Bagley, Petra Maria ORCID: 0000-0003-0565-8883
The grandmother in recent Austrian literature: Peter Henisch, Eine sehr kleine Frau (2007) and Melitta Breznik, Das Umstellformat (2002).
New Perspectives on Contemporary Austrian Literature and Culture.
Studies in Modern German and Austrian Literature
Peter Lang, Bern, Berlin, Brussels, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Oxford, Vienna.
ISBN 978-3034319843
Ikoniadou, Maria ORCID: 0000-0002-6572-9148
Re-claiming Greek national history in the GDR in the 1960s. The case of Pyrsos illustrated magazine.
Deutsch-Griechische Beziehungen Im Ostdeutschen Staatssozialismus (1949-1989). Politische Migration, Realpolitik Und Interkulturelle Begegnung.
Edition Romiosini, Berlin, pp. 123-133.
ISBN 9783946142409
Knight, David ORCID: 0000-0001-9766-6121
Companion to Contemporary Black British Culture.
Routledge, USA and Canada, pp. 91-93.
ISBN 0-415-16989-5 (hbk); 0-203-19499-7 (e-book); 0-415-86250-9 (pbk)
Lerose, Luigi ORCID: 0000-0003-3848-1893, Pino, Florinda and Amerighi, Lisa
La Sfida di Lepre e Riccio.
Mason Perkins Deafness Fund Onlus (MPDFonlus), Siena.
Schroeder, Doris ORCID: 0000-0002-3633-2758 and Kaplan, David
Responsible inclusive innovation: tackling grand challenges globally.
International Handbook on Responsible Innovation.
Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 308-324.
ISBN 9781784718855