Towards Improved Vulnerability Management in Digital Environments: A Comprehensive Framework for Cyber Security Enhancement

Egho-Promise, Ehigiator, Lyada, Emmanuel and Aina, Folayo orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-3795-2406 (2024) Towards Improved Vulnerability Management in Digital Environments: A Comprehensive Framework for Cyber Security Enhancement. International Research Journal of Computer Science, 11 (05). pp. 441-449. ISSN 2393-9842

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This study aimed at developing a comprehensive framework that enhances cyber security and improves vulnerability management in a digital environment. The study reviewed the challenges of vulnerability management in digital environments, with a focus on cyber-physical power systems (CPPS). Through a comprehensive literature review, existing Cyber Security frameworks like NIST, ISO 27001, and ISA/IEC 62443 were evaluated based on their applicability to CPPS. Key vulnerabilities and threat vectors unique to the integration of operational technology and information technology in CPPS were identified. The dual role of artificial intelligence (AI) in enhancing Cyber Security defences while enabling sophisticated AI-driven attacks was explored. Gaps in current frameworks, such as the lack of standardized AI integration and real-time threat detection capabilities, were highlighted. The study synthesized its findings to propose a comprehensive framework that addresses these gaps such as providing guidelines for secure AI adoption and offering strategies to mitigate emerging cyber threats effectively. The study recommended developing AI-specific security protocols, fostering interdisciplinary collaboration, and ensuring continuous framework updates to match the evolving cyber threat landscape. This research aimed to strengthen Cyber Security resilience in critical digital infrastructures.

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