A Study on Strategies for Promoting Regional Economic Development through the Cultural Industry

Li, Zaiyuan and Yan, Nan (2024) A Study on Strategies for Promoting Regional Economic Development through the Cultural Industry. Highlights in Business, Economics and Management, 32 . pp. 144-148. ISSN 2957-952X

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With the vigorous development of the cultural industry across various regions, it is influencing regional economic development in unprecedented ways. As an emerging industrial form, the cultural industry, characterized by innovation, high added value, and low energy consumption, has injected new vitality into regional economic development. In recent years, the importance of cultural development to regional economic growth has been increasingly recognized. The development of the cultural industry not only enhances the cultural soft power of a region but also creates job opportunities, promotes industrial upgrading, and optimizes the economic structure, thereby driving the sustainable and healthy development of regional economies. In the new era, to promote economic development within regions, local areas should fully utilize and explore their cultural characteristics, making the cultural industry a key engine for regional economic growth. By integrating local cultural features and developing cultural industries with local characteristics, the competitiveness of the cultural industry can be enhanced, and the attractiveness and cohesion of the regional economy can be strengthened, thus promoting the common development of the cultural industry and regional economy, and achieving comprehensive progress in economy and society.

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