Health and social care: Is integration of care to meet growing demands effective?

Mechie, Sonia, Ujhelyi Gomez, Katalin, Hill, James Edward orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1430-6927 and Harrison, Joanna orcid iconORCID: 0000-0001-8963-7240 (2023) Health and social care: Is integration of care to meet growing demands effective? British Journal of Healthcare Management . ISSN 1358-0574

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Integration of care has been suggested as a solution to overcome the increasing financial and service pressures on the healthcare system. The aim of this second part of a two-part commentary is to critically evaluate a systematic review that investigated the national and international evidence base in relation to outcomes of integrated care on actual and perceived service delivery, and to identify implication for practice, policy and future research based on the quality of evidence.

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