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Number of items: 4.

Williams, Christopher (2010) The times they are a changing: Teaching Soviet history to university students in the UK. In: Uchitel’ XXI veka: professional’nogo vzaimodestviia i samobrazovaniia (21st century teacher: Strategies of professional cooperation and self development), Volume 2. Udmurt State University (UDSU), Izhevsk, Russia, pp. 353-357.

Williams, Christopher (2008) Azykovye planirovanie I yazkovaya politika v otnoshshenii valliiskogo yazyka: opyt, poleznyi dlya udmurtskogo yazyka’ (Welsh language planning and policies: Some lessons for the Udmurt language),. In: Yazykovoe i etnicheskoe vozrozhdenie v Udmurtii: Ot politiki k kul’turnomu mnogoobrazhii (Linguistic and ethnic revival in Russia: From policy to cultural diversity). Udmurt State University (UDSU), Izhevsk, pp. 185-217.

Williams, Christopher (2008) Can the language planning strategies and policies used to revive the Welsh language help maintain the Udmurt language? In: Mnogozazychie I mezhkul’turnoe vzaimodeistvie (Multilingual and multiethnic interconnections). Udmurt State University (UDSU), Izhevsk, pp. 345-349.

Williams, Christopher (2008) Western historical debates on Stalin’s purges. In: Obshestvenno-politicheskaya mysl’ v Rossii: Traditsii i novatsii (Socio-political thought in Russia). Udmurt State University (UDSU), pp. 251-262.

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