Trans-Resveratrol-Loaded Nanostructured Lipid Carrier Formulations for Pulmonary Drug Delivery Using Medical Nebulizers

Khan, Iftikhar, Sabu, Maria, Hussein, Nozad, Omer, Huner, Houacine, Chahinez, Khan, Wasiq, Elhissi, Abdelbary and Yousaf, Sakib (2025) Trans-Resveratrol-Loaded Nanostructured Lipid Carrier Formulations for Pulmonary Drug Delivery Using Medical Nebulizers. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences . p. 103713. ISSN 0022-3549 (In Press)

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Aerosolization is a non-invasive approach of delivering drugs for both localized and systemic effects, specifically pulmonary targeting. The aim of this study was to deliver trans-resveratrol (TR) as an anti-cancer drug entrapped in a new generation versatile carriers nanostructured lipid carrier (NLC) to protect degradation and improve bioavailability via medical nebulizers. Twelve TR-NLC (i.e., F1-F12) formulations were prepared using different combinations and ratios of formulation ingredients via hot high-pressure homogenization. Upon analysis, formulations F1 and F2 demonstrated a particle size of <185 nm, a polydispersity index (PDI) <0.25, Zeta potential values of ∼30 mV and an entrapment efficiency >94%. The aerosolization performance of the F1 and F2 formulations was performed via a next generation impactor (NGI), using medical nebulizers. The air jet nebulizer demonstrated lower drug deposition in the earlier stages (1-2) and significantly higher deposition in the latter stages 3-5 (for both formulations), targeting middle to lower lung deposition. Moreover, the air jet nebulizer exhibited significantly higher emitted dose (ED) (87.44 ± 3.36%), fine particle dose (FPD) (1652.52 ± 9.68 µg) fine particle fraction (FPF) (36.25 ± 4.26%), and respirable fraction (RF) (93.41 ± 4.03%) when the F1 formulation was used as compared to the F2 formulation. Thus, the TR-NLC F1 formulation and air jet nebulizer were identified as the best combination for the delivery and targeting peripheral lungs.

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