Alsford, Niki Joseph paul ORCID: 0000-0003-1939-4313
Dissecting the Western overreaction to Trump’s Taiwanese phone call.
The Conversation
Alsford, Niki Joseph paul ORCID: 0000-0003-1939-4313 and Talbot, Michael
More than a helping hand: The Practice and Rhetoric of Chinese Foreign and Economic Policy in Algeria and the Wider Region.
Strategic Vision for Taiwan Security, 2
pp. 12-18.
ISSN 2227-3646
Boadella-Prunell, Queralt ORCID: 0000-0003-2956-1250, Swash, Sam and Lim, Sojin
ORCID: 0000-0003-1395-7672
Struggle on Demand: Shaping Contemporary North Korea's Public Sphere through Memory Politics.
Journal of Peace and Unification, 12
pp. 5-27.
ISSN 2233-9671
Bratchford, Gary (2019) Visualising the Invisible: A Guided Walk Around the Pendleton Housing Estate, Salford, UK. Visual Studies, 33 (4). pp. 395-397. ISSN 1472-586X
Bujra, Janet, Mgumia, Jacqueline, Zeilig, Leo, Shivji, Issa, Swagler, Matt, Hopfmann, Arndt, Zack-williams, Tunde, Murrey, Amber, Gachihi, Gacheke et al (2018) Connections 2: Roape Workshop in Dar es Salaam, 16–17 April 2018. Review of African Political Economy, 45 (158). pp. 609-677. ISSN 0305-6244
Cerella, Antonio (2016) The Dehumanization of the Enemy. Los Angeles Review of Books .
Cerella, Antonio (2014) Postsecular Encounters in World Politics. Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 42 (3). pp. 957-965. ISSN 03058298
Cerella, Antonio (2016) Sacred Fires and Living Flames [Book Review].
Fairclough, Norman and Fairclough, Isabela ORCID: 0000-0001-6718-2636
A procedural approach to ethical critique in CDA.
Critical Discourse Studies, 15
pp. 1-17.
ISSN 1740-5904
Fisk, Malcolm ORCID: 0000-0003-1602-8393
Parliament Politics Magazine
Germond, Basil and Ha, Fong Wa ORCID: 0000-0002-7728-1141
Climate change and maritime security narrative: the case of the international maritime organisation.
Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences
pp. 1-12.
ISSN 2190-6483
Hadjigeorgiou, Athanasia ORCID: 0000-0002-7324-9689
The Invisible Impact of Frozen Conflicts: A Case Study of Foreign Domestic Workers in the Republic of Cyprus.
ISSN 1744-9057
Kim, Priscilla Jung (2018) How informal diplomacy might just get the Koreas to the negotiating table. The Conversation .
Mazierska, Ewa Hanna ORCID: 0000-0002-4385-8264
Signs matter.
Short Film Studies, 7
pp. 97-100.
ISSN 2042-7824
Meredith, Stephen ORCID: 0000-0003-2382-1015
‘British Social Democracy in the 1970s: the Labour ‘right’ and the origins of the SDP.
British Politics and Policy, Online
Meredith, Stephen ORCID: 0000-0003-2382-1015
A Catalyst for Secession? European Debates and Divisions on the Parliamentary Right of the British Labour Party, 1962-72.
Historical Research, 85
pp. 329-351.
ISSN 0950-3471
Meredith, Stephen ORCID: 0000-0003-2382-1015
‘Interpreting’ New Labour: The Confines of Social Democracy’.
History of the Human Sciences, 19
pp. 107-112.
ISSN 0952-6951
Meredith, Stephen ORCID: 0000-0003-2382-1015
New Labour and Equality: A Response to Hickson’.
The British Journal Of Politics And International Relations, 9
pp. 169-170.
ISSN 1369-1481
Meredith, Stephen ORCID: 0000-0003-2382-1015
New Labour: ‘The Road Less Travelled’?
Politics, 23
pp. 163-171.
ISSN 0263-3957
Momesso, Lara ORCID: 0000-0002-4042-9384
Chinese Marriage Migrants in Beijing’s Cross-Strait Diplomacy.
European Journal of East Asian Studies, 19
pp. 161-184.
ISSN 1568-0584
Momesso, Lara ORCID: 0000-0002-4042-9384 and Lee, Chun-yi
Nation, Migration, Identity: Learning from the Cross-Strait Context.
International Migration, 57
pp. 218-231.
ISSN 0020-7985
Rosebury, Brian John ORCID: 0000-0002-6154-2685
The Moral Weight of a Democratic Majority.
The Political Quarterly
ISSN 0032-3179
Scott, Niall William richard ORCID: 0000-0001-5120-4132
Svärtningen av grönskan.
Aiolos, Tidskrift for Literatur Teori och Estetik: Svart Ekologi, 56
pp. 91-99.
ISSN 1400-7770
Swift, David (2016) Labour and the war emergency: The workers' national committee during the first world war. History Workshop Journal, 81 (1). pp. 84-105. ISSN 1363-3554
Tao, Yu ORCID: 0000-0002-6289-9969
General Politics: Political Sociology in a Global Era: An Introduction to the State and SocietyPolitical Sociology in a Global Era: An Introduction to the State and Society [Book Review].
Political Studies Review, 13
pp. 592-593.
ISSN 1478-9299
Tao, Yu ORCID: 0000-0002-6289-9969 and Griffith, Edward
ORCID: 0000-0001-8297-2900
Making Critical Thinking Skills Training Explicit, Engaging, and Effective through Live Debates on Current Political Issues: A Pilot Pedagogical Experiment.
PS: Political Science & Politics, 53
pp. 155-160.
ISSN 1049-0965
Zack-williams, Alfred (2018) The state and accumulation in Africa. Review of African Political Economy, 45 (158). pp. 515-521. ISSN 0305-6244
Alsford, Niki Joseph paul ORCID: 0000-0003-1939-4313
Tea of Taiwan: Contemporary Adaptation.
Taiwan Since Martial Law.
National Taiwan University Press (NTU Press), Taipei, pp. 263-297.
ISBN 9789868805507
Binns, Amy ORCID: 0000-0002-9173-3108 and Bateman, Martin
What makes a target: politicians and abuse on social media [Note: The chapter “What makes a target: politicians and abuse on social media” from the edited collection “Anti Social Media?” was reprinted in the British Journalism Review under the title “And they thought papers were rude.”].
Anti-Social Media?: The Impact on Journalism and Society.
Abramis, pp. 34-41.
ISBN 978-1-84549-729-3
Binns, Amy ORCID: 0000-0002-9173-3108, Bateman, Martin and Mair, John
The remoaner queen under attack: the trolling of Gina Miller.
Anti-Social Media?: The Impact on Journalism and Society.
Abramis, pp. 10-16.
ISBN 978-1-84549-729-3
Bratchford, Gary (2016) The Politics of Visibility: Two Cases From the Pendleton Walks. In: All Materials of Value. Institute of Urban Dreaming (IUD), Salford, pp. 44-47.
Cerella, Antonio (2016) The Power of Sacrifice: Rene Girard and the Political. In: The Sacred and the Political: Exploration on Mimesis, Violence and Religion. Political Theory and Contemporary Philosophy . Bloomsbury Publishing, London, pp. 1-8. ISBN 9781628925968
Fairclough, Isabela ORCID: 0000-0001-6718-2636
Impossible Conversations Across Radically Different Frameworks. A critical rationalist approach to deep disagreements.
Proceedings of the Tenth Conference of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation. Editors: R. Boogaart, B. Garssen, H. Jansen, M. van Leeuwen, R. Pilgram, A. Reuneker.
ISSA Proceedings
Sic Sat, Amsterdam, pp. 1-24.
Ha, Fong Wa ORCID: 0000-0002-7728-1141
Collocation and Emotions in the Context of Austerity in British Newspapers.
Multimodal Approaches to Media Discourses Reconstructing the Age of Austerity in the United Kingdom.
Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon; New York, NY, pp. 88-109.
ISBN 9780367332891
Koutsoukis, Alexandros ORCID: 0000-0003-1533-9245
Thucydides and Social Processes: Beyond Tragedy.
The Palgrave Handbook of International Political Theory.
International Political Theory, I
Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 47-68.
ISBN 978-3-031-36110-4
Morris, Carl ORCID: 0000-0001-6698-3116
Islamic cosmopolitanism: Muslim minorities and religious pluralism in North America and Europe.
Emergent Religious Pluralisms.
Palgrave Studies in Lived Religion and Societal Challenges
Palgrave Macmillan.
ISBN 978-3-030-13810-3
Stewart, David ORCID: 0000-0001-9918-314X
'The people's main defence against monopoly'? The Co-op, the Labour Party and Resale Price Maintenance, 1918-1964.
Labour United and Divided from the 1830s to the Present.
Manchester University Press (MUP), Manchester.
ISBN 978-1-5261-2632-0
Uwazuruike, Allwell Raphael ORCID: 0000-0002-3746-9254
Freedom of Expression and National Security: A Human Rights Analysis of the Nigerian Democratic State.
Military-Media relations in Postcolonial Nigeria: Clashes, Ethics, and Prospects.
Ethics International Press.
ISBN 978-1-80441-247-3
Binns, Amy ORCID: 0000-0002-9173-3108 and Bateman, Martin
Preliminary findings of hostility towards MPs on Twitter using sentiment analysis.
Project Report.
Committee for Standards in Public Life, London.
Haraldsen, Stephen ORCID: 0000-0002-2071-1737
Achieving Public Value.
Discussion Paper.
Policy Network, London.
Haraldsen, Stephen ORCID: 0000-0002-2071-1737
Public Value Mangement: Institutional Design for Dialogue and Decision. A collection of papers and discussion contributions from a roundtable discussion held at Westminster in November 2019.
Discussion Paper.
Hope, Phil, Barwick, Steve and Lazo, Kimberly ORCID: 0000-0001-5783-2076
Building Back Health and Prosperity Report of the Health Devolution Commission.
Technical Report.
The Health Devolution Commission.
Taylorian, Brandon Reece ORCID: 0000-0002-2632-5642
International Religious Rights and Standards.
Technical Report.
The Religious Recognition Report, Preston, Lancashire.
Baldesi, Gianluigi, Wylie, Rick ORCID: 0000-0002-8294-4931 and Goddard, Estelle
Public Value in the Space Sector : ESA Case.
In: International Astronautical Congress 2020, 12-14 October 2020, Virtual.
Mardini, Adham (2018) What Syria Can Teach Us in Creating a New and Better Future? In: 2018 GIMAR Conference on “GLOBAL ISSUES IN MULTIDISCIPLINARY ACADEMIC RESEARCH ”, February 01-02, 20018, Tokyo, Japan.
Cerella, Antonio and Brighi, Elisabetta (2015) Mimetic Theory and International Studies. SAGE, UK. ISBN 1755-0882
Lim, Sojin ORCID: 0000-0003-1395-7672
Politics, International Relations and Diplomacy on the Korean Peninsula.
Routledge, London.
ISBN 978-1-032-49192-9, 978-1-032-49193-6, 978-1-003-39256-9
Momesso, Lara ORCID: 0000-0002-4042-9384 and Ivanova, Polina
Refugee Protection in Japan and Taiwan: Common Challenges and Ways Forward for Human Security.
Palgrave Macmillan Studies on Human Rights in Asia (PMSHRA)
Uwazuruike, Allwell Raphael ORCID: 0000-0002-3746-9254 and Suraj, Olunifesi
Military-Media Relations in Post-Colonial Nigeria: Clashes, Ethics, and Prospects.
Ethics International Press.
ISBN 978-1-80441-247-3
Wylie, Rick ORCID: 0000-0002-8294-4931
Public Value Management
Institutional Design and Decision for the Common Good.
Rowman & Littlefield.
ISBN 978-1-78661-209-0
Cross, Amy (2020) ‘A challenge to principle and to conscience’? The British Labour Party’s response to New Commonwealth immigration c.1958-c.1968. Doctoral thesis, University of Central Lancashire.
Harkins, John Colin (1983) Party organisation and perceptions of political power: the role of members in political parties. Masters thesis, Preston Polytechnic.
Kim, Priscilla Jung (2019) United States’ Track II Diplomacy During the Second North Korean Nuclear Crisis (2002-2008). Doctoral thesis, University of Central Lancashire.
Sherrington, Philippa J. (1996) Political Authority within the European Community: The Operation of the Council of Ministers. Doctoral thesis, University of Central Lancashire.
Wiessala, Eugen Georg (2005) The politics of re-orientation and responsibility: European Union foreign policy and human rights promotion in Asian countries. Doctoral thesis, University of Central Lancashire.
Meredith, Stephen ORCID: 0000-0003-2382-1015
(Book Review) March of the Moderates: Bill Clinton, Tony Blair, and the Rebirth of Progressive Politics by Richard Carr, R. (2019). London: Tauris, 320 pp., £20.00 (hardback), ISBN 9781788317344.
Taylor and Francis, London.
Momesso, Lara ORCID: 0000-0002-4042-9384, Zemanek, Adina Simona
ORCID: 0000-0002-7960-8646 and Chang, Ti-Han
ORCID: 0000-0003-1324-2992
NEPCAP Policy Briefs - Special Issue - The Role of Social Media in Shaping (Un)Democratic Processes.
University of Central Lancashire (UCLan).