What is Oxytocin?

Solanki, Alisha (2024) What is Oxytocin? Klarity .

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Official URL: https://my.klarity.health/what-is-oxytocin/


Definition of oxytocin
The term "oxytocin" refers to a hormone and a neurotransmitter your body naturally produces.1 Hormones play an integral role in your body by being released from the endocrine system and acting as messengers that travel within your bloodstream. Oxytocin is also considered to be a neurotransmitter, allowing communication between the brain cells (neurons).

Importance in human biology
Oxytocin has many benefits for the body, especially during childbirth, milk production, and ejection during breastfeeding. The hormone is also important for maternal behaviour and bonding with others. Oxytocin’s function extends to your social behaviours and your overall well-being.

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