Items where School is "School of Arts and Media" and Year is 2011

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Number of items: 84.


Archer, Dawn Elizabeth (2011) Cross-examining lawyers, facework and the adversarial courtroom. Journal of Pragmatics, 43 (13). pp. 3216-3230. ISSN 0378-2166

Archer, Dawn Elizabeth (2011) Libelling Oscar Wilde: The case of Regina vs. John Sholto Douglas. Journal of Politeness Research, 7 (1). pp. 73-99. ISSN 1613-4877

Atkinson, Peter James orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-8638-9808 (2011) 'The Beatles on BBC Radio in 1963: The "Scouse" Inflection and a Politics of Sound in the Rise of Mersey Beat'. Popular Music and Society, 34 (2). pp. 163-175. ISSN 0300-7766

Atkinson, Peter James orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-8638-9808 (2011) Poetic licence: Issues of signification and authorship in British television verse-documentary, 1986–96. Studies in Documentary Film, 5 (1). pp. 61-74. ISSN 1750-3280

Beckett, Charlie and Dickinson, Andrew Scott orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-7228-5178 (2011) Multimedia Journalism: a practical guide by Andy Bull [Book Review] [The book review is on pages 379-380 of the PDF at the DOI weblink]. Journalism Practice, 5 (3). pp. 376-380. ISSN 1751-2786

Brough, S., Hopkins, A. M., Sharp, R. G., Gunawardhana, M., Wijesinghe, D., Robotham, A. S. G., Driver, S. P., Baldry, I. K., Bamford, S. P. et al (2011) Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA): galaxies at the faint end of the Hα luminosity function. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 413 (2). pp. 1236-1243. ISSN 00358711

Candy, Fiona Jane (2011) Inclusive footwear design: improving the lives of people living with foot damage. Arthritis Today, Spring . ISSN 0969-7039

Day, Thomas (2011) Introduction (to special issue themed 'Poetry and Belief'). Literature and Theology, 25 (1). pp. 1-9. ISSN 0269-1205

Day, Thomas (2011) The politics of voice in Katherines Mansfield's 'The Garden party'. English, 60 (229). pp. 128-141. ISSN 0013-8215

De Clerck, Goedele (2011) Fostering deaf people’s empowerment: The Cameroonian deaf community and epistemological equity. Third World Quarterly, 32 (8). pp. 1419-1436. ISSN 0143-6597

Derbyshire, Alan (2011) Sustainable urban habitats: Design intentions to practical implementation. Proceedings of the ICE - Urban Design and Planning, 164 (1). pp. 19-28. ISSN 1755-0793

Driver, S. P., Hill, D. T., Kelvin, L. S., Robotham, A. S. G., Liske, J., Norberg, P., Baldry, I. K., Bamford, S. P., Hopkins, A. M. et al (2011) Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA): survey diagnostics and core data release. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 413 (2). pp. 971-995. ISSN 00358711

Egglestone, Paul, Light, A, Wakeford, T and Rogers, J (2011) Participant-Making: bridging the gulf between community knowledge and academic research. Journal of community informatics, 7 (3). ISSN 1712-4441

Gere, Charles (2011) Solar: Chris Meigh-Andrews' Sunbeam. .

Gunawardhana, M. L. P., Hopkins, A. M., Sharp, R. G., Brough, S., Taylor, E., Bland-Hawthorn, J., Maraston, C., Tuffs, R. J., Popescu, C. C. et al (2011) Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA): the star formation rate dependence of the stellar initial mass function. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 415 (2). pp. 1647-1662. ISSN 00358711

Jeffries, Karl K. orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-8936-1800 (2011) Skills for creativity in games design. Design Studies, 32 (1). pp. 60-85. ISSN 0142-694X

Loveday, J., Norberg, P., Baldry, I. K., Driver, S. P., Hopkins, A. M., Peacock, J. A., Bamford, S. P., Liske, J., Bland-Hawthorn, J. et al (2011) Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA): ugriz galaxy luminosity functions. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 420 (2). pp. 1239-1262. ISSN 00358711

McCandless, Paula, Evans, Brenda Joy, Richards, Jim orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-4004-3115, Churchill, Andrew and Selfe, James (2011) The effectiveness and acceptability of different cueing devices for people with parkinsons disease and gait initiation difficulties. Physiotherapy, 97 . eS772-eS772. ISSN 00319406

Nel, Francois P. orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-4378-9171 and Hunter, Anna Clare orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-4202-920X (2011) Equipping the Entrepreneurial Journalist: An Exercise in Creative Enterprise. Journalism and Mass Communication Educator, 66 (1). pp. 9-24. ISSN 1077-6958

Ogola, George Otieno orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-4513-4550 (2011) The political economy of the media in Kenya: From Kenyatta’s ‘nation-building’ press to Kibaki’s fragmented nation. Africa Today, 57 (3). pp. 77-95. ISSN 0001-9887

Ostrowska, Elzbieta (2011) Desiring the Other: The Ambivalent Polish Self in Novel and Film. Slavic Review, 70 (3). pp. 503-523. ISSN 0037-6779

Parsons, Keith (2011) Historic Buildings: Local Action. Context, 122 . pp. 27-29.

Parsons, Keith (2011) Understanding Significance. Context (119). p. 12.

Prescott, Matthew, Baldry, I. K., James, P. A., Bamford, S. P., Bland-Hawthorn, J., Brough, S., Brown, M. J. I., Cameron, E., Conselice, C. J. et al (2011) Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA): the red fraction and radial distribution of satellite galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 417 (2). pp. 1374-1386. ISSN 00358711

Robotham, A. S. G., Norberg, P., Driver, S. P., Baldry, I. K., Bamford, S. P., Hopkins, A. M., Liske, J., Loveday, J., Merson, A. et al (2011) Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA): the GAMA galaxy group catalogue (G3Cv1). Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 416 (4). pp. 2640-2668. ISSN 00358711

Scanlan, John orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-2951-7823 (2011) Fragments of Time and Memory: Matter, Media and the Modern Auditory World. European Journal of English Studies, 15 (1). pp. 19-29. ISSN 1382-5577

Siebers, Johan Isaac and Moir, Catherine (2011) Übersetzung als Utopie bei Bloch Über die Schwierigkeit des Überschreitens. Ernst Bloch Jahrbuch, 2011 .

Smith, D. J. B., Dunne, L., Maddox, S. J., Eales, S., Bonfield, D. G., Jarvis, M. J., Sutherland, W., Fleuren, S., Rigby, E. E. et al (2011) Herschel-ATLAS: counterparts from the ultraviolet-near-infrared in the science demonstration phase catalogue★. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 416 (2). pp. 857-872. ISSN 00358711

Taylor, Edward N., Hopkins, Andrew M., Baldry, Ivan K., Brown, Michael J. I., Driver, Simon P., Kelvin, Lee S., Hill, David T., Robotham, Aaron S. G., Bland-Hawthorn, Joss et al (2011) Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): stellar mass estimates. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 418 (3). pp. 1587-1620. ISSN 00358711

de Vos, Connie (2011) Kata Kolok color terms and the emergence of lexical signs in rural signing communities. The Senses & Society, 6 (1). pp. 68-76. ISSN 1745-8927

Book Section

Blum-Ross, Alicia, Frohlich, David, Egglestone, Paul and Mills, John orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-4491-6796 (2011) Participatory Video and Design: Examples from the Bespoke Project. In: Participatory Innovation Conference Proceedings,. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 111-117. ISBN 9788799168699

Bousfield, Derek and McIntyre, Dan (2011) Emotion and empathy in Martin Scorsese's Goodfellas: A case study of the "funny guy" scene. In: Telecinematic Discourse: Approaches to the language of films and television series. Pragmatics & Beyond New Series (211). John Benjamins Publishing, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, pp. 105-123. ISBN 978 90 272 5615 7

Bremner, Alasdair and Alkandari, Fahad (2011) Refractory concrete: A material that offers new ceramic opportunities. In: Proceedings of International Ceramics Symposium. Conference Proceedings, Frolunda Culture House, Gothenburg, Sweden, pp. 139-146. ISBN 978-9163381843

Hobbs, Andrew orcid iconORCID: 0000-0001-5943-475X (2011) The reading world of a provincial town: Preston, Lancashire 1855-1900. In: The History of Reading, Vol. 2: Evidence from the British Isles, c.1750-1950. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke. ISBN 9780230247550

Meigh-Andrews, Christopher (2011) Video Installation in Europe and the USA: The Expansion and Exploration of Electronic and Televisual Space: 1968-1988. In: Expanded Cinema: Film Art Performance. Tate Gallery, London.

Murray, Adam Stephen (2011) On Instruments for Engagement. In: Archizines. Zak Group, London, pp. 123-132. ISBN 978-1-907414-20-6

Ogola, George Otieno orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-4513-4550 (2011) Kenya’s Diasporic Cyber Publics and the Virtual Negotiation of Identity: Exploring the Conjunctures and Disjunctures. In: Rethinking eastern African literary and intellectual landscapes. Africa World Press, Trenton, NJ, USA. ISBN 978-1592218868

Siebers, Johan (2011) Myth means: the saying word’/‘The Lord said that he would dwell in thick darkness’. In: The movement of nihilism: Heidegger's thinking after Nietzsche. Continuum Studies in Continental Philosophy . Continuum, London and New York, pp. 144-154. ISBN 9781441168092

Tunstall, Darren (2011) Patrice Naiambana. In: Routledge Companion to Actors' Shakespeare. Routledge, Oxon, UK, pp. 174-186. ISBN 978-0415483025

Zeshan, Ulrike orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-8438-3701 and Panda, Sibaji (2011) Reciprocal constructions in Indo-Pakistani Sign Language. In: Reciprocals and semantic typology. Typological Studies in Language (98). John Benjamins Publishing, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, pp. 91-114. ISBN 978 90 272 0679 4


Parsons, Keith (2011) Localism - Historic Buildings: Local Action. Conference Report. Project Report. Institute of Historic Building Conservation (IHBC), IHBC national webpage - NW Branch pages.

Parsons, Keith (2011) Understanding Significance in Assessing Heritage Assets. Project Report. Institute of Historic Building Conservation (IHBC),

Conference or Workshop Item

Binns, David Stuart orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1701-4954 (2011) International Ceramics Symposium Eskisehir, Turkey June 2010. In: 4th International Ceramics Symposium, June 2011, Eskisehir, Turkey.

Binns, David Stuart orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1701-4954 (2011) International Woodfire Ceramics Symposium Sept 2011 Invited international artist. Zibo, Shandong Province, China. In: 2011 Zibo International Macsabal Silkroad Woodfire Conference, September 2011, Zibo, Shandong Province.

Binns, David Stuart orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1701-4954 (2011) 'Waste & Place'- an investigation into the creative potential of recycled glass and ceramic waste. Conference Paper & Journal Article International Ceramics Symposium - 'Ceramic Arts & Design for a Sustainable Society' Gothenburg, Sweden March 2011. In: Ceramic Arts and Design for a Sustainable Society. International Ceramics Symposium, 7-27 March 2011, Frolunda Culture Centre, Gothenburg, Sweden.

Candy, Fiona Jane and Williams, Anita (2011) Cinderella, you can go to the ball: inclusive footwear design at the intersection of medicine and fashion. In: Include 11, Helen Hamlyn Centre, Royal College of Art, London, 18th - 20th April 2011, Royal College of Art.

Ganah, Abdulkadir orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-9911-8505 and Ezzat, Islam (2011) Barriers to the Use of 4D CAD in the Construction Planning Process. In: 10th International Postgraduate Research Conference (IPGRC), 14-15 September 2011, University of Salford, Manchester..

Himid, Lubaina (2011) What Are monuments for? Possible monuments on the urban landscape. In: The Monument and the Changing City symposium, 2 March 2011, Uclan Preston. (Unpublished)

Himid, Lubaina (2011) What are monuments for? Possible landmarks on the urban map Paris/London. In: 8th Collegium for African American Research (CAAR) Conference - Black Knowledge, Black Struggle, Civil Rights, 25-29th March 2009, Bremen, Germany. (Unpublished)

John, Godfaurd orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-5016-5909 and Ganah, Abdulkadir orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-9911-8505 (2011) Integrating BIM and Planning Software for Health and Safety Site Induction. In: COBRA 2011, The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors International Research Conference, 12-13 September 2011, University of Salford, UK.

Knight, Megan Anne orcid iconORCID: 0000-0001-5171-663X (2011) The origin of stories: how journalists find and create news in an age of social media, competition and churnalism: future of journalism. In: Future of Journalism, 8-9 September 2011, Cardiff. (Unpublished)

McAssey, Jacqueline (2011) Symposium: Sport, Clothing & Fashion. In: Symposium: Sport, Clothing & Fashion, 10.09.2011, Media Factory, University of Central Lancashire.


Atkinson, Craig (2011) Grab the Uranium. Knust's Work Holiday/Art Prison Series . Café Royal Books, Lancashire, UK. ISBN -

De Jong, Wilma, Rothwell, Jerry and Knudsen, Erik orcid iconORCID: 0000-0001-8361-6975 (2011) Creative Documentary: theory and practice. Routledge. ISBN 9781405874229

Mackintosh, David orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-6737-3413 and Holman, Martin (2011) The Curtain. Chapter Gallery, Cardiff. ISBN 978-1-900029-32-2

Mazierska, Ewa orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-4385-8264 (2011) Nabokov's Cinematic Afterlife. McFarland & Company, Jefferson NC. ISBN 978-0-7864-4543-1

Mazierska, Ewa Hanna orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-4385-8264 (2011) European cinema and intertextuality: history, memory and politics. Palgrave Macmillan, London. ISBN 978-0230579545

McAssey, Jacqueline and Buckley, Clare (2011) Basics Fashion Design 08: Styling. Basics Fashion Design, 1 (1). AVA Academia, Lausanne, Switzerland. ISBN 9 782940 411399

Saxon, Theresa orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-2129-2570 (2011) American Theatre: History, Context, Form. BAAS Paperbacks . University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK. ISBN 9780748645206


Alkandari, Fahad A H H (2011) Islamic ceramic ornamentation and process: proposals for a new aesthetic vocabulary in contemporary architectural embellishment within kuwait. Doctoral thesis, University of Central Lancashire.

Fucile, Alex (2011) Japanese Cinema as Mass Art: An Export of Mass Cinema. Masters thesis, University of Central Lancashire.

Hidges, Jennifer J (2011) Philip K. Dick and the Spectre of the Subject. Masters thesis, University of Central Lancashire.

Kamel Ahmed, Ehab orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-6737-9356 (2011) Decoding Cultural Landscapes: Guiding Principles for the Management of Interpretation in Cultural World Heritage Sites. Doctoral thesis, The University of Nottingham.


Alker, David orcid iconORCID: 0000-0001-6504-2381 and Liddell, Peter (2011) The Wonderful and Frightening World of the Fall by The Fall(BB QCD 2066) This Nation’s Saving Grace by The Fall (BB QCD 2067). [Artefact]

Atkinson, Craig (2011) Someone Else's Series. [Artefact]

Himid, Lubaina (2011) Prof Lubaina Himid What are monuments for ? Image Angela Davies - Covent Garden London. [Artefact]

Himid, Lubaina (2011) Prof Lubaina Himid What are monuments for ? Paris London Image Maya Angelou Palace de Chaillot, Paris. [Artefact]

Himid, Lubaina (2011) Prof Lubaina Himid What are monuments for ? Paris/London Paris - Nelson Mandella. [Artefact]

Himid, Lubaina (2011) Prof Lubaina Himid What are monuments for? Paris/London Image - Greenwich Park London. [Artefact]

Walsh, Susan (2011) Images and Conversations from the 1980s showreel - selected archive materials. [Artefact]


Clarke, Pete, Sheppard, Robert, Roberts, Andrew and Modeen, Mary (2011) Poetry Beyond Text: Vision, Text and Cognition. [Show/Exhibition]

Eyene, Christine (2011) Photoquai - Biennial of World images - Africa. [Show/Exhibition]

Eyene, Christine (2011) Reflections on the self: Five African women photographers. [Show/Exhibition]

Himid, Lubaina (2011) Thin Black Line(s). [Show/Exhibition]

Stawarska-Beavan, Magda orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-8893-9068 (2011) Arcade. [Show/Exhibition]

Walsh, Susan (2011) Rub a Tub Senior - Invisible Wash - Project Space Leeds 2011. [Show/Exhibition]


Aveyard, Jon orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-0063-6848 (2011) Electric Textures. [Composition]

Casswell, Nicholas James (2011) 5 Pieces. [Composition] (Unpublished)


Hill, Tracy orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-6218-4242 (2011) Research into Acrylic Aquatint. [Image]

Meigh-Andrews, Chris (2011) The Monument Project (Si Requiris Monumentum Circumspice). [Image] (Unpublished)

Meigh-Andrews, Chris (2011) Sunbeam. [Image] (Unpublished)

Meigh-Andrews, Chris (2011) Top of the Monument showing camera system. [Image] (Unpublished)


Candy, Fiona Jane (2011) Toeing The Line : a sequence of video stories on the theme of feet, shoes and walking life's path. [Video]


Candy, Fiona Jane, Goodacre, Lynne and Cassim, Julia (2011) Experimental Design Concepts for footwear. [Experiment] (Unpublished)

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