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AL-Hooti, K (2011) Environmental and Social Impact of Oil Spills in Oman: A case study indicating attitudes of the fishing industry and the public. [Dissertation]

Aguilera, Karen (2013) Farmer Perception of water pollution control through Nitrate Vulnerable Zone Designation. [Dissertation]

Al Subhi, Bushra, S, N (2016) Useage of waste materials from construction for light concrete tiles production in Oman. [Dissertation]


Al-Farsi, Mashael Salim (2014) Bottled drinking water in Oman: a critical review. [Dissertation]

Al-Hadhrami, HS (2011) Plastic waste management in the Sultanate of Oman. [Dissertation]

Al-Ismaili, Mohammed Nasser (2016) The effects of uncertainty on the regulation of health and safety in the development of nanotechnology. [Dissertation]

Al-Khadouri, Fatema (2016) A study on the challenges hindering green construction practice in the Sultanate of Oman. [Dissertation]

Al-Khali, Nouf, S (2014) Electrical Safety in Construction Sites: The study of construction industry in Oman. [Dissertation]

Al-Khater, Naeema (2016) An Analysis of the History of the Facilities Management Profession and its Future Development. [Dissertation]

Al-Zadjali, Mohammed (2016) Waste Management at Construction Sites in Oman. [Dissertation]

Al-araimi, Sarah, A (2016) An investigation into Why facilities management is not recognised at corporate level in the UK. [Dissertation]

Al-bedwani, Mujtaba (2016) Training and Performance of the Employee in Oman Construction Industry. [Dissertation]

Albery, Stephen (2016) An investigation Into the Effects of the 2008-2009 Recession on the Construction Industry. [Dissertation]

Allan, Peter (2013) “Cumbria: conflicting attitudes to radioactive waste disposal with regard to Higher Activity Waste (HAW) and Very Low Level Waste (VLLW)”. [Dissertation]

Almond, E (2010) A study of the characteristics of floodplain sediment of the River Cocker following the flood event of November 2009. [Dissertation]

Armitage, J (2011) The Impact of covered out of town shopping centres on the central business district. Case Study: Trafford Centre Vs Manchester City Centre. [Dissertation]

Armson, D (2008) The importance of mycorrhizae to grassland growth. [Dissertation]

Aspden, Matt (2014) Can an out sourced TFM (Total Facilities Management) model, provide cost effective and flexible FM delivery within the modern workplace? [Dissertation]

Azri, Hiba-Al (2016) Construction Materials Management during delivery from the factory to the site. [Dissertation]

Bagnall, Adam (2016) An investigation into the influence of river properties on Brown Trout habitat conditions. [Dissertation]

Baker, Matthew (2016) How the rising uptake and development in Building Information Modelling (BIM) will affect the role, potential advantages and barriers to take up for the future professional Quantity Surveyor in the UK construction industry. [Dissertation]

Balmer, J (2009) A study to show the effects of Wigan’s Wastewater Treatment Works upon the water quality of the river Douglas. [Dissertation]

Barnett, James (2014) Conservation Deficit, Problems Associated with Solutions and English Heritages Role In Helping the preservation. [Dissertation]

Barrett, Jermaine (2016) The Impact from Building Information Modelling at the Design Stage within the Construction Process. [Dissertation]

Bell, S (2007) Is community conservation truly beneficial to the communities involved? With a case study of the Kajiado District, Kenya. [Dissertation]

Blackburn, Paul (2014) Public perceptions of the proposed underground gas storage facility in Preesall, Lancashire. [Dissertation]

Bonney, P (2008) A localised study of farmland birds and breeding wader populations in the south Fylde. A practical approach towards applying for Environmental Stewardship. [Dissertation]

Borowski, Tomasz (2012) ‘’Impact of alien sea buckthorn on native vegetation and soil characteristics of the Fylde Coast sand dune complex’’. [Dissertation]

Bosson, Samuel Anthony (2012) Attitudes towards Nuclear Power in the UK : A Local Survey to Create an Attitude Scaling Approach with a Focus on Generational Effects. [Dissertation]

Brigg, Logan (2013) How management practices carried out by Deane Golf Club may have an adverse effect upon water quality, specifically on the concentration levels of nitrate within an adjacent watercourse. [Dissertation]

Brough, Hannah Marie (2014) The effects that channel management have on the biodiversity of a river. [Dissertation]

Bryan, Daniel, P (2016) An investigation into the effect of green belt upon the housing crisis in the UK. [Dissertation]

Burn, Peter (2016) The EU Sulphur Directive: A Review, From a Company Perspective, of the Recent 2012/33/EU Amendment. [Dissertation]

Bury, L (2007) Load of Rubbish! An investigation into the changing attitudes and behaviour towards voluntary recycling with particular reference to kerbside recycling. [Dissertation]

Butler, Amelia Rose (2015) Whose regeneration? A case study to investigate the potential of Hull as the UK City of Culture 2017. [Dissertation]

Cairns, L (2011) Analysis of River Meander Development and Relationship between Vegetation and Bank Stability: River Lostock, Preston, Lancashire. [Dissertation]

Carter, Aiden C. (2014) The effects of different inputs of organic growth medium and anaerobic digestate on earthworms at the former Chisnall Hall colliery waste tip. [Dissertation]

Carubia, Jennifer (2013) The Effect of Tourism on Island Conservation; A Case Study of Hilbre Island, Wirral. [Dissertation]

Chadwick, J (2007) The Politics of climate change and how the Media can influence the public’s perception when it comes to reporting on the agenda of Global warming. [Dissertation]

Chapman, Jack, W (2014) An investigation into the implementation of Building Information Modelling into the United Kingdom's construction industry, and the financial implications to smaller contracted firms. [Dissertation]

Chapman, Peter (2014) Timber frame dwelling houses in the UK; the benefits, pitfalls and the assessment for the potential for market growth. [Dissertation]

Chappell, Ryan (2016) Roadmap towards achieving BIM readiness for small to medium enterprises (SMEs). [Dissertation]

Chique-Canache, C (2007) A Comparison Between a Venezuelan Tropical Soil and a British Temperate Soil to Establish how Management Practices Influence Properties and Processes within the Soils. [Dissertation]

Clark, Richard (2012) Can dendrochronology be used as an identifier of climatic fluctuations using tree core samples from the Brocklebank Ground and Under Crag woodland? [Dissertation]

Clarke, J (2011) Bisphenol-A: The Study of Public Awareness and Risk Perception. [Dissertation]

Coar, Darren (2016) The Impact of Building Information Modelling (BIM) On the role of the Quantity Surveyor. [Dissertation]


Cookson, Nathan (2016) An Investigation into the Sustainable and Technological Developments within Domestic Housing in the United Kingdom. [Dissertation]

Coombs, C (2007) An Investigation of Water Quality of a Regenerated Urban Watercourse. [Dissertation]

Cooney, Victoria Ellen (2013) Does the possible effect of varying sea states affect shell fragmentation at Sandscale Haws, Cumbria. [Dissertation]

Coram, Rachel (2012) The Assessment of the Internet's Influence on Household Reuse Behaviour. [Dissertation]

Corbishley, Tyler (2014) A study on the effect of unimproved wildflower grassland on bumblebee species diversity & abundance in Lancashire. [Dissertation]

Crick, L (2011) ‘Public perception of the management of Horton Country Park’. [Dissertation]

Cross, James (2012) Whalley: An unwelcome pressure for Greenfield development. [Dissertation]

D'Espagnac, Bruno, J (2014) An investigation into the new sustainable technology in intelligent building. [Dissertation]

Daniels, Rachel (2013) Reintroduction of the Scottish wildcat (Felis silvestris grampia): A feasibility study of the Argyll area. [Dissertation]

Dawber, S (2010) An analysis of earthworm distribution within Brockholes Wetland Nature Reserve. [Dissertation]

Dearnaley, P (2008) How have attitudes changed towards the threat of flooding in the Carlisle area since the floods of January 2005. [Dissertation]

Deeley, P (2008) An investigation into the soil properties of a restored former industrial site. [Dissertation]

Denton, Jordanna (2014) Preston Bus Station: public opinion on reuse, redevelopment and relisting. [Dissertation]

Devenport, S (2008) ‘The impact on soil properties of the different farming methods used in organic and non-organic farming’. [Dissertation]

Devine, Paul (2014) Is concrete construction as suitable for new domestic housing, as timber frame construction in the modern sustainable development environment? [Dissertation]

Dove, Joseph (2009) The effects the expected rise in sea levels will have on the distribution and abundance wading birds in the Ribble Estuary, Lancashire. With particular emphasis on the Redshank (Tringa totanus). [Dissertation]

Downs, T (2010) Tourism and risk: a study into tourist’s perceptions of risk on holiday in comparison with everyday life. [Dissertation]

Duckworth, Beverley (2014) VARIATIONS: Dispute Avoidance and Effective Management under the JCT Standard Building Contract. [Dissertation]

Dunbar, M (2007) “An analysis of the abundance and distribution of small mammals from the edge of a mixed deciduous woodland in Northeast England, with regard to and vegetation architecture.”. [Dissertation]

Durkin, Alex (2016) An Evaluation of Early Contractor Involvement in Procurement. [Dissertation]

Durkin, Alex (2016) an evaluation of early contract involvement in procurement. [Dissertation]

Egan, Nathan (2012) An investigation into the effect that acid mine drainage has on water quality and other environmental factors on the Bridgewater Canal. [Dissertation]

Engelmann, Christina (2012) An investigation into the settlement patterns and demographics of the barnacle populations at two locations on the Yorkshire coast. [Dissertation]

Fielding, E-J (2010) A historical analysis of Corporation Park’s landscape since 1857. [Dissertation]

Fishwick, Peter (2016) An Assessment of Whether Brownfield Land Can Provide the Answer to the UK’s Housing Shortage. [Dissertation]

Fletcher, Mathew (2015) The barriers and obstacles to sustainable refurbishment. [Dissertation]

Fox, E (2010) Analysis and comparison of the water quality of ponds in Shruggs Wood Nature Reserve. [Dissertation]

Francis, Zoe (2016) A critical analysis of alternative delivery methods available within construction. [Dissertation]

Friend, Mike To conduct a chemical survey of the water quality at Borwick Fishery to justify the potential impact mass baiting may have on fish welfare. [Dissertation]

Gallagher, Philip (2014) A case study on the feeding ecology and habits of the Prostoma jenningsi (Nemertea Hoplonemertea) specimens found at the Twin Lakes, Croston site. [Dissertation]

Gent, A (2010) The analysis of the interrelations between the hydraulic, morphometric and load variables of the River Marshaw Wyre, Lancashire, England. [Dissertation]

Gerrard, Matthew, J (2016) Cash flow issues in the UK construction industry. [Dissertation]

Gill, M (2010) The Presentation of Conservation Education in Small Scale Animal Parks. [Dissertation]

Gould, christopher (2016) The Party Wall etc Act1996 20 years on: does it deliver what it promised? [Dissertation]

Graham, Callum (2012) To what extent does lithology affect a rivers morphology and alluvial characteristics in Sulby River and Lhen Trench. [Dissertation]

Grayson, A (2007) A comparative small mammal population study between two areas of dwarf shrub heath on the Great Orme Country Park, Llandudno. [Dissertation]

Green, Scott (2016) Study of delays and cost overruns in the construction industry in the North-West of England. [Dissertation]

Greenway, K (2007) Parks and People: Community attitudes towards National Parks in rural Kenya; an assessment of policy change towards community conservation. [Dissertation]

Griffin, C (2007) Public’s Perception of a Proposed and an Established Wind Farm. [Dissertation]

Griffiths, Tom (2014) An assessment of the flow water and the resulting water quality of Lancaster Canal. [Dissertation]

Grimshaw, Daniel (2016) Implementing Zero Carbon Housing by 2020. [Dissertation]

Gumley, G (2007) Is Blackpool’s Bathing Water Safe Or is the Answer in the Sand? [Dissertation]

Haining, Thomas, A (2016) The suitability of Rammed Earth as a Construction Method in the UK as a Sustainable Building Technique. [Dissertation]

Hasan, Imran (2016) Investigation of Impacts of Modular Offsite Construction on Availability of Affordable Quality Housing in the UK. [Dissertation]

Hembrow, S-L (2011) Environmental risk and the media: A study into the impact the media has on the public’s perception and understanding of climate change and the associated risks. [Dissertation]

Hesketh, D (2010) Contaminated Land Investigation & Remediation: Controlling Factors from the Client’s Perspective. [Dissertation]

Hewell, James (2016) An investigation into the use of recycled carpet waste fibres to reinforce concrete. [Dissertation]

Heyes, M (2010) Pro-Environmental Behaviours: A concern for young adults? [Dissertation]

Hindle, Christopher (2016) How can the re-development of heritage assets impact the sustainability of towns and cities? [Dissertation]

Holden, G (2008) Past, Present and Future Environmental Status of the University of Central Lancashire. [Dissertation]

Holt, Christian (2016) A Critical Review into the Effect of Stakeholder Management on the Success of a Construction Project. [Dissertation]

Hurley, Liam (2013) Public Perceptions of Hydraulic Fracturing on the Fylde Coast. [Dissertation]

Ibraham, Ismail (2016) Is Building Information Modelling (BIM), an advancement in technology that is detrimental to the working professional within the construction industry? [Dissertation]

Jackson, A (2008) How does public perception of the what major UK superstores are doing to protect the environment relate to the stores’ published Environmental Policies. [Dissertation]

Jackson, Amanda Jane (2013) Fylde Farm - A study of Decay and Dereliction. [Dissertation]

Jackson, Mark, A (2016) The Ecclesiastical Exemption A Technical Comparison of the Church of England’s Faculty Jurisdiction and Secular Listed Building Consent Regimes. [Dissertation]

Jackson, Matt (2016) Why Has the Code for Sustainable Homes Been Abandoned and Will The Construction Industry Cope Without It? [Dissertation]

Jackson, William (2014) An investigation on the influence of agricultural and urban land use on the water quality of the River Ouse in the catchment area of York. [Dissertation]

Jay, R (2008) The Reintroduction of Wolves to the United Kingdom and the Media. [Dissertation]

Karami, Khaleq (2015) An investigation into exploring issues preventing developers from creating sustainable new housing in urban areas of the UK. [Dissertation]

Keeling, Amy (2013) “The success rate of C. europaeus nests upon Cannock Chase in Staffordshire”. [Dissertation]

Khalid, Mamuna (2014) To what extent are eco-homes in Nelson achieving sustainability objectives. [Dissertation]

Khamis, Nawaf, A, H, F, A (2015) Social, environmental and economic effects of green housing concept. [Dissertation]

King, Carly (2016) To demonstrate the principal of the caveat emptor rule does not apply to the private rented sector. [Dissertation]

Kirkham, Luke (2016) New build Studentification and the rise of PBSA in Manchester’s University Corridor- resident’s perspective, a missing link? [Dissertation]

Knibbs, Graeme (2016) Asbestos: Are Construction Workers of Great Britain truly aware of the risks? [Dissertation]

Knight, R (2008) An evaluation of the habitat used by otters (Lutra lutra) in Lancashire as a reference for habitat creation at a newly acquired Wildlife Trust site. [Dissertation]

Kramer, Thomas, I (2016) Urban Regeneration in the United Kingdom: Waterfront Regeneration. [Dissertation]

Laing, Duncan (2014) What actions or policies are being undertaken by governments and non-governmental organisations to mitigate the effects of climate change on Ursus maritimus and Panthera tigris tigris? [Dissertation]

Lakatos, Attila (2016) An investigation into the use of magnesia based cement substitutes. [Dissertation]

Lakey, Matthew (2016) Levels of utilisation of offsite timber frame construction methods within the UK housebuilding industry (alternative title). [Dissertation]

Lancaster, S (2011) An investigation into the public’s attitudes to UK housing carbon emission reduction policies and technologies for home energy production from renewable sources. [Dissertation]

Latham, Josh (2013) Comparative Study on the Breeding of Bufo calamita in the Present Day Compared with the 1988/1989 Breeding Seasons. [Dissertation]

Lavery, S (2010) Flood Management and Response in Morpeth, Northumberland in relation to the Summer 2008 Floods. [Dissertation]

Ledger, Alistair (2014) Dawlish Warren coastal management strategies; reviewing recent plans with the perception from the local population. [Dissertation]

Lee, V (2008) How have the media influenced the public on their opinions on climate change? [Dissertation]

Lewis, C (2010) An Investigation into the Effects Surrounding Land Use has upon the Water Quality of Bassenthwaite Lake, Cumbria. [Dissertation]

Lewis, Collin, I, L (2016) Assessment of tender evaluation criteria in the construction industry. [Dissertation]

Lomax, Jessica Faye (2016) An investigation into the recovering acidification levels in the River Etherow. [Dissertation]

Lomax, L (2007) A 50 year Analysis of Rainfall in Preston and the Association with Cosmic Rays. [Dissertation]

Looby, Owen (2016) The underutilisation of female labour: Creating a framework for greater female integration into the UK construction industry to tackle the skill shortage. [Dissertation]

Mack, Anna Marie (2013) Public Perception of New Nuclear Power in the UK. [Dissertation]

Macpherson, S (2007) How the crop and the crop structure, with special reference to land based renewable crops, can influence the diversity and abundance of farmland birds on a winter stubble field in the north of England. [Dissertation]

Mageer, L (2007) The impact of tourism on the Maasai attitudes towards wildlife: A case study of Kajiado District, Kenya. [Dissertation]

Maher, Ryan (2016) Women in Construction. [Dissertation]

Marshall, I (2009) Land Reform in Kenya and South Africa: it’s impacts on community and conservation with relation to sustainable development. [Dissertation]

Mason, P (2007) Opportunities and Obstacles: an analysis of public participation in Blackpool’s tourism planning. [Dissertation]

McMurtry, E (2010) Is Nuclear New Build a viable option for the UK with regards to the disposal of High Level Waste? [Dissertation]

Mcloughlin, Kieran (2016) Measuring workmanship quality in the North-West of the UK for tendering purposes in commercial projects. [Dissertation]

Mcloughlin, Kirsty (2013) A study on the UK public’s awareness and understanding of freshwater issues and the predicted affects. [Dissertation]

Mdamu, Felix (2016) Elephant-Human Wildlife Conflict – The Elephant (Loxodonta africana) conflict and Livestock number factor In Tsavo Conservation Area, Kenya. A Case Study. [Dissertation]

Melling, Jack (2016) An Investigation into the difficulties in which Main Contractors encounter when applying for a Loss and Expense claim under the JCT SBC 2011 form of Contract. [Dissertation]

Melling, Oliver (2016) An investigation into river bank erosion at Marshaw Wyre. [Dissertation]

Mercer, andrew (2016) An analysis into the quality of Tender Documents received by sub-contractors in the UK Construction Industry. [Dissertation]

Middleton, R (2009) Perceptions of farmers in Lancashire on the Higher Level Stewardship (HLS) Scheme. [Dissertation]

Mills, Ruth (2012) The Influence of Land use and Vegetation on Soil Physical and Chemical Characteristics. [Dissertation]

Mitchell, Daniel (2016) Investigation into the Barriers and Benefits ofMMC and its Relationship with the UK Housing Sector. [Dissertation]

Mohammed, Al-azizi, A, M (2016) Opportunities for harvesting solar electricity in Oman. Current status and future prospects. [Dissertation]

Moore, R (2008) A study of river behaviour: The effects of variables and their interrelationships. [Dissertation]

Morozgalski, T (2011) What is the future of aquaculture in the United Kingdom? [Dissertation]

Muneera, Al-qasmi (2016) A study of Total Quality Management Practices in Oman’s Construction Industries. [Dissertation]

Murphy, Rachel (2013) An investigation into the public’s perception of Haulbowline Island and the clean-up effort: A comparison of local Cork City and Cobh residents. [Dissertation]

Newton, R (2011) Holbeck Urban Village: A Sustainable Community? [Dissertation]

Nightingale, T (2008) What is the Public’s attitude to the future supply of UK energy? [Dissertation]

Olinski, Rosanna Jane (2012) A study to investigate the impact of different sized small scale hydropower systems on river characteristics. [Dissertation]

Oomerjee, Wasim (2016) Addressing the current awareness of Energy Performance Directive (recast) in England that requires all new buildings to be nearly zero-energy by 2020. [Dissertation]

Ormston, Joshua, S (2016) An investigation into the use of mediation in the UK construction industry and assessing the drivers and barriers to its success. [Dissertation]

Palin, S (2007) Retail and Manchester’s entrepreneurial Redevelopment post 1996. [Dissertation]

Parker, James (2016) An Investigation into the Impact of Part L of the Approved Document has on Listed Buildings in the UK. [Dissertation]

Parmar, Shiven (2016) An Analysis of the Affordable Housing Crisis in London. [Dissertation]

Partington, Connor (2016) Asbestos Awareness Within the Construction Industry. [Dissertation]

Patel, Mohammed,A (2016) Labour shortages in the construction industry and its implications. [Dissertation]

Pike, Jack William An examination of how Garstang has used the Transition Town Movement to achieve sustainable development objectives. [Dissertation]


Price, Martin (2016) Evaluating Disability Accessibility in the Social Housing Sector. [Dissertation]

Quigg, S (2011) ‘Food Miles’: who cares? A study of consumer understanding and attitude towards the term ‘food miles,’ and the perceived environmental benefits of locally produced food, with a focus on vegetables. [Dissertation]

Rawcliffe, Alexander Brian (2013) A study into the Feasibility of Urban Agriculture in Preston City. [Dissertation]

Rcihardson, Thomas, J (2016) Construction Design and Management Regulation 2015 – Will it be a worthy successor or a failure like its predecessors, what does the Construction Industry think? [Dissertation]

Riley, J (2011) Buried Treasure? Could mining landfill sites be a practical method of reclaiming valuable, non-renewable resources for the United Kingdom? [Dissertation]

Rizwan, Mohammed, A (2016) An investigation into the impact of the feed in tariff scheme in the UK domestic energy section since 2010. [Dissertation]

Robinson, Amy (2016) Are historical sheep dipping baths in the Ribble Valley a source of arsenic pollution able to cause significant harm to human health? [Dissertation]

Rowland, Declan (2016) Assessment of the Success of the Restoration of a Small Scale Area of Mossland at Risley Moss. [Dissertation]

Russell, G Public Perception of Wind Power as a Source of Sustainable Energy - Benefits and Drawbacks. [Dissertation]

Saeed, Hasnaat (2016) The Impact Energy Assessments are having on the UK housing market. [Dissertation]

Saoirse, Jenning-adams (2016) A  Critical  Analysis  of  a  multi-­discipline,  multi-­organisation  Framework   Agreement  on  a  Nuclear  Licensed  Site. [Dissertation]

Saville, Natalie Louise (2012) The contrasting and comparative public attitudes of local residents surrounding an established and a proposed wind farm. [Dissertation]

Schofield, Christian The social effects of flooding on small rural communities in the UK; comparing Littleborough, Hebden Bridge and Whitworth. [Dissertation]

Seddon, Kathryn (2015) A comparative study of past and present water quality in the main stem of the River Ribble, in the upper, mid and lower reaches. [Dissertation]

Shah, Asmat (2016) An investigation into how mitigating environmental management issues can encourage sustainable construction of 21st Century. [Dissertation]

Shankland, P (2011) Investigative Research into the Implementation of the Eight Guiding Principles for Sustainable Development within UK Zoos; Public Expectations of Environmental Commitments. [Dissertation]

Sharples, T (2007) An investigation into the effects of Seasonal Variation and Sea Walls on Beach erosion in Filey Bay, Yorkshire. [Dissertation]

Shepherd, M (2010) The Feasibility of a Reintroduction of the Eurasian Lynx (Lynx lynx) into the Lake District National Park. [Dissertation]

Simmonds, Ellen (2016) To what extent does the proposed Moorside nuclear power plant engage and involve the local communities? [Dissertation]

Smith, Robson (2013) An investigation into establishing the most effective method of controlling Impatiens glandulifera whilst encouraging the re-colonization of native British flora at Duxbury Wood, Chorley. [Dissertation]

Smith, Samuel (2016) The NEC3: Has It Achieved Its Aims? [Dissertation]

Smith, Tate (2016) Dissertation project investigation into the use of standard rules of measurement for the measurement and pricing of construction work. [Dissertation]

Smith, W (2008) A study of the effects of the 1992 Common Agricultural Policy reform on farming practices in The Leeds Area. [Dissertation]

Sparling, W (2011) A Case Study - Investigating the role of local policy in creating a Highly Distributed Power System The City of Leeds. [Dissertation]

Spencer, Alexander (2014) An investigation into the public's travel behaviour, and attitudes towards bus and car use in Blackburn, UK. [Dissertation]

Spencer, Anthony (2016) An Investigation in to the Quality of Affordable Housing in the UK ~ Quantity vs Quality ~. [Dissertation]

Springer, stefan (2016) Investigating the uses of BIM for the Building of Residential Homes. [Dissertation]

Stewart, Natalie Ann (2015) Are zoos arks or attractions? [Dissertation]

Storton, R (2008) Is Hen harrier (Circus cyaneus) breeding success in Bowland linked to the egg laying date? [Dissertation]

Stott, Daniel (2016) The effect of the recession on the labour market within the construction industry. [Dissertation]

Street, R (2009) “Not in my back garden” The Proposal of a Waste Incinerator and the local public’s perception. [Dissertation]

Stringfellow, S (2009) An analysis of downstream river variables, River Brock, Lancashire. [Dissertation]

Suckling, A (2011) Population dynamics of Macropus rufogriseus in the Ballaugh Curraghs region, Isle of Man. [Dissertation]

Sugden, C (2010) An Analysis of the Effects of Hedgerow Proximity on Soil Fauna Abundance and Distribution on SSSI Reserve Land Vs. Agricultural Pasture Land. [Dissertation]

Sulaiman, Hattali,S, A (2016) An Investigation of construction materials shortage in the construction sites in Oman construction industry. [Dissertation]

Swann, K (2009) An Investigative Study Concerning Waste Management Practice within the Armed Forces. [Dissertation]

Talbot, S (2009) England residents’ perceptions of Blackpool as a holiday destination and the steady decline of tourism since the 1960s. [Dissertation]

Taruvinga, Tinashe, D (2016) The impact of stress on the performance of a project manager in the construction industry. [Dissertation]

Taylor, Edward (2016) Barriers and Benefits in Adaptive Reuse of Industrial Buildings in Burnley, Lancashire. [Dissertation]

Taylor, J (2008) The Influence of Vegetation, Hydraulic Regime and Bank Composition on Channel Planform on a Small River in North West England. [Dissertation]

Taylor, Jamie (2016) Façade Retention. [Dissertation]

Thomas, T (2009) The Evaluation of People’s perception to their risk of hazard .... Flooding. [Dissertation]

Thresh, A (2010) A study of the use of Impatiens glandulifera by native invertebrates compared to native species of plant at Cuerden Valley Park. [Dissertation]

Tinker, N An Investigation into the Feasibility of Different Types of Maintenance on Building Services. [Dissertation]

Tolefat, Hassan Nasser A-m- (2014) Public attitude toward renewable energy in Qatar: particularly solar and wind energy. [Dissertation]

Tomlinson, E (2007) Food and Packaging, Waste Management and Minimisation: An Assessment. [Dissertation]

Townley, C (2009) To measure the growth and to estimate the total lipid yield of one or more indigenous algal strains in ‘open batch culture conditions’ in the North West UK climate in order to assess their contribution towards local/ regional domestic and/ or commercial bio-fuel production requirements. [Dissertation]

Townsend, Sophie (2013) A Geomorphologic report to highlight the impacts of kayaking on the River Irwell. [Dissertation]

Tweddle, S (2008) Public Perceptions of Alternative Energy Within Cumbria. [Dissertation]

Waheed, Nawaz (2016) The implementation of sustainable construction in the North West. [Dissertation]

Wallwork, Samuel David (2013) The social and environmental impacts of tourism and Leisure, a case study of Hollingworth Lake. [Dissertation]

Ward, A (2010) Adaptation in the face of Global Threat: Marks and Spencer and new imperatives for business. [Dissertation]

Ward, H (2009) Sustainable homes: perceptions, possibilities and pitfalls. [Dissertation]

Ward, Jack (2016) To identify the current use of Building Information Modelling within the AEC industry; together with discovering the implications of BIM implementation and the feasibilities of adopting Level 2 BIM in the near future. [Dissertation]

Warren, Gemma (2013) The effects of limestone quarrying on the River Ribble in the Yorkshire Dales National Park. [Dissertation]

Wasp, Jonathon (2016) The Methods used by Employers to Reduce the Risk of Contractors Becoming Insolvent When Tendering for Works. [Dissertation]

Watson, T (2007) The effect of river channel management on species and habitat diversity on the River Wyre. [Dissertation]

Wells, E (2010) Paper v Fabric v Paper – A perception of the publics perceived knowledge surrounding the life cycle of grocery bags. [Dissertation]

Welsby, K (2008) An investigation into the public’s attitudes towards recycling in correlation with their proximity to proposed waste recycling facilities, using the Waste Technology Park at Leyland as a case study. [Dissertation]

Westmancoat, C (2008) Could the landfill in Cannock be used to create a ‘green field’ site to offset those lost to developments in the local area? [Dissertation]

Whalley, Nicola Anne (2014) Is the loss of mixed farming related to the decline in lapwing numbers in the UK? [Dissertation]

White, Alan Investigation into micro co-generation. [Dissertation]

White, Paul (2014) Mediation : a change in litigation culture or a cultural norm? [Dissertation]

Wignall, Rebecca Louise (2016) This dissertation investigation aims to interpret the following; to examine how a variety of channel patterns can affect the River Marshaw Wyre’s characteristics. [Dissertation]

Wild, C (2009) An investigation into how different people perceive the risks involved in surfing. [Dissertation]

Wild, Rebecca (2013) To examine how the radial growth patterns of different species of trees may vary after being exposed to the same annual climatic conditions: A Priestley Clough case study. [Dissertation]

Wilmot, Louis (2013) The Impact of Agricultural Activity on Nitrate Pollution Affecting UK River Systems – A Comparative Study between Commercial and Private Land-Use. [Dissertation]

Wolfenden, Richard (2013) Domestic Energy Efficiency in North West England, an Assessment of Trends and Effects of Income. [Dissertation]

Wood, Samuel (2016) An investigation into the use of Lean Production in Off-site Construction. [Dissertation]

Woods, C (2010) A Walking and Cycling Review for Rochdale. [Dissertation]

Wright, Anthony (2016) Return on Investment When Implementing an Outdoor Experiential Training Programme Into the Construction Industry. [Dissertation]

Wright, Daniel (2012) Cotton Workers for Slavery? An examination of the extent Lancashire cotton workers supported the Confederacy during the cotton famine of the 1860s. [Dissertation]

Wright, J (2010) It’s Not Easy Being Green: An Investigation into the Effectiveness of ‘Ecological Citizenship’ as an Explanation for Pro-environmental Behaviour. [Dissertation]

Yaseed, Mohammed (2016) Achieving Good Practice in Waste Management and Minimisation. [Dissertation]

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