Young travelers: culture’s lovers and crowdfunding supporters

Giachino, Chiara, Battisti, Enrico, Rovera, Cristina and Stylianou, Ioanna orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-2064-4052 (2024) Young travelers: culture’s lovers and crowdfunding supporters. Management Research Review . ISSN 2040-8269

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The purpose of this paper is to investigate the importance of culture as a motivator for young generations to travel and their willingness of using crowdfunding to sustain culture.

Using a mixed-methods sequential exploratory design and through a quantile regression analysis for count data, a sample of 1,721 Italian young people is examined.

The analysis reveals that culture is a significant factor for a trip’s motivation among young generations and crowdfunding represents a key alternative instrument for financing culture.

The research fills the gap in extant literature by clarifying the role of culture in the choice of a touristic destination by young generations. This is a significant achievement since understanding the motivations is crucial to attract tourists at a specific destination and it represents a relevant insight for policy makers.

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