An investigation into the influence of river properties on Brown Trout habitat conditions

Bagnall, Adam (2016) An investigation into the influence of river properties on Brown Trout habitat conditions. [Dissertation]

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This particular investigation outlines the influence of river properties (river velocity, bedload and water quality) on Brown Trout (Salmo Trutta) habitat conditions on the River Noe. Having viewed earlier literature in terms of the brown trout and its habitat conditions and river properties, the forecasts for this study were that brown trout thrives in clear, well-oxygenated and unpolluted rivers. Also, it was forecasted that the brown trout succeeds in medium to fast flowing rivers or with bedload that is coarse and medium in size. Finally, predicting that the brown trout flourishes in rivers that have wide and deep river channels, but a sufficient amount of vegetation cover that is ideal for the Brown Trout as well.
This study was undertaken by recording the velocity of the river by the use of a flow metre and then going along the river to use the wolman walk 50 pebble count for the bedload of the river. As for the aspect of water quality, this can be measured by using a combination of beakers and measuring meters to recognize the water's pH scale, temperature, total oxygen content and electrical conductivity as well. The length of the river was split into relevant sites of study (twelve) to make it easier to record the relevant river properties and to give a balanced account of the river itself. When
the data is acquired from the investigation, it will be disclosed in a variety of graphs (line graphs / bar charts) and tables to help reflect and to define the patterns shown within the results of the study. Therefore, discovering from this study that there was a suitable amount of fieldwork sites that possessed the correct and suitable habitat conditions upon which the Brown Trout can flourish and thrive as a species. In recognizing that from site’s four to twelve is where the Brown trout as a fish species is going to thrive and flourish the most out of all the twelve fieldwork sites investigated. This is through these eight sites possessing habitat conditions that have a fairly fast flowing velocity, widening and deepened river channels, good pH level and dissolved oxygen content, suitable vegetation cover and the correct bedload size or type.

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