Media and Promotion Office (2001) News release: Work-based learning gets approval from employers. Other. University of Central Lancashire (UCLan), Preston.
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The University is continuing to build links with employers in the North West region by seeking their input on a new degree emphasising work-based learning. At a recent Employers' Forum, University representatives highlighted the importance of local employers' contributing to the proposed Foundation Degree in Learning and Development.
Those attending the forum were asked to give advice on a number of matters including the content and title of the award, the skills required of graduates and to take an active part in some aspects of the course. The overall consensus was that the degree would meet the needs of middle and senior managers within local training providers who are required to be appropriately qualified by the DFES. Similarly, it would also satisfy senior staff within the industry who are qualified, experienced and undertake training responsibilities.
It was also suggested that certain areas of the course, coaching, mentoring and assessment, could be developed as a separate elective allowing students to study a particular theme. Mentoring was raised in relation to employers' direct participation in the course. Students in the same organization could be given a mentor to provide support and guidance during their studies and employers join the student and course leader discussions on the work-based project.
Ken Philips from the Department of Education and Social Science said:
"Overall, employers agreed that the Foundation Degree would provide an excellent career route for staff engaged in company training. It would give them the technical skills, academic knowledge and wider skills to help them develop their companies as life-long learning organisations."
Following successful validation the Foundation Degree will be formally launched and an Employers Forum will be established to discuss the programmes on-going development.
23rd October 2001
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