Bagley, Petra Maria ORCID: 0000-0003-0565-8883
'The Young Hunger Artists: The Portrayal of Eating Disorders by Contemporary Austrian Women Writers'.
Intercultural Promenades, 1
Börjars, Kersti and Harries, Pauline ORCID: 0000-0001-5069-9946
The Clitic-Affix Distinction, Historical Change, and Scandinavian Bound Definiteness Marking.
Journal of Germanic Linguistics, 20
pp. 289-350.
ISSN 1470-5427
Roddam, Hazel ORCID: 0000-0002-0637-1801 and Mühlhaus, J
Schmeckts? Evidenzbasierte praxis in der logopädie.
Forum Logopadie, 31
pp. 30-33.
ISSN 0932-0547
Siebers, Johan Isaac and Moir, Catherine (2011) Übersetzung als Utopie bei Bloch Über die Schwierigkeit des Überschreitens. Ernst Bloch Jahrbuch, 2011 .
Bagley, Petra ORCID: 0000-0003-0565-8883
Elisabeth Plessen.
Killy Literaturlexikon, 2nd edition.
De Gruyter, Berlin.
ISBN 78 311 023789-4
Bagley, Petra Maria ORCID: 0000-0003-0565-8883
Living the Dream? Birgit Vanderbeke’s Perspective on Happiness in Ich sehe was, was du nicht siehst (1999) and Der Sommer der Wildschweine (2014).
Germanistik in Ireland.
Constructions of Hapiness / Konstruktionen des Glücks, 10
Hartung-Gorre, Ireland.
ISBN 978-3-86628-551-4
Bagley, Petra Maria ORCID: 0000-0003-0565-8883
Mein Mallorca: A German-Spanish Love Affair.
Identity and Intercultural Exchange in Travel and Tourism.
Tourism and Cultural Change
Channel View Publications, Bristol, pp. 36-46.
ISBN 978-1-84541-462-7
Bagley, Petra Maria ORCID: 0000-0003-0565-8883
Promoting cross-cultural understanding through literature: how Turkish tea found its way into German fiction.
Supporting Internationalisation through languages and culture in the 21st century.
Peter Lang, Bern, pp. 155-167.
ISBN 978-3-0353-0674-3
Siebers, Johan Isaac (2013) Ernst Bloch's Dialectical Anthropology. In: Ernst Bloch and the Privatisation of Hope. Duke University Press. ISBN 978-0-8223-5575-5
Sviatlana, Karpava ORCID: 0000-0001-8416-1431 and Grohmann, Kleanthes
Object Clitic Placement in Cypriot Greek: A Comparative Study from Russian–Cypriot Greek Speakers.
Developments in the Acquisition of Clitics.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, pp. 87-138.
ISBN 9781443854825
Karpava, Sviatlana ORCID: 0000-0001-8416-1431
Vulnerable Domains in for Cross-Linguistic Influence in L2 Acquisition of Greek.
Inquiries in Language Learning. Forschungen zu Psycholinguistik und Fremdsprachendidaktik, 16
Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien.
ISBN 978-3-631-66587-9 hb