yes, never give in, and always be encouraged to keep on fighting, but the f-keep at bay. Now let us talk about this f. We have killed on false idea, and now must try to kill a second. You will hear people say, “Well, drink will not do me any harm.”

Now the alcohol in drink prevents food from doing its work. The nutritious or useful parts of the food are converted into blood by the process of digestion. Alcohol retards this process, and lays a foundation sooner or later for serious evils. [Enlarge on this.] Not only so, but it prevents the blood from nourishing the body. It thickens the blood, hinders the circulation, and produces disease in the veins in which the blood flows. And if the blood is injured, what a serious matter! So you see this second idea is a false one. Well, now, read the line, Never to yield, but the f-foe, yes, foe keeps at bay.

My fourth line with one word which means that we have made up our minds to keep on, to stick to it as long as we can. Determined. Yes, determined each one to-you can finish this easily – win the day.

Now the second verse, and the word beginning with “C”. Our foe is a strong one, and we must work hard to defeat him. Always be earnest, ever keep our aim in view, and we shall win because we are fighting for what people call a good [here point to letter C, and pause] Cause. Yes, someone knows my meaning. How does the first line read? Hurrah! Hurrah! (Someone is almost sure to supply this without any comment being needed.) Our cause we’ll win. Now those who win are supposed to obtain the – what? Well, not defeat but – victory. Yes, victory over – my last word rhymes with [Here point to win] Win, and begins with [Here point to S.] Well, read it now. Obtaining victory over sin.

I am sure you could easily finish the next line without my saying a word, but I should like to remind you that your Band of Hope demands of you all earnest, devoted long service. Many of you have promised never to touch this great enemy ; some, perhaps, have not. Our third line is for the latter, and forms an appeal from those who have become good temperance workers. Can you read it? Pledge now yourself to – well, we want all outsiders to belong to us, and therefore we ask them to be members with us and help in this great work. To be a member you must j – [Here point] what? Join. Yes, join our band.

Our first verse tells us about a Band, our second verse describes the Hope, which is especially expressed in the last line. Drink has well been called the curse of our country. Whose country? Ours. And what is that? England! Yes, we want to get rid of it, and as the line says, drive it away, not from our country into another, for that would be wrong and cruel, but drive it away so that so one could ever touch it again.

Now from what I have said to you, and asked of you, the last line is easily supplied. The second word we have talked about in the first verse. E stands for – England. Well, read! England’s foe drive from the land. That finishes the verse. Now let us learn it. [Here all read the two verses together, or it might readily be sung.]

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