The Licensing Bill and the Liquor Traffic: Facts for the People p1

UK Alliance, The (1871) The Licensing Bill and the Liquor Traffic: Facts for the People p1. [Image]

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This tract, produced in Manchester by the UK Alliance, sought to highlight the issues around the prospective Licensing Bill. The Alliance was founded in 1853 to press for legislative reform.

The Licencing Bill
And the liquor Traffic.

Facts for the people.

Are you aware that during the four years ending 1869, the money directly expended upon intoxicating liquors in the United Kingdom amounted to the enormous sum of £450,398,201, being an increase upon the four years ending 1860 of £81,621,107, or £20,405,276 per annum?

Are you aware that during the same four years ending 1869, the home consumption of textile fabrice, including cotton, woollen, and linen, was 233,921,000lbs. less than it was during the four years ending 1860? Why? For the simple reason that people cannot pour their money down their throats, and put it upon their backs at the same time.

Are you aware that during the year 1869, the people of this country expended upon intoxicating liquors the sum of £112,885,603, whilst upon cotton goods – our staple trade – they only spent £8,501,737; or, in other words, that we paid £3 13s. 2 ½ d. per head for a demoralizing drink, and only 6s. 0 ½ d. for our most useful article of clothing. No wonder that so many homes are miserable, and so many people are clad in rags.

Are you aware that the improvement which has occurred in trade, during the last twelve months, has arisen not from any increase in the home trade, but mainly from an increased foreign demand, and that when this foreign demand falls off, if the present waste in drink continues, the trade of this country must again fall into difficulties?

Are you aware of the fact, that for the manufacture of this enormous quantity of intoxicating liquor an amount of grain or

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