Specimen of the work done inside

Band of Hope Review, The (1870) Specimen of the work done inside. [Image]

[thumbnail of Specimen of the work done inside Review Augu 1870 p 464 001.tif]
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This 1870 image is explained by the anecdote in the article below: an opportunity seized to make fun of drinkers, which was a less-common tactic in The Band of Hope Review than more earnest criticism.

“If you mean what is on the paper, I did THAT ; but if you mean the MAN, YOU did THAT !”


ONE of my friends is a very earnest, shrewd man, who seem to always know how to do the best thing at the right time. One day he was passing a gin-shop in Manchester, when he saw a drunken man lying on the ground. The poor fellow had evidently been turned out of doors when all his money was gone. In a moment my friend hastened across the street, and, entering a grocer’s shop, addressing the master, said :- “Will you oblige me with the largest sheet of paper you have?”
“What for, my friend? What’s the matter?”
“Oh! you shall see in a minute or two. Please let it be the very largest sheet you have.”
The sheet of paper was soon procured.
“Now, will you lend me a piece of chalk?” said my friend.
“Why, whatever are you going to do?”
“You shall see presently.”
He then quickly printed, in large letters, -

Specimen of the work done inside.

He then fastened the paper right over the drunken man, and retired a short distance. In a few moments several passers-by stopped and read aloud, “Specimen of the work done inside.”
In a very short time a crowd assembled, and the publican, hearing the noise and laughter outside, came out to see what it was all about. He eagerly bent down, and read the inscription on the paper, and then demanded, in an angry voice, “Who did that?”
“Which?” asked my friend, who now joined the crowd. “If you mean, what is on the paper, I did that ; but if you mean the MAN, you did that! This morning, when he arose, he was sober, - when he walked down this street, on his way to work, he was sober, - when he went into your gin-shop, he was sober, and now he is what you made him. Is he not a true specimen of the work done inside?” – Rev. Charles Garrett.

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