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Chan, Yik Ho Contribution of IoT on Timely Completion of Construction Projects in Hong Kong. [Dissertation] (Unpublished)
Friend, Mike To conduct a chemical survey of the water quality at Borwick Fishery to justify the potential impact mass baiting may have on fish welfare. [Dissertation]
Pike, Jack William An examination of how Garstang has used the Transition Town Movement to achieve sustainable development objectives. [Dissertation]
Russell, G Public Perception of Wind Power as a Source of Sustainable Energy - Benefits and Drawbacks. [Dissertation]
Schofield, Christian The social effects of flooding on small rural communities in the UK; comparing Littleborough, Hebden Bridge and Whitworth. [Dissertation]
Tinker, N An Investigation into the Feasibility of Different Types of Maintenance on Building Services. [Dissertation]
White, Alan Investigation into micro co-generation. [Dissertation]