Using Design Fiction to explore player reactions to proposed “dark design” monetization patterns for immersive gaming

King, John orcid iconORCID: 0009-0006-3919-1731, Fitton, Daniel Bowen orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-2300-5432 and Cassidy, Brendan orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-0756-9657 (2024) Using Design Fiction to explore player reactions to proposed “dark design” monetization patterns for immersive gaming. In: 37th International BCS Human-Computer Interaction Conference (BCS HCI 24), 15-17 July 2024, University of Central Lancashire, Preston.

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“Dark design” patterns are strongly associated with “freemium” monetization of video games. There has been increasing interest in the forms that dark patterns might take in Virtual Reality (VR) games and metaverse applications. VR offers a distinct set of affordances for interacting with users, and there is potential for designers to use this agency for purposes of increasing revenue through in-game microtransactions. The goal of this work was to explore player reactions to proposed VR dark pattern scenarios presented as design fiction prototypes. A total of 21 participants took part in focus group activities in which these prototypes were presented to provoke discussion. Thematic analysis of the discussions revealed characteristics across seven categories (Confrontation, Perceived Intent, Choice Architecture, Knee-jerk Reactions, Gameplay, Sensory Motivation and Social Motivation) and participants’ concerns in five areas (Impact on Player, Ethical Concerns, Value-for-Money, Lack of Choice, and Loss of Reality). Through this work the research team seek to highlight users’ perceptions regarding VR dark patterns and their worries surrounding possible implementations. This work is particularly pertinent as VR gaming slowly grows in
popularity and game publishers move increasingly towards “freemium” monetization models.

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