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Bagnall, Adam (2016) An investigation into the influence of river properties on Brown Trout habitat conditions. [Dissertation]
Burn, Peter (2016) The EU Sulphur Directive: A Review, From a Company Perspective, of the Recent 2012/33/EU Amendment. [Dissertation]
Kirkham, Luke (2016) New build Studentification and the rise of PBSA in Manchester’s University Corridor- resident’s perspective, a missing link? [Dissertation]
Lomax, Jessica Faye (2016) An investigation into the recovering acidification levels in the River Etherow. [Dissertation]
Melling, Oliver (2016) An investigation into river bank erosion at Marshaw Wyre. [Dissertation]
Rowland, Declan (2016) Assessment of the Success of the Restoration of a Small Scale Area of Mossland at Risley Moss. [Dissertation]