Items where Subject is "Russian history"

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Archer, Dawn Elizabeth and Williams, Christopher (2013) Constructing a shared history, space and destiny: the children’s reader Udmurtia Forever with Russia. Pragmatics and Society . ISSN 1878-9714

Artamonova, Elena orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-2221-1955 (2024) Opera of Vladimir Rebikov 'Yolka'. Its Reception in Great Britain. [Опера Владимира Ребикова «Ёлка». Рецепция «Ёлки» в Великобритании (по материалам русской и англоязычной прессы)]. In: Feodor Dostoevsky: In the Dialogue of Cultures. View from the Twenty-First Century. Institute for Art Studies, Moscow, Russia, pp. 165-185. ISBN 978-5-98287-220-3

Artamonova, Elena orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-2221-1955 (2015) Vadim Borisovsky and His Viola Arrangements: Recent Discoveries in Russian Archives and Libraries, Part II. Journal of the American Viola Society, 31 (1). pp. 19-30. ISSN 0898-5987

Artamonova, Elena orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-2221-1955 (2022) Vladimir Rebikov and His Music in Great Britain (based on English publications) / Владимир Иванович Ребиков и его музыка в Великобритании. По материалам англоязычной прессы. Arts Education and Science, 2022/1 ((30)). pp. 88-100. ISSN 2410-6348


Colman, Jonathan orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1223-9679 (2016) The Cuban Missile Crisis: Origins, Course, and Aftermath (Edinburgh University Press, 2016). Other. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh.

Colman, Jonathan orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1223-9679 (2016) The Cuban Missile Crisis: Origins, Course, and Aftermath. University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh. ISBN 9780748696284

Colman, Jonathan orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-1223-9679 (2015) The ‘Most Distinguished Envoy of Peace’: Averell Harriman and the Vietnam War in the Johnson Years. International History Review, 38 (1). pp. 66-87. ISSN 0707-5332


Featherstone, David, Høgsbjerg, Christian and Rice, Alan orcid iconORCID: 0000-0002-2215-4727 (2022) Revolutionary lives of the Red and Black Atlantic since 1917. Manchester University Press (MUP). ISBN 978-1-5261-7674-5


Kuznetsova, Olga, Kuznetsov, Andrei orcid iconORCID: 0000-0003-4539-0711 and Mirkin, Yakov M. (2011) The rocky road to modernity: 20 years of the Russian capital market. Thunderbird International Business Review, 53 (5). pp. 661-673. ISSN 10964762


Poole, Robert orcid iconORCID: 0000-0001-9613-6401 (2020) Book review: Freedom’s Laboratory: The Cold War Struggle for the Soul of Science by Audra J. Wolfe, Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2019, 312 pp., $29.95/£22, ISBN: 978142142673 [Book Review]. Taylor and Francis.


Williams, Christopher (2008) Azykovye planirovanie I yazkovaya politika v otnoshshenii valliiskogo yazyka: opyt, poleznyi dlya udmurtskogo yazyka’ (Welsh language planning and policies: Some lessons for the Udmurt language),. In: Yazykovoe i etnicheskoe vozrozhdenie v Udmurtii: Ot politiki k kul’turnomu mnogoobrazhii (Linguistic and ethnic revival in Russia: From policy to cultural diversity). Udmurt State University (UDSU), Izhevsk, pp. 185-217.

Williams, Christopher (2008) Can the language planning strategies and policies used to revive the Welsh language help maintain the Udmurt language? In: Mnogozazychie I mezhkul’turnoe vzaimodeistvie (Multilingual and multiethnic interconnections). Udmurt State University (UDSU), Izhevsk, pp. 345-349.

Williams, Christopher (2009) The Fight for Religious Freedom and Pluralism in Post-communist Russia. In: Sub-cultures and new religious movements in Russia and East-Central Europe. Cultural Identity Studies (15). Peter Lang, Oxford, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Wien, pp. 227-252. ISBN 9783039119219

Williams, Christopher (2011) Health and welfare in St Petersburg, 1900-1941. The History of Medicine in Context . Ashgate Publishing, London. ISBN 978-0754655343

Williams, Christopher (2012) “Lets Smash it” Mobilising the masses against the demon drink in Soviet era health posters. Visual Resources, 28 (4). pp. 355-375. ISSN 0197-3762

Williams, Christopher (2009) Russia’s closer ties with China, geo-politics of energy and the implications for the European Union. In: Beyond Distant Neighbours - EU-China Relations in the 21st Century. Brill, Amsterdam, pp. 151-166.

Williams, Christopher (2008) Western historical debates on Stalin’s purges. In: Obshestvenno-politicheskaya mysl’ v Rossii: Traditsii i novatsii (Socio-political thought in Russia). Udmurt State University (UDSU), pp. 251-262.

Williams, Christopher (2010) The times they are a changing: Teaching Soviet history to university students in the UK. In: Uchitel’ XXI veka: professional’nogo vzaimodestviia i samobrazovaniia (21st century teacher: Strategies of professional cooperation and self development), Volume 2. Udmurt State University (UDSU), Izhevsk, Russia, pp. 353-357.

Williams, Christopher and Foxlee, Neil (2009) New Religious Movements in Post-communist Russia and East-Central Europe - A threat to stability and national identity? In: Sub-cultures and new religious movements in Russia and East-Central Europe. Peter Lang, Oxford, pp. 211-226.

Williams, Christopher, Baranov, A, Fedorova, L and Vorontsov, V (2008) Linguistic and ethnic revival in Russia: From policy to cultural diversity. Discussion Paper. UNSPECIFIED.

Williams, Christopher, McKay, G, Goddard, M and Foxlee, Neil (2009) Sub-cultures and new religious movements in Russia and East-Central Europe. Peter Lang, Oxford.

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