Evolving the Control-Chaos Continuum: Part 2 – Shifting ‘Attention’ to Progress On-Pitch Rehabilitation

Taberner, Matt, Allen, Tom, O’keefe, Jason, Chaput, Meredith, Grooms, Dustin and Cohen, Daniel Dylan (2025) Evolving the Control-Chaos Continuum: Part 2 – Shifting ‘Attention’ to Progress On-Pitch Rehabilitation. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy . ISSN 0190-6011

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Official URL: https://doi.org/10.2519/jospt.2025.13159


BACKGROUND: On-pitch rehabilitation is key to supporting return-to-sport in elite soccer (football). The control-chaos continuum (CCC) guides practitioners through the sport-specific components of return-to-sport. There is a need to update the framework with recent research in injury neurophysiology, soccer performance, and coaching science.

CLINICAL QUESTION: How do practitioners integrate the insights from injury neurophysiology, soccer performance, and coaching science discussed in part 1 of this two-part series into an updated version of the CCC, to enhance planning and execution of on-pitch rehabilitation for elite soccer players?

KEY RESULTS: The revised CCC framework emphasizes the design and delivery of progressive training in increasingly 'chaotic' conditions. The updated framework supports practitioners to incorporate elements of visual cognition, attention challenges, decision-making, and progressive representation of the game model when players are preparing to return-to-sport.

CLINICAL APPLICATION: The updated CCC outlines training progression from ‘High Control’, which involves returning to on-pitch linear running, to ‘High Chaos’, which simulates the team environment at game speed. The ‘High Chaos’ phase can be tailored to support players during their re-integration into team training. The model is adaptable for both short- and long-term injuries, and integrates physical-cognitive load monitoring, and strength and power diagnostics to enhance decision-making throughout return-to-sport.

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