How can you estimate the value of a bus service? Evaluating buses in tourist areas

Guiver, Jo W orcid iconORCID: 0000-0001-6126-3662 (2012) How can you estimate the value of a bus service? Evaluating buses in tourist areas. In: Association of European Transport Conference 2012 (October), 8th-10th October 2012, Glasgow.

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Bus services are currently threatened with cuts to reduce local government spending. Services provided for leisure activities in rural areas are particularly at risk as leisure travel is seen as less important than utility travel and the people using the buses are often from outside the area. This paper reports the findings of an ESRC funded project monitoring the benefits of such services and how their benefits to the area and passengers can be quantified. Although the goals of reducing car use, increasing social inclusion and access to areas of recreation, generating local spending and improving health and well-being are largely shared by different organisations, the project found very different priorities among stakeholders. Also, value for money was not the only criterion when budgets were allocated.

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