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Blackburn, Paul (2014) Public perceptions of the proposed underground gas storage facility in Preesall, Lancashire. [Dissertation]
Daniels, Rachel (2013) Reintroduction of the Scottish wildcat (Felis silvestris grampia): A feasibility study of the Argyll area. [Dissertation]
Friend, Mike To conduct a chemical survey of the water quality at Borwick Fishery to justify the potential impact mass baiting may have on fish welfare. [Dissertation]
Hurley, Liam (2013) Public Perceptions of Hydraulic Fracturing on the Fylde Coast. [Dissertation]
Keeling, Amy (2013) “The success rate of C. europaeus nests upon Cannock Chase in Staffordshire”. [Dissertation]
Wild, Rebecca (2013) To examine how the radial growth patterns of different species of trees may vary after being exposed to the same annual climatic conditions: A Priestley Clough case study. [Dissertation]