Home Research
Image Credit Header image: Artwork by Professor Lubaina Himid, CBE. Photo: @Denise Swanson
The research Repository - CLoK is currently accepting the bibliographic details and full-text of research by students and staff at the University of Central Lancashire. This content is either research output by staff as defined and approved by the UCLAN research Clusters, or theses submitted by research students to fulfill the requirements of a post-graduate degree award. These two types of material have separate deposit procedures available through the links below.
The Research Repository will accept most file types for deposit but we are adopting standard file formats to ensure the long term preservation of the material. For text files the standard file format is currently the PDF.
Most word processing packages have the functionality to create a basic PDF from an existing document. However, if you are a member of staff or a student at UCLAN, you can use Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro Extended to combine multiple files into one PDF, to add Optical Character Recognition (OCR, or to edit exisiting pdf files. In windows 7 Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro Extended is available from the 'Install a Program from the Network' Tool. Once you have the program installed on your UCLAN network account, you can use the 'Create' or 'Combine' options on the tool bar to create your files, and other functions including OCR text recognition is available from the 'Document' menu.
For help with Windows 7 and installing software please contact LIS Customer Support at (LISCustomerSupport@uclan.ac.uk) or Telephone 01772 89 5355.