News release: Injection of confidence for overseas doctors

Media and Promotion Office (2002) News release: Injection of confidence for overseas doctors. Other. University of Central Lancashire (UCLan), Preston.

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Overseas doctors working in the NHS for the first time are to receive real help in
bridging the cultural gap, thanks to a new, tried-and-tested course which kicks off in
October 2002.
Each year, over 2000 qualified doctors come to the UK to gain clinical experience and
specialised training. New to the NHS, they encounter problems relating to
communication and management skills, the structure and systems of the Service and the
general ethos of medical provision in the UK. This limits their ability to participate
eiiectively in the NHS and restricts opportunities for career development.
The new part-time course is being offered by the Lancashire Postgraduate School of
Medicine and Health at the University of Central Lancashire. It can be taken alongside
work commitments and will equip doctors with a greater understanding of the
organisation and management of the NHS. It will boost doctors' confidence and
ultimately lead to improvements in patient care.
The pro gramme is the first of its kind in the UK as it carries an academic qualification,
with successful students being awarded an Advanced Certificate in Health Service and
Professional Practice. It has already been piloted with a group of senior overseas
clinicians and was very well received.
Romesh Gupta, vice-chair of the Overseas Doctors' Association, says: "There are vast
cultural differences between the NHS and health services overseas. Doctors working
here for the first time can find that, despite being clinically sound, they are perceived
otherwise simply because of the cultural difficulties they encounter."
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He continues: "The ODA has been calling for some time for a well designed course
which tackles these issues. Hopefully, this new programme will help doctors to
overcome those initial hurdles and therefore enhance their clinical effectiveness."
Anyone requiring further information about the course should contact Eileen Jackson in
the Postgraduate School for Medicine and Health on 01772 892794.
Notes to editors:
1. For further information, contact Eileen Jackson on 01772 892794 or Professor
Romesh Gupta on 01257 245287.
2. The Advanced Certificate Health Service and Professional Practice Programme was
developed by the University of Central Lancashire, in partnership with the Overseas
Doctors Association, the Mersey Deanery and the Department of Postgraduate Medical
and Dental Education at the University of Liverpool.

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